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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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1. what are we hoping to achieve from this thread?

easy, a place where we actually have an area to criticise and critique the constant wave of middle class public school types who tell us they know what is best for the working classes whilst not listening to us, and then have a pop because we disagree and expect us to put aside our problems with your misunderstanding of the needs of the working classes in order to do things your way. in a way that benefits uh... not us. two words: New Labour. that's where it got us, another bucket of sick to drink. a different flavour of sick, top notch. stop poncing about being cool and telling everyone what they should do and start spending some time with real people not cool fashionable people.

catharsis. that's the word i was looking for.

i'm sure you mean well though. that's a good thing.
i'm sure you mean well though. that's a good thing.

At the risk of being called a "rimjob cunt" by butchers again, I know one or two people in real life who've met Laurie, and they all say she's very nice and sincere on a person-to-person basis.
At the risk of being called a "rimjob cunt" by butchers again, I know one or two people in real life who've met Laurie, and they all say she's very nice and sincere on a person-to-person basis.

i sure she is. most people off the internet have turned out to be nice and sincere. i don't doubt she means it. lots of people on the left mean it, but they're still no good for the movement. like the antisemites and lizard-fighters who infested occupy.
So what? What are we talking about here?

Take note VP, first up against the wall when the staple gun starts firing. The revolution will not be televised but rather sold as a pamphlet :(

It'll take more than a few staples to pierce my thick proletarian hide, comrade steph!
Who's publishing the pamphlet, by the way? I hope it's not the Kate Sharpley Library. I think their layout-wallah goes at the sauce a bit heavily! :(
So what? What are we talking about here?

Oh aye I'm just saying.

I met Peter Taffe too y'know. He was very nice, bought me a pint.

And my old A-level History teacher, who was invovled in Irish politics on the republican side, during his life had met both Martin McGuinness and Ian Paisley. Out of the two, Ian Paisley was far more affable.

Which is astonishing when you consider Paisley literally thought the man was going to burn in hell for all eternity, whereas McGuinness was fighting for his freedom and liberation.

Lesson? It doesn't matter if you're nice.
You do suffer the risk of scribblers publicly blaming you for subbing their work so incompetently that it leaves a false impression, though, to be fair...

One bastard got a new, better-paying job at another paper on the strength of my making his tortured prose readable, the swine! :D
The only good thing was that he gave up journalism and went into PR a few years later, thus proving his fitness for a place on THE LIST. ;)
One bastard got a new, better-paying job at another paper on the strength of my making his tortured prose readable, the swine! :D
The only good thing was that he gave up journalism and went into PR a few years later, thus proving his fitness for a place on THE LIST. ;)

I did press spokesman work for a couple of groups during my activist days. Does that mean I'm on The List or does my having gone from gamekeeper to poacher save me from making said List?
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