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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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It wasn't an omission, because that article wasn't about me - it was about how private schools construct and perpetuate class privilege. The fact that anyone bright is automatically put on the oxbridge route unless and sometimes even if they raise serious objections is part of that process.
Why didn't you leave instead of getting on so well that you did pantos?
Posh schools aren't 'smart' schools by the way. They churn out exam results, sure, but some of the thickest fuckers I've ever met got straight As at private schools. You don't really need to be smart with the best education money can buy.

It's not just that though, it's to inculcate the offspring of the wealthy and well-to-do with a bulletproof sense of confidence and self-worth.

The number of times I've heard people with nice RP accents who went to the right schools blathering on with some witless drivel, but getting away with it beacuse of this overwhelming sense of self-assuredness that they say it with, man it fucking infuriates me.
Sorry, have I hurt your feelings? Let me remind you that I found this thread when I was directed to a cartoon that contained a funny joke about anarchists and socialists beating 'me' up. Let me remind you that I receive real threats of violence on a daily basis, and getting this wasn't funny at all.

How about I stop calling you misogynists when your scraps of reasoned critique aren't awash with spiteful bullshit and comments on my appearance and sneery, creepy sexual comments? How about I stop you calling you misogynists when the so-called left stops attacking any woman at all who dares to show any evidence of ego or confidence in public?

I'm sure that in your hearts you believe you're not misogynists. But you sure as hell seem to hate any woman with a platform.

That's it. I'm done.
why would it have been a problem not to want to go to oxford? nobody forces you to go, or to apply there, there are people who get offered a place and then turn it down

It's those poor oppressed posh kids being forced to get an education most of us could only dream of :(

That's miles worse than the normals, they just get laughed at when they tell their careers advisor they're thinking about A levels.
Can you stop calling us misogynists please? Look at the rest of the site ffs. We know you get a load of genuinely awful shit from filth elsewhere but sexism is not tolerated here and in fact one of this thread's large derails was about taking a certain Labour party hack to task about some unacceptable shit he came out with about a LibDem guardian woman (who shall remain nameless for fear of further derail lunacy)

Indie, IIRC, not the Guardian.
"Labour party hack" is accurate, though. :D
Sorry, have I hurt your feelings? Let me remind you that I found this thread when I was directed to a cartoon that contained a funny joke about anarchists and socialists beating 'me' up. Let me remind you that I receive real threats of violence on a daily basis, and getting this wasn't funny at all.

How about I stop calling you misogynists when your scraps of reasoned critique aren't awash with spiteful bullshit and comments on my appearance and sneery, creepy sexual comments? How about I stop you calling you misogynists when the so-called left stops attacking any woman at all who dares to show any evidence of ego or confidence in public?

I'm sure that in your hearts you believe you're not misogynists. But you sure as hell seem to hate any woman with a platform.

That's it. I'm done.

you mean the cartoon that received an almost unanimous 'leave it out, that's wrong' response on this very thread?
Sorry, have I hurt your feelings? Let me remind you that I found this thread when I was directed to a cartoon that contained a funny joke about anarchists and socialists beating 'me' up. Let me remind you that I receive real threats of violence on a daily basis, and getting this wasn't funny at all.

How about I stop calling you misogynists when your scraps of reasoned critique aren't awash with spiteful bullshit and comments on my appearance and sneery, creepy sexual comments? How about I stop you calling you misogynists when the so-called left stops attacking any woman at all who dares to show any evidence of ego or confidence in public?

I'm sure that in your hearts you believe you're not misogynists. But you sure as hell seem to hate any woman with a platform.

That's it. I'm done.

Is that all you've got? I was really expecting something more original.
why would it have been a problem not to want to go to oxford? nobody forces you to go, or to apply there, there are people who get offered a place and then turn it down

She was cock-a-fucking-hoop about going to Oxford in 2002, there was never a chance that she would turn down a place there, but in 2012 for the sake of journalistic expediency she invented a story that suggested a degree of coercion in her choice of university.
But you sure as hell seem to hate any woman with a platform.

