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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Late at night, the platforms echo with the memory of thousands of city dwellers huddled together for shelter with the bombs of the Blitz overhead. Catching the last Bakerloo line home, you can almost see them, out of the corner of your eye, through the cracks in history: propped against one another, mindlessly tired.

No you can't.
I went to that ICA thing last night - pretty banal all round. Mason was quite interesting - serious fella if prone to techno-futurist pant wetting. Laurie was doing her usual "voice of a generation" schtick - she admitted to being no kind of theorist ("just writing what I see around me") but babbled on at great length without saying much more than "students are now in lots of debt", people are angry, blah blah. Nothing much to say on how that relates to Marx - which was the topic of the event. Robin Blackburn was a bit dull. The chair was awful - lacing trite observations with "as Hardt and Negri argued", or "as Alain Badiou has said recently" for no purpose.

What did I expect? :confused:
"Laurie is a writer of banalities"

Ahem, as a scribbler myself I'd firmly dispute your useage of the term 'writer' to describe exactly whay it is that she produces.

'Self-publicising, self-aggrandising, self-pitying jobbing hack, whose current public profile is infinitely more due to relentless self-promotion than actual writing ability, and who uses protest and activism as a means to further her climb up the greasy pole of corporate media' would be far more appropriate, albeit not quite so snappy.
I went to that ICA thing last night - pretty banal all round. Mason was quite interesting - serious fella if prone to techno-futurist pant wetting. Laurie was doing her usual "voice of a generation" schtick - she admitted to being no kind of theorist ("just writing what I see around me") but babbled on at great length without saying much more than "students are now in lots of debt", people are angry, blah blah. Nothing much to say on how that relates to Marx - which was the topic of the event. Robin Blackburn was a bit dull. The chair was awful - lacing trite observations with "as Hardt and Negri argued", or "as Alain Badiou has said recently" for no purpose.

What did I expect? :confused:
I take it that was Jason Barker who made the film and has done an English language intro to Badiou as he can't go 2 minutes without mentioning him. He's doing a follow up to Marx Reloaded called Marx Returns. Let's see if he can manage more than 50 minutes this time.
maybe - wasn't sure except he was both a shit chair and pretentious with it. Haven't seen the Marx Reloaded film itself yet - was told it was "disappointing, awful in places". So in no great rush.
I'm not anti-theory by any means - but it does make me chuckle when people take every utterance of some continential megastar to be loaded with genius. Badiou could fart and Barker et al would be saying how it illustrated the interruption of the event into the fabric of being whilst also stressing the radical singularity of affective resistance to the plurality and multiplicity of signfication etc.e tc.
I think it needs establishing that this Max Seddon is his kid - though everything points to it. Here he is arguing with Callinicos/dad over the riots. Odd for them just to happen to know each other...Also need to know if the Eton choice was when the prof was still 'with' the CEO.
If it is Prof C's son, it'll be fun to watch any ructions. I think Social Worker and Michael Rosen gave Diane Abbott a hard time over her son's private schooling. It might be a little different this time.

Perhaps he'll say he had no say in the lad's schooling, which is possible I suppose.

As in the Abbott case, though, I don't think the problem is that some parents want to buy a privileged education for their progeny. The problem is that they are in a position to do so.
As in the Abbott case, though, I don't think the problem is that some parents want to buy a privileged education for their progeny. The problem is that they are in a position to do so.
Bar all rich people from the SWP and the Labour Party?
I think it needs establishing that this Max Seddon is his kid - though everything points to it. Here he is arguing with Callinicos/dad over the riots. Odd for them just to happen to know each other...Also need to know if the Eton choice was when the prof was still 'with' the CEO.

Need a pic of him. If he's got ears like the handles of the FA Cup, we'll know. :p
Need a pic of him. If he's got ears like the handles of the FA Cup, we'll know. :p

Has it def been established it's his kid though? i think it does need establishing
proper aristocrats dont let the bloodline die out do they?

tbh if he has denied having kids i'd probably believe him because if it turns out he is lying then he's going to look like such an arsehole
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