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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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If people can't have a sense of humour about their work and/or their politics, they're going to burn out pretty quickly. Look what happened to "happy" Hari.
This place is worse than most demos in terms of bruises, punches, betrayals and sleepless nights in filthy cells.
A terrible beauty is born


I love this portrait of Laura standing next to a portrait of Laura... For me it portrays the post-colonial impasse that the left finds itself in and the moral abyss of the wage slavery that so many talented writers and artists are forced into by unbridled capitalism... or some other such bollix!
Why are people on this thread calling Laurie, Laura? It is supposed to be journalists who get your name wrong. ;)
Sure, there are some useful bits of critique in there, but they're hard to pick out amongst the reams of faff, rumour, fabrication and leery sexism, and frankly I'd rather seek constructive criticism from people who aren't also flinging around bullshit around about how my housemates sniff my knickers. I'm not sure if you're aware just how creepy you appear.

As creepy or more creepy than someone whose legend/personal mythology changes to suit the story being written?
If we're all so misogyny how come the Chile protests thread is particularly focused on the role and travails of young women and schoolgirls? Meanwhile Laura, a feminist who has tweeted from the kettle, hasn't even acknowledged their existence.*

Who is the real misogynist?

*apart from the superb Workers' Girder article she definitely did not write.
I'm just hoping this is a trend and we get @Liz Jones on her thread as well.....two insightful journalists!

I'll leave it to the Urban Politerati to be more insightful......the arrogance is astonishing though.
Remember when the new statesman ran this advert from a christian group that claimed it could cure gay people of their gayness?


Just out of curiosity if Laurie's still kicking around, did the New Scabsman give back the money they recieved from these people at any point? Or did they take the money and run before issuing a mealy-mouthed apology? Genuinely curious.
I'm sure that Laura/Laurie/Dave will find a wealth of material on Urban - outwith this thread of course - that she can plagiarise without credit as part of her salaried 'activism'.
Balbi said:
This thread is a theatre seat conversation - which includes weird hecklers. Consider your work our performance, and our criticism valid despite hecklers. Try.
But why? Why should I?

Because if you're the kind of journalist you claim to be, then you'll realise that engaging with the unbelievers isn't a waste of your time and/or energy, but a route to greater understanding on both sides of the debate.

The valid criticism is all stuff I've heard before and answered elsewhere. The essay on Warren Ellis online is just one of the places where I talk about journalism and class privilege and what it means and how we can change it. I'm actively involved in a number of campaigns that aim to change and challenge the bourgeois commentariat model.

Don't you think that's rather parochial? Wouldn't turning your efforts to changing not just the model, but what the model is founded on, be more rational and more fulfilling?

But not only do I suspect that that doesn't matter to you, I find it hard to consider any criticism valid when it comes peppered with ugly misogyny and crass schoolboy bullying. You invalidate your own arguments by being frankly creepy and stalkery. It's boring.

I have to get back to work now.

You throw around words like "bullying" and "misogyny" far too lightly. I've seen a few examples of nastiness, but actual misogyny on this thread? Nope. Having a pop at "Laurie Penny" is not misogyny. It's not even bullying, because it has no leverage on you, except the leverage you give it ("oh look, fans! Evil people on a bulletin board are being nasty to me! I'm psychologically scarred!").
Too busy researching to reply:

Laurie Penny ‏@PennyRed
So I'm writing a big ol'essay about journalism and what it means in the wake of leveson, Occupy, etc. What's changing, what needs to change?

7m ago
You've also

Your assumption that I haven't done any or, in fact, all of these things is rather sweet.

His assumption is actually that you haven't realised that others have been "doing" activism since or before you were in a babygro. You do sometimes present as appearing to believe that activism started in the mid-2000s.
I'm sure that Laura/Laurie/Dave will find a wealth of material on Urban - outwith this thread of course - that she can plagiarise without credit as part of her salaried 'activism'.
Thanks to Firky, her wouldbe assassin who kindly tweeted the thread link at her. It'll all turn out nice again.
Balbi said:
This thread is a theatre seat conversation - which includes weird hecklers. Consider your work our performance, and our criticism valid despite hecklers. Try.
But why? Why should I?

The valid criticism is all stuff I've heard before and answered elsewhere. The essay on Warren Ellis online is just one of the places where I talk about journalism and class privilege and what it means and how we can change it. I'm actively involved in a number of campaigns that aim to change and challenge the bourgeois commentariat model.

But not only do I suspect that that doesn't matter to you, I find it hard to consider any criticism valid when it comes peppered with ugly misogyny and crass schoolboy bullying. You invalidate your own arguments by being frankly creepy and stalkery. It's boring.

I have to get back to work now.

I love Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds too. Don't recall much class politics in their work though. :confused:
I never really got involved with activism because, well, it all looked a bit smelly and uncomfortable, I wish I'd known about dividing your time between London and New York and the long weekends in Athens with Molly Crabapple, none of you fuckers ever mentioned that bit :mad:
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