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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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i take it you mean the blogger rather than penny? Haven't read the rest of the blog btw so might be shit for all i know ..
Oh yeah, she was mad for it - sihhi posted about it at the time, see if i can find the exact quotes.

Just looking at the other writer, a lot of these lefty-students stay students for an awful long time don't they?
Oh yeah, she was mad for it - sihhi posted about it at the time, see if i can find the exact quotes.

Just looking at the other writer, a lot of these lefty-students stay students for an awful long time don't they?

Lol yes. I haven't looked at her blog in detail but i know what you mean. Where does she say she's awl?
Oh yeah, she was mad for it - sihhi posted about it at the time, see if i can find the exact quotes.
of the people i know personally who thought the war was necessary i can't think of anyone who was happy over it.
I don't know what she was responding to from this one tweet - it doesn't look good out of any context that's true (whether it would look any better in context is an open question)
Cheers. That's rancid.
Sihhi in post #416 on march 25th.

sihhi said:
She has been justifying the aerial assaults over Libya on twitter. FFS as a journalist if you are not sure about something don't bloody spout it all around everywhere.
So there's more once the bombing and that got underway, I remember it but I'm fucked if I can find the posts.

But anyway...

Marx Reloaded – Laurie Penny and others at the ICA

To mark the release of the film Marx Reloaded, Laurie Penny, author of Penny Red: Notes from the New Age of Dissent, will be joining Paul Mason, Robin Blackburn and Jason Barker at the Institute of Contemporary Arts on the 15th February to discuss the issues raised in the film.

Marx Reloaded features “a stellar array of philosophers” and promises “an electrifying examination of the contemporary relevance of Karl Marx’s ideas for understanding the current global social and economic crisis.”
God help us, the Marxist revival, the old man really wouldn't like it...

btw, isn't Blackburn one of the original New Left who in the 00's supported the iraq war, etc, like Fred Halliday
I don't remember that treelover. Remember, Halliday supported the 1991 Gulf War. I think that may have been the result of a need to find a new idol to worship after the Wall fell. Blackburn was never a full-on Moscow fan, more of a Third Worldist, so I'd be slightly more surprised if he blotted his copybook that way. Or else Halliday was MI6 all along. Like Hitchens.
He's either taking the piss, or has fallen under the spell of the Pink Hair...

A friend of mine is friends with L.P. on facebook. Almost tempted to send her a message asking about the singing of the internationale and learning at journalism school not to talk about the o.b. on the first day....

"poetic license" eh.
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