You really don't get it do you? It's god fuck all - absolutely fuck all - to do with your gender. It's about using your massive privilege (I notice you never talk about class when you're on a privilege one, funny that eh?) as a springboard to becoming the voice of people you'll never understand. It's about you constantly playing the victim when called on it.

And it's about the fucking disgraceful way you use the one or 2 dodgy comments made by twats to smear us all - that's inexcusible.

You're pathetic Laurie. Truly pathetic.
Sorry, have I hurt your feelings? Let me remind you that I found this thread when I was directed to a cartoon that contained a funny joke about anarchists and socialists beating 'me' up. Let me remind you that I receive real threats of violence on a daily basis, and getting this wasn't funny at all.

How about I stop calling you misogynists when your scraps of reasoned critique aren't awash with spiteful bullshit and comments on my appearance and sneery, creepy sexual comments? How about I stop you calling you misogynists when the so-called left stops attacking any woman at all who dares to show any evidence of ego or confidence in public?

I'm sure that in your hearts you believe you're not misogynists. But you sure as hell seem to hate any woman with a platform.

That's it. I'm done.

What horseshit. Did you even see how this cartoon was treated in this thread? It wasn't cheered, even by those who saw it for what it was. There are also several female posters on this thread alone, let alone elsewhere on this forum, and they are not "attacked" for their gender. AT ALL.

How about you read the thread, respond to criticisms, actually engage with people, talk to us?

"Woman with a platform." Get down off it for a bit. Eye-level.
She was cock-a-fucking-hoop about going to Oxford in 2002, there was never a chance that she would turn down a place there, but in 2012 for the sake of journalistic expediency she invented a story that suggested a degree of coercion in her choice of university.

Whilst giving herself a pat on the back for being the smartest kid in a smart school.
She was cock-a-fucking-hoop about going to Oxford in 2002, there was never a chance that she would turn down a place there, but in 2012 for the sake of journalistic expediency she invented a story that suggested a degree of coercion in her choice of university.

Sounds like she was under a lot of social pressure when she was younger. That could have been part of her illness. Only she really knows.
If nothing else, Laurie, if you don't read and understand and even get a VAGUE idea of why this thread exists (this thread which is NOT ostensibly about you and you alone), then just know that a major problem is that for all your causes and shouting and righteous anger etc the perception of you is that you're still one of THEM, speaking first and foremost about and for us, and not to us. Like so many others. It's easy to bounce in and out of other people's struggles. That on its own wouldn't be too much of a problem as far as provoking ire was concerned. But to appropriate these struggles as your own; well, it might fool more impressionable people than on these pages but here it doesn't wash.

Hiya Sticky! Good to see ya!
It's not even as if the appropriation is always done knowingly, but it is generally the case that when a "name" attaches themselves to a cause, the cause can suffer because of it. Non-activists only tend to see this sort of thing as "personality does favour to cause", rather than as "personality draws short-term attention to cause and to self, cause suffers in longer term".
And yeah, being spoken for has always stuck in my craw, ever since a paper-selling type back in the '70s told me that "people like you" should be organising politically against the skinheads stalking our estates, rather than kicking the shit out of them. :facepalm: What the fuck did he know?
Actually, I did leave. I was hospitalised for health problems (anorexia) and spent almost the entirety of my last school year in hospital.
Not because you opposed the privilige (which you oddly think only happened when you were 19 -oh whopaid the fees feom 9t hen?).Oh what tangled web
it's not about women - plenty of people who have replied to this thread are women, and plenty of people have challenged sexist shite, yes, there is sexism on here, but there's a difference between -ah fuck it

Seriously, that's your answer? Women do it too so it can't be sexist?

Ah, the glorious British left and its powers of persuasive reasoning. Good grief I regret ever having offended you.
Seriously, that's your answer? Women do it too so it can't be sexist?

Ah, the glorious British left and its powers of persuasive reasoning. Good grief I regret ever having offended you.

No. Women who bother to try to engage are not treated in the way you are upset about. Men who behave in the same way get the same response on here. It's really nothing to do with gender in this case. Yes there has been some bollocks but it has been challenged robustly.
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