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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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You used my dying cat to attack me. You're cool.

Yeah because I cast the first stone in our little feud. No wait that was you.

See Laurie, Butchers is the kind of person who if petty internet grudges were pennies he would be sorted for his pension.
I think it means those political dinosaurs who drone on about class and that rather than a load of trendy identity politics.

Fuck identity politics up the arse with a jackhammer. It was ruinous enough the first time round, given that it pretty much destroyed 3 decades of black solidarity in less than a single decade. I hate to think what a resurgence will do, because just like last time, it'll ignore class in favour of more immediate and perceptible difference. :( :facepalm: :(
A landmark in urban75 history. Sincerely honoured to witness it :)

Yeah, but it would be nice if she chose to address Delroy's (and others) straightforward and direct questions... Mind you, finding a thread like this is bound to be a bit freaky and end up feeling like you personally are being attacked. Maybe later, when it's sunk in...? maybe?
I feel sorry for class-struggle anarchists, a quick look on the internet tells me that this reformist privilge theory shite is gonna be hegemonic over here in a few years, and all that was once great about anarchism will be forgotten and reduced to a pale imitation of Laurie Penny.

No I don't think so.

What I think is actually happening is really interesting privilige theory is forcing itself into the mainstream and basically renewing and revisiitng all the arguments that happened in the eighties with regards to liberation politics and they will be receptive to it because it sidelines class politics which had kind of sneaked back in a little to the mainstream in recent years for a variety of reasons.

Of course the privilige stuff (which is not all bollocks imo) will be reflected back into the anarchoid scene which helped smuggle it in in the first place, but the continued marginalisation and decline of class struggle anarchism will be down to class struggle anarchists not other elements of the scene.
Yeah, but it would be nice if she chose to address Delroy's (and others) straightforward and direct questions... Mind you, finding a thread like this is bound to be a bit freaky and end up feeling like you personally are being attacked. Maybe later, when it's sunk in...? maybe?

Oh totally. I think I've said this before, if there was a 200+ page thread about me on the internet I'd be in the corner crying.

She's made of sterner stuff than me, at least when it comes to having a bulletproof ego, but then again I didn't have her upbringing. I dread to think what a bastard I might've been if I had....
I'm just disappointed she didn't answer my questions :(

I feel sorry for class-struggle anarchists, a quick look on the internet tells me that this reformist privilge theory shite is gonna be hegemonic over here in a few years, and all that was once great about anarchism will be forgotten and reduced to a pale imitation of Laurie Penny.

"Privilege theory" is identity politics with a Hoxton fin, riding a fixie. Anyone older than 35 can probably remember just how badly identity politics fucked over mass politics/politics for the masses, but those who're younger, who don't know their history, they're going to suck that shite in and choke on it. :(
Do you reckon? She seems to be used to addressing a mass audience rather than individual posters. She barely responded to some posters ardour at all.

Engaging with us was never on the cards imho. She's politically incapable. She came here to indulge her curiosity and ended up spending most of the night talking about herself. It's what she does best.

She may not always sign-in but I guarantee that she'll be on this thread everyday to indulge her ego and bathe in our 'misogyny'... and she won't be able to resist the odd barb via Twitter.

There's also the melodrama and glamour associated with being 'hated' by Urban's gang of 'misogynists' to consider.... rally round 'the sisters' and all that.
Engaging with us was never on the cards imho. She's politically incapable. She came here to indulge her curiosity and ended up spending most of the night talking about herself. It's what she does best.

She may not always sign-in but I guarantee that she'll be on this thread everyday to indulge her ego and bathe in our 'misogyny'... and she won't be able to resist the odd barb via Twitter.

There's also the melodrama and glamour associated with being 'hated' by Urban's gang of 'misogynists'.... rally round 'the sisters' and all that.
Yep, on that point, i'm off over the road.
Don't you start you disgusting cunt.

For all Laurie's faults, I doubt we'll see her doing anything as disgraceful as backing the coppers in Genoa, especially the card carrying fascist one who murdered Carlo Giuliani.

Then again, never say never, them commentariats are fickle rascals.

Ah yes Urban's Ted Lowe, Copliker.

Yes because stating Carlo Giuliano should bear some responsibility for his actions when he violently attacked a police range rover is exactly the same as "backing the coppers" in Genoa.

For those watching in black and white like copliker, the nuance is behind the pink ball and next to the green.

Yes, I can't see how anyone who think Urban's a knee jerk reactionary site, when you both bring up the same tired old bullshit, whenever anyone disagrees with you.
No I don't think so.

I really hope not man, but I don't share your optimism

What I think is actually happening is really interesting privilige theory is forcing itself into the mainstream and basically renewing and revisiitng all the arguments that happened in the eighties with regards to liberation politics and they will be receptive to it because it sidelines class politics which had kind of sneaked back in a little to the mainstream in recent years for a variety of reasons.

Incidentally the first time I ever came accross this stuff was in the Labour party and NUS, not amongst anarchists. And there it was explicitly linked to sidelining class politics, sometimes in a very direct way.

Of course the privilige stuff (which is not all bollocks imo) will be reflected back into the anarchoid scene which helped smuggle it in in the first place, but the continued marginalisation and decline of class struggle anarchism will be down to class struggle anarchists not other elements of the scene.

The theory itself is fine, it's just how it's been taken up by certain people and used in a practical political way that worries me. And as much as I moan about it, having a ongoing debate about privilige that goes beyond reductionist class is a much much better state of affairs than, say, having serial rapist Gerry Healy demanding blowjobs in exchange for seats on a committee as the most high-profile proponent of the far-left in Britain.
Engaging with us was never on the cards imho. She's politically incapable. She came here to indulge her curiosity and ended up spending most of the night talking about herself. It's what she does best.

She may not always sign-in but I guarantee that she'll be on this thread everyday to indulge her ego and bathe in our 'misogyny'... and she won't be able to resist the odd barb via Twitter.

There's also the melodrama and glamour associated with being 'hated' by Urban's gang of 'misogynists'.... rally round 'the sisters' and all that.

Well, I don't think she was ever going to receive the warmest of welcomes under her username. If she was really bright she'd come back as Deputydawg and start posting in knobbing and sobbing for a bit.
"Privilege theory" is identity politics with a Hoxton fin, riding a fixie. Anyone older than 35 can probably remember just how badly identity politics fucked over mass politics/politics for the masses, but those who're younger, who don't know their history, they're going to suck that shite in and choke on it. :(

Laura is SpookyFrank? :D
Ah yes Urban's Ted Lowe, Copliker.

Yes because stating Carlo Giuliano should bear some responsibility for his actions when he violently attacked a police range rover is exactly the same as "backing the coppers" in Genoa.

For those watching in black and white like copliker, the nuance is behind the pink ball and next to the green.

Yes, I can't see how anyone who think Urban's a knee jerk reactionary site, when you both bring up the same tired old bullshit, whenever anyone disagrees with you.

I think I'm fortunate enough never to have encountered you before. I'm glad about that - you seem like an unlikeable cunt from your couple of posts on this thread.

Violently attacking a police range rover ffs
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