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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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most of the trot books had gone today, but i took a punt on a few of what was left:

callinicos - southern africa after zimbabwe
tony cliff - the crisis, social contract or socialism
two volumes of a biography of trotsky by tony cliff
ian h. birchall - workers against the monolith, the communist parties since 1943
martin walker - the national front

all of them seem to be of an age...
Don't you get them for free?
I get some (not all, not by any stretch) new ones for free but not random old stuff. eg I'm just re-reading the Bornstein/Richardson 2 vol history of Trotskyism in Britain.

Still a sucker for the charity shop bookshelves
why are people so obsessed with her? her heart's in the right place, surely?
seems to be a veneer of reverse snobbery/misogyny running through parts of this thread.
This bit is brilliant.
""We were living like a scene from Withnail & I, except there was no space to move," she said. "It was very miserable. People get very depressed – that level of poverty has a bad effect on your mental health, it makes people feel that nothing will ever get better. I know that is the situation for a lot of people, but for young graduates, middle-class people, it is a real shock. It is not sufficiently recognised at all – how poor the rates are in the benefit system."
here, i don't see why people are so incredulous at this. she's middle class. poverty was a novelty to her. so what?
here, i don't see why people are so incredulous at this. she's middle class. poverty was a novelty to her. so what?
Now you've moved to something else and reveal that you're reading the thread backwards into the bargain.That generally works really well on the internet doesn't it? That really lends itslef to informed debate.
What do you mean by "a veneer of reverse snobbery"? I see her being criticised as an example of how class privilege works. Is that " reverse snobbery"?
forget about it, can't be arsed. was just expressing a suspicion of that clubbishness that's typical amongst many political types. it smells of prejudice to me.
i see a young writer whose heart is in the right place getting a kicking for the odd bit of naivety and gaucheness. i think she deserves a break. her and owen jones seem to be the only leftwing commentators the mainstream press want to speak to at the mo, so i think a bit of solidarity wouldn't go amiss.
forget about it, can't be arsed. was just expressing a suspicion of that clubbishness that's typical amongst many political types. it smells of prejudice to me.
i see a young writer whose heart is in the right place getting a kicking for the odd bit of naivety and gaucheness. i think she deserves a break. her and owen jones seem to be the only leftwing commentators the mainstream press want to speak to at the mo, so i think a bit of solidarity wouldn't go amiss.
Then you, OU you lazy lazy cunt have not read the thread,don't know what people are talking about and the many irrelevant crimes is guilty of but though you'd get on your white steed anyway. You didn't express a suspicion did you? You did a bit more than that.You identified two posts as misogynistic as examples of the tone of the thread - now you 'can't be arsed'. Poor show.
here, i don't see why people are so incredulous at this. she's middle class. poverty was a novelty to her. so what?
Middle class people from sheltered lives get broadsheet columns to reveal that they're sheltered, in order to be read by people from similarly comfortable backgrounds. Hardly surprising, but still shit; still a sign that this paper is all about middle class titillation. And this from the supposedly leftie Guardian and supposedly leftie Penny Red. If the alternative radical journalists are so proud of being sheltered and out of touch, what does that say about media radicalism in the UK today, and its chances of being at all in touch with the needs of those really suffering from the current government's policies?
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