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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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If I walk toward you holding a fire extinguisher over my head,

What if you're not walking you're not walking you're charging towards the landrove.

and you're sat in a police Landie with wire screens over the windows, how do I pose an imminent threat to you, unless you're a hunter from South Park?

The screens were already broken during the attack.


See that image, you can clearly see there is no screen, and a window has already been smashed. The mob was attacking the landrover already.

The answer, of course, is that I don't. Given that you're sat in a reinforced vehicle, are wearing riot gear and are armed, I pose no threat to you.

Yes because you're fucking robocop. I'm sure the pilots of the Blackhawks that went down in Somali thought everything would be peachy when their copter went down, after all they were in a reinforced vehicle wearing body armour and armed, so the were naturally invulnerable.

This is basic threat assessment. This is what squaddies were taught (and most of them learned) in Northern Ireland - You don't shoot the bloke fronting up to you, chucking rocks at you or pulling other aggressive shit (unless you're a Para, obviously) because frankly he's not a threat when you have the ability to blow holes in him. There was no need for the Carabinieri to shoot.

Yes. I imagine if you're thirty yards away and surrounded my your unit theres no need to shoot. However if you're in a range rover surrounded by a violent mob attacking you, well just be like fucking Gandhi.

Copliker butchers et all misrepresent me, all I've ever said that a degree of culpability falls at Guiliano's feet. You can't be part of vicious violent mob and then not expect the police (particularly a military police based on conscription) armed with firearms not to use deadly force when attacked.
It was a Land Rover, and he wasn't attacking, he hadn't actually attacked when he had his face shot.

Well the make and model is important. ;)

How do you know he hadn't attacked it before, the sequence of photos aside there's no evidence that Guiliano wasn't part of the mob that attacked the "Land Rover" before the photo was take. It was already damaged. And how do you charge at something with a heavy object over your shoulders and claim it was self defence?
8den go away with this stuff. Wrong thread.

Sorry who brought up this shit in the first place, you and your fucking cheerleader squad.* If you don't like my opinion on Laurie, or Laura or whatever, don't start throwing shit at me from Genoa, or whatever when I voice a opinion that seems to disagree with you and your gang.

Oh and for the record, "go away with this stuff" awfully fash for a anarchist there butchs.

*And tell Copliker if he's going to wear the outfit at least shave his fucking legs.
Iirc, she was advised to contact the samaritans and mental health professionals as exploiting a vulnerable person in this way is a bit selfish and sick.

That may go to some way to explain why I had a couple of MH workers follow me after that comment was retweeted.

This woman DM too but she must have deleted it as it doesn't come up:


I think you could be onto something.

Actually, looking at their page I think they're a poster here!
Sorry who brought up this shit in the first place, you and your fucking cheerleader squad.* If you don't like my opinion on Laurie, or Laura or whatever, don't start throwing shit at me from Genoa, or whatever when I voice a opinion that seems to disagree with you and your gang.

Oh and for the record, "go away with this stuff" awfully fash for a anarchist there butchs.

*And tell Copliker if he's going to wear the outfit at least shave his fucking legs.

don't be so stupid
don't be so stupid

So to be clear, If I respond to this thread, and on topic and have a load of off topic stuff thrown at me, thats okay. But if I respond to this off topic stuff, and butchers tells me thats not relevant, and I point out the hypocrisy, it's "so stupid".

Really for many urbans if they didn't have double standards they'd have no standards.
Sorry who brought up this shit in the first place, you and your fucking cheerleader squad.* If you don't like my opinion on Laurie, or Laura or whatever, don't start throwing shit at me from Genoa, or whatever when I voice a opinion that seems to disagree with you and your gang.

Oh and for the record, "go away with this stuff" awfully fash for a anarchist there butchs.

*And tell Copliker if he's going to wear the outfit at least shave his fucking legs.
Shall i answer the question. Ok not me - i didn't. Didn't mention it. And then you invented a quote. And now we're here. With you needing to get off this thread.
Iirc, she was advised to contact the samaritans and mental health professionals as exploiting a vulnerable person in this way is a bit selfish and sick.

Andy Barton ‏@onthecouchagain
@anticameron she is exploiting a clearly vulnerable person. Should have tried to get them to seek help, not stick them in the new statesman

@findlater225 @PennyRed sought advice on here.consensus-refer 2 Samaritans.Hope her selfinterest doesn't harm ths poor person @MrHarryCole
So to be clear, If I respond to this thread, and on topic and have a load of off topic stuff thrown at me, thats okay. But if I respond to this off topic stuff, and butchers tells me thats not relevant, and I point out the hypocrisy, it's "so stupid".

Really for many urbans if they didn't have double standards they'd have no standards.

I was commenting on your idiotic use of the term "fash".
You know, don't you, that this is why we can't have nice things. Like a revolution.

Since when was revolution nice?*

*Real revolutions, I mean, not these fake 'colour' ones or 'springs' where another faction of the same miserable bunch of gangsters get swept to power by those who'll be repaid with favours, the naive, the apolitical and the lost.
I was commenting on your idiotic use of the term "fash".

