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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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she's compiled a list of the 'best' reporting on hurricane sandy and included her own shitty piece amongst them!

(also every single one of them about new york)
and now after a few people pointing out she's ignored the rest of the caribbean, she's asked people for links to news articles on those places and immediately put them up in her list of 'best' reporting

No of course I don't. Just had few bad experiences working in really dead end jobs alongside some really bad dickheads.

Don't tell me you haven't been in the same position at some points in your life too?
not really. i've had lots of shit jobs but usually get on well with those i work with. most of them have got interesting stories to tell.

i used to know a journalist, he was a bad dickhead.
Volunteerism, of course, can be regressive as well as radical. I am reminded of those “broom armies” in London in the middle of the August riots last year, the sea of white, middle-class faced holding up brooms they’d brought to unfamiliar areas of the city, the sweet intention to mop up after a disaster tempered by the idea that the kids from deprived areas who came out to fight the police could just be swept away like so much filth. Like any desperate human impulse, volunteerism can easily be coopted, twisted into something violent, calcifying.
That's ah-maze-ing too.
I've still never noticed her outside the context of this thread.
The Telegraph has her at number 55 on their "influential lefties" list. Ahead of Galloway, Tatchell, Alistair Campbell, Caroline Lucas, Monbiot etc, because she "is without doubt the loudest and most controversial female voice on the radical left, gaining notoriety when she joined student protestors in Millbank Tower, the home of CCHQ, and tweeted live from within the kettle."
The Telegraph has her at number 55 on their "influential lefties" list. Ahead of Galloway, Tatchell, Alistair Campbell, Caroline Lucas, Monbiot etc, because she "is without doubt the loudest and most controversial female voice on the radical left, gaining notoriety when she joined student protestors in Millbank Tower, the home of CCHQ, and tweeted live from within the kettle."
goodness is she? well I've obviously missed the zeitgeist.

I'm off to find out who the top fifty lefties are that consign Ali Campbell to such a lowly ranking :(
not really. i've had lots of shit jobs but usually get on well with those i work with. most of them have got interesting stories to tell.

i used to know a journalist, he was a bad dickhead.

You're reading into it something that isn't there. I've worked with middle-class people and the exact same frustration applied there too. Plenty of cretinous vapid people work in middle-class jobs. I wasn't making a point about class, it was you who assumed on my behalf that "the ability to hold a converation = middle class" coz that's not something I said, or even implied. I just would like to work in any job where you can have a decent conversation with your workmates, coz the last few jobs I've had that's been in really short supply. And I'm well entitled to have whinge about it as well.

I know one or two journalists also. They barely qualify as middle-class as it happens, at least going on how much they earn. Not every journalist earns what Laurie Penny earns, not these days anyway.

I am slowly turning into Roland off Paul Calf's video diaries though I freely admit it.
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