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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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That's it. I'm done.

Not even gonna bother answering these then?

Now I've answered Laurie's questions in good faith, perhaps you'd return the favour and answer a few of mine?

1) What do you think about the spat between the NUJ and the New Statesman? Are you a member of the NUJ?

2) Did the decision to run the advert from the homophobic christian group in the New Statesman make you reconsider working for them? And do you know where the proceeds of said advertisement ended up?

3) Why did you give Stephen Lennon of the EDL a platform, at a point when the EDL is in terminal decline and where his agenda, ie using you and other journalists to try and revive it (whilst getting a good free scran too) was blatant from the outset?

Laurie Penny, she who gives platforms to fascists and who works for a scabbing, homophobic liberal paper, scratching her head with bemusement at why a forum riddled with anarchists, anti-fascists, socialists and trade unionists are often critical of her.

The one thing they definitely don't teach in Oxbridge is self-awareness.
Sorry, have I hurt your feelings? Let me remind you that I found this thread when I was directed to a cartoon that contained a funny joke about anarchists and socialists beating 'me' up. Let me remind you that I receive real threats of violence on a daily basis, and getting this wasn't funny at all.

How about I stop calling you misogynists when your scraps of reasoned critique aren't awash with spiteful bullshit and comments on my appearance and sneery, creepy sexual comments? How about I stop you calling you misogynists when the so-called left stops attacking any woman at all who dares to show any evidence of ego or confidence in public?

I'm sure that in your hearts you believe you're not misogynists. But you sure as hell seem to hate any woman with a platform.

That's it. I'm done.


'I don't like being questioned or fact-checked so I'm taking my bat and ball home.'

And for somebody that doesn't like being the subject of insults, you certainly don't seem to mind using them when it suits you. Personally, I don't give a toss about the gender, race, class, geographical location, nationality or any other demographic when it comes to journalists or anyone else. I do give a toss about:

Poor journalism involving low-quality prose, fabrication of 'facts', blaming sub-editors when a journalist is caught out, the hypocrisy of hacks endlessly wanting to stick their nose wherever they want and then complaining when they're subject to similar scrutiny, people using good causes as a career move and ego-boost, people who meet even constructive criticism and comment either by ignoring it or by smearing people as bigots/evildoers/haters/inert insult here, and people who claim to be some self-appointed 'voice of activists' even when the activists concerned wouldn't touch them with a bargepole and hacks who think that they themselves are always the star and whatever story they're covering is less important than they are.
Seriously, that's your answer? Women do it too so it can't be sexist?

Ah, the glorious British left and its powers of persuasive reasoning. Good grief I regret ever having offended you.

TBF there has been some misogyny on here, but it has been jumped on and I think you're just throwing it as an accusation to ignore the substantive points about your enormously privileged background and why posing as the champion of a working class you don't know might irk people a bit.
when the so-called left stops attacking any woman Privately educated Oxbridge graduates at all who dares to show any evidence of ego or confidence in public?

I'm sure that in your hearts you believe you're not misogynists. But you sure as hell seem to hate any woman Privately educated Oxbridge graduates with a platform.

That's it. I'm done.
aerial assaults over Libya:

NFZ was actually demonstrated for in Benghazi.
Tweet earlier - can't find it now, bit pissed - surmising this thread, being "lefties" attacking our Laurie, must by a process of elimination, be "Blairites". :D

ETA: Must be said (I've just found it) surmiser an American. A new market for Laura.
I'm just disappointed she didn't answer my questions :(

I feel sorry for class-struggle anarchists, a quick look on the internet tells me that this reformist privilge theory shite is gonna be hegemonic over here in a few years, and all that was once great about anarchism will be forgotten and reduced to a pale imitation of Laurie Penny.
She'll be back... an ego like that can't get enough of herself, whether its negative or positive attention she's getting.

Do you reckon? She seems to be used to addressing a mass audience rather than individual posters. She barely responded to some posters ardour at all.
Owen Jones was described on BBC This Week last night as "Hard Left". The Overton Window gets smashed.

Hard Left? The poor lad is a middling Labourite social democrat who seems to have a good heart. Anyone accusing him of being "Hard left" is frankly a bit Peter Hitchens!

Hello, VP, by the way. You alright?

Getting by, mate. :D How's yourself?
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