Actually I used the term "fash" because spanky longhorn, in post 6672, said "fuck off fash boy" directed at me, because I had the temerity to suggest a violent anarchist was at least partially culpable for his death, in Genoa.
Actually I used the term "fash" because spanky longhorn, in post 6672, said "fuck off fash boy" directed at me, because I had the temerity to suggest a violent anarchist was at least partially culpable for his death, in Genoa.

Then take that up with spanky. I'm commenting on your use of it.
Since when was revolution nice?*

*Real revolutions, I mean, not these fake 'colour' ones or 'springs' where another faction of the same miserable bunch of gangsters get swept to power by those who'll be repaid with favours, the naive, the apolitical and the lost.
Since she's not coming back, I'll sort of defend her and guess that she doesn't literally mean revolutions are nice, - 'why we can't have nice things' is just one of those annoying meme yokes some people have a habit of lazily drawing on, even when they should know better, especially when they're supposed to be writers and should be striving to avoid cliches and the like.
Well I've just found this place. It's an absolute delight. I was only ever aware of la Penny as a mild but largely irrelevant irritant in the Toynbee mode; ie. grossly over privileged, lacking any affinity with genuine deprivation, but hoping that half-arsed stunts in the Orwell "down and Out" trope would somehow overshadow her ridiculously haute bourgeois origins.

This has really opened my eyes...and I've only read 10 pages. What a self-serving, careerist fraud she is. Obviously my assessment is informed by my misogyny and my rank jealousy, but none the less...what a fuckin disgrace she is.
I've read a few of her pieces now. What struck me is the blindingly obvious fact that her overwrought prose style is clearly massively influenced by Hitchens. She must have read everything he wrote. The more of her I read, the more convinced I became. Obviously, she'd never acknowledge the fact, but it's friggin plain as day.

She's very sad on the whole and a political and economic naïf. I especially loved this...
#Precisely, which is why it's so important for journalists to build new networks that undercut old privilege systems.#

Obviously, I'm just one of those unreconstructed dinosaurs who can't come to terms with the fact that a system in which ex public school, Oxbridge types cause the inequality, write about how dreadful it is, and then lead the 'popular' dissent isn't really incestuous...it's just that I'm in thrall to 'old privilege' paradigms and can't see how how liberating and inclusive it is to read the deluded musings of silly little rich girls.
Well I've just found this place. It's an absolute delight. I was only ever aware of la Penny as a mild but largely irrelevant irritant in the Toynbee mode; ie. grossly over privileged, lacking any affinity with genuine deprivation, but hoping that half-arsed stunts in the Orwell "down and Out" trope would somehow overshadow her ridiculously haute bourgeois origins.

This has really opened my eyes...and I've only read 10 pages. What a self-serving, careerist fraud she is. Obviously my assessment is informed by my misogyny and my rank jealousy, but none the less...what a fuckin disgrace she is.
I've read a few of her pieces now. What struck me is the blindingly obvious fact that her overwrought prose style is clearly massively influenced by Hitchens. She must have read everything he wrote. The more of her I read, the more convinced I became. Obviously, she'd never acknowledge the fact, but it's friggin plain as day.

She's very sad on the whole and a political and economic naïf. I especially loved this...
#Precisely, which is why it's so important for journalists to build new networks that undercut old privilege systems.#

Obviously, I'm just one of those unreconstructed dinosaurs who can't come to terms with the fact that a system in which ex public school, Oxbridge types cause the inequality, write about how dreadful it is, and then lead the 'popular' dissent isn't really incestuous...it's just that I'm in thrall to 'old privilege' paradigms and can't see how how liberating and inclusive it is to read the deluded musings of silly little rich girls.

Since she's not coming back, I'll sort of defend her and guess that she doesn't literally mean revolutions are nice, - 'why we can't have nice things' is just one of those annoying meme yokes some people have a habit of lazily drawing on, even when they should know better, especially when they're supposed to be writers and should be striving to avoid cliches and the like.

Pity she's not coming back-I was going to mention that I'm pretty much the exception on here in not giving a toss what she does or doesn't get up to as, like nearly everbody else (literally), I wouldn't even know about it, or her, if it wasn't for this thread. And none of it will make any difference to anything anyway.

It's the way it is, suckers.
Pity she's not coming back-I was going to mention that I'm pretty much the exception on here in not giving a toss what she does or doesn't get up to as, like nearly everbody else (literally), I wouldn't even know about it, or her, if it wasn't for this thread. And none of it will make any difference to anything anyway.

It's the way it is, suckers.
Was that your tenth anniversary clip show?
Guess what, Laurie, old stick. I work for a living, too. It's just I work at home with a 3 year old, doing dishes and cleaning the bathroom and hoovering and playing catch and washing preposterous amounts of clothes and fussing the dog and reading stories and stuff like that. I can also go on the internet now and again. Sorry I've not been to Greece to make art or Brooklyn to see breakdancing black kids and rewriting "We are the world" lately. I've been a bit busy. I can ALWAYS make time to call "bullshit", though.

Yes, but Laura may have been to paradise but she's never been to her.
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