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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Well I've just found this place. It's an absolute delight. I was only ever aware of la Penny as a mild but largely irrelevant irritant in the Toynbee mode; ie. grossly over privileged, lacking any affinity with genuine deprivation, but hoping that half-arsed stunts in the Orwell "down and Out" trope would somehow overshadow her ridiculously haute bourgeois origins.

This has really opened my eyes...and I've only read 10 pages. What a self-serving, careerist fraud she is. Obviously my assessment is informed by my misogyny and my rank jealousy, but none the less...what a fuckin disgrace she is.
I've read a few of her pieces now. What struck me is the blindingly obvious fact that her overwrought prose style is clearly massively influenced by Hitchens. She must have read everything he wrote. The more of her I read, the more convinced I became. Obviously, she'd never acknowledge the fact, but it's friggin plain as day.

She's very sad on the whole and a political and economic naïf. I especially loved this...
#Precisely, which is why it's so important for journalists to build new networks that undercut old privilege systems.#

Obviously, I'm just one of those unreconstructed dinosaurs who can't come to terms with the fact that a system in which ex public school, Oxbridge types cause the inequality, write about how dreadful it is, and then lead the 'popular' dissent isn't really incestuous...it's just that I'm in thrall to 'old privilege' paradigms and can't see how how liberating and inclusive it is to read the deluded musings of silly little rich girls.

If you build it, he will come
Then take that up with spanky. I'm commenting on your use of it.

Ah so When Spanky uses it it's okay, when I use it, it's naughty, or something. Do you even have a rational coherent thought program running around that feeble withered organ sitting atop your shoulders?
Ah so When Spanky uses it it's okay, when I use it, it's naughty, or something. Do you even have a rational coherent thought program running around that feeble withered organ sitting atop your shoulders?
When did i say it was OK?
Off the thread 8den. This one is for exposing the idiocy behind decent people and their help.

RAH RAH RAH RAH, I'm butchersapron self appointed sheriff of this thread, and I don't see the irony of trying to bully others about their opinions, while proclaiming myself as a anarchist.
RAH RAH RAH RAH, I'm butchersapron self appointed sheriff of this thread, and I don't see the irony of trying to bully others about their opinions, while proclaiming myself as a anarchist.
Is your mammy away this weekend, is there someone who looks after you who we can talk to?

Off the thread. Now.
*Real revolutions, I mean, not these fake 'colour' ones or 'springs' where another faction of the same miserable bunch of gangsters get swept to power by those who'll be repaid with favours, the naive, the apolitical and the lost.

why should laurie be lectured by you, with that glib shite?
So you wanted to go to Oxford, fine. Why make out in 2012 that you were informed that you would be applying, 'no question'. Why no mention in the 2012 article that you wanted to go? why the omission?

Why did you say that in 2003 you had been informed by a teacher that you would be applying as though it was some kind of imposition put on you, when a year earlier in 2002 you had already expressed your desire to go there?

McCarthy lives.
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