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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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So leave Laurie alone :mad:

I'll leave Laurie alone, but I'm making no promises about Dave...

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar monty.

Monty ! That brings back find memories

Part 4:

The sign over the door had been there for years. It read Monty’sVideo shop in red letter on a black background and underneath the name of the shop the rather catching strap line that Monty had invented himself ‘ Independent anarchism to the discerning masses’ For years Monty had provided both locals into routine anarchism and those who travelled from a far looking for something homemade and unusual with his own unique anarchism. However as he looked across the green his brow frowned. The English Anarchist Company were opening a branch of Herbert Reads nearby. And not just any store but a mega one with a drive in.

“The bloody area will be full of lifestylists and G8 types” muttered Monty. His attention was quickly caught by some frantic activity outside his shop. It was Cockers and the Fifth International. They were holding a meeting outside the Tanning Centre and the Pound Shop to build a new mass party of the working class. He banged on the window, "Take that Red Flag off my bit of the pavement and if that ballon with a hammer and sickel bobs up against ny window again I'll put a bloody knife in it", he shouted.

Cockers was resolute and defiant, "it's not your bit of pavement Mr Video it belongs to the Council and my mum pays her council tax and says that we are allowed to use it. "

Monty had a reputation for being resourceful , he had a copyrighted the Black Bloc look , had exclusive rights on the latest designs of black hoodies, scarves, bandanas and ballaclavas all made at a collective sweatshop of ageing streetworkers near the docks in Rotterdam.
His latest venture was settinmg up a subsidiary company ; Squats R Us, an anarchist estate agents. He advertised local properties that he could if there was demand set up as a squat and had recently inested in a few tree houses in the country and some tunnels near Manchester Airport.

Recently he had purchased one hundred cardboard boxes which the poor and unemployed could rent for a pound a week. The rent was cheap as tenants would , as part of the discounted rent, have to rent out dogs on a bit of string and sell Monty’s magazine ‘Precariousness Today’. Monty also supplied them with cider made from locally scrumped apples. “And they say there isn’t an underclass” mused Monty.

The door bell tinkled and Monty peered through to the front of the shop. “Bloody hell , its Attica!” he sighed, and quickly stopped his podcast to a remote tribe in New Guinea and hid his copy of the Guardian.

“My dear boy. What can I assist you with?” beamed Monty disengenously. “is it not enough that without political party or organizational structure that the working class spontaneously occupies social space and sets up liberated zones in Cheadle High Street?”

Monty waved his arm nonchalently in the direction of a man in a public phone box and a couple on the bench on the green.

He kept a close eye on Attica's hands and pockets as since his head wound sustained in active service with the Provisonal wing of the Clown Army he had a tendency to liberate, not being able to distinguish between different forms of property right

“I have something to tell you” said Attica quickly replacing a book that he had noticed that monty had seen him remove from the table. “Last night I was visited by an apparition of EP Thompson, he gave me a message.”

Monty , still smiling , pulled up an armchair poured a brandy and lit a cigar “This may take some time “ he thought “ but who am I to turn away an apprentice of the class struggle?”.

"Come and tell me all about it Attica"

Attica was engaged in a lengthy and somewhat haphazard campaign to decriminalise crime on the grounds that if it was legal then meant that people wouldn’t be attracted to it purely because it was illegal and then had to break the law to feed their habit. He was also the branch secretary of the local imaginary NUM.

When Attica had finished, Monty led forward and whispered in his ear “But what you will do then is to remove the very factor that makes the class, THE class”

Attica went silent and then pale. In the background a shadow fell over him and the church bells chimed mournfully. Out of the corner of his eye he thought he saw, the shadow of a raven................

To be continued
Their weak liberalism will never penetrate the solid outer defences to the monothought clique.

"My wings are like a shield of steel".

Can I say I regret making that toilet comment as it did give LP an excuse not to engage with some of the more politically sophisticated posters on here. Although, in fairness I had no way of knowing she was going to turn up in person that very day. Particularly bad timing since I rarely if ever comment on this thread.

Just to clarify though - Suggesting someone looks like they might punch above their weight in the bathroom smells dept has fuck all to do with gender. Ken Barlow, for example, looks like not only would his odure have a half life of several millennia, but he'd actually leave a lightish brown stool floating in the pan, possibly with undigested bits of carrot clearly visible in it's hull.
View attachment 26203
"My wings are like a shield of steel".

Can I say I regret making that toilet comment as it did give LP an excuse not to engage with some of the more politically sophisticated posters on here. Although, in fairness I had no way of knowing she was going to turn up in person that very day. Particularly bad timing since I rarely if ever comment on this thread.

Just to clarify though - Suggesting someone looks like they might punch above their weight in the bathroom smells dept has fuck all to do with gender. Ken Barlow, for example, looks like not only would his odure have a half life of several millennia, but he's actually leave a lightish brown stool floating in the pan, possibly with undigested bits of carrot clearly visible in it's hull.
Fucking hell. has laurie been back?

i do agree about some of the stupid comments, but the fact that she's ignored the political points, plus the fact that this thread is not really about her but about that "milieu" very telling
What's the monothought clique's party line on this latest LP piece, where she responds to the disabled reader who was threatening to take her own life in protest against the ConDems?


I thought it was rather good, actually. . .

Generally quite good but bits and pieces really stick out in a bad way:

. I’m writing to you now not as a journalist, but as a human being, a former carer and a person who has experienced depression

So what's this doing in the New Statesman?

which is a shame cos bits like this:

When society tells you that you are worth less because you are unwell, that’s society’s fault, not yours. They may be pursuing a doctrine of shame, but that doesn’t mean you have to feel ashamed. You have no reason whatsoever to feel ashamed. You are not a burden, and you are not a scrounger - you are just unwell.

are good..
Like SpookyFrank I really don't like the style of her writing generally.
Fucking hell. has laurie been back?

i do agree about some of the stupid comments, but the fact that she's ignored the political points, plus the fact that this thread is not really about her but about that "milieu" very telling

that's not surprising given the offense taken
It wasn't an omission, because that article wasn't about me - it was about how private schools construct and perpetuate class privilege. The fact that anyone bright is automatically put on the oxbridge route unless and sometimes even if they raise serious objections is part of that process.
I don't agree. I was offered the chance to apply for Oxford and I declined. The school was fine with it, my parents were fine with it and I was fine with it. But then I went to a state school.
Well, perhaps, but it doesn't read like her usual stuff.

E2A: I wonder what the ignored advice referred to above was?
Iirc, she was advised to contact the samaritans and mental health professionals as exploiting a vulnerable person in this way is a bit selfish and sick.
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