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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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She's the most visible media effect of the "Occupy" wave of protests. Few have heard of her, but she's about as high-profile as the libertarian left gets these days. Plus she's interesting as she sums up a lot of things that are toxic about journalism, about self-appointed radical leaders, about the way private schooled protesters generally elbow their ways to the front.

And so? Most people, least of all the working class, are not the slightest bit interested in 'the libertarian left', or even aware of it.

All she's done is try to push her way to the front of a passing fad within a political ghetto that seems likely to more or less disappear at some point probably not that far away.
As far as I can see, it only matters to a tiny minority of the tiny minority who are actually aware of her existence, most of whom post on here.

you think we're a tiny minority of a tiny minority of the left? fucking hell lad, there's loads of tinier minorities who regard us as some sort of liberal elite :mad:
" The other day, an old friend of mine, a black man who has spent his life trying to work things out for his people within the system, said to me’”—Felicia looks at the audience and sets up the clincher—“‘“Roger, I’m going to get a gun. I can’t help it”’.”

“That’s marrrrrrr-velous!” says Lenny. He says it with profound emotion . . . He sighs . . . He sinks back into the easy chair . . . Richard Harris . . . Ahura Mazda with the original flaming revelation . . .
Cox seizes the moment: “Our Minister of Defense, Huey P. Newton, has said if we can’t find a meaningful life . . . you know . . . maybe we can have a meaningful death . . . and one reason the power structure fears the Black Panthers is that they know the Black Panthers are ready to die for what they believe in, and a lot of us have already died.”
“. . .‘When you walk into this house, into this building’—Lenny gestures as if to take it all in—‘you must feel infuriated.’. . .”​
Lenny seems like a changed man. He looks up at Cox and says, “When you walk into this house, into this building”—and he gestures vaguely as if to take it all in, the moldings, the sconces, the Roquefort morsels rolled in crushed nuts, the servants, the elevator attendant and the doorman downstairs in their white dickeys, the marble lobby, the brass struts on the marquee out front —“when you walk into this house, you must feel infuriated!”

Cox looks embarrassed. “No, man . . . I manage to overcome that . . . That’s a personal thing . . . I used to get very uptight about things like that, but—”
“Don’t you get bitter? Doesn’t that make you mad?”
“Noooo, man . . . That’s a personal thing . . . see . . . and I don’t get mad about that personally. I’m over that.”
“Well,” says Lenny,” it makes me mad!”
And Cox stares at him, and the Plexiglas lowers over his eyes once more . . . These cats—if I wasn’t here to see it—
“This is a very paradoxical situation,” says Lenny. “Having this apartment makes this meeting possible, and if this apartment didn’t exist, you wouldn’t have it. And yet—well, it’s a very paradoxical situation.”

The dullest conversationalist I know is an uncle of mine who's a Rotarian Tory-voting house-owning retired businessman kirk elder.

Rotary Club - the organisation for people who find Freemasonry scary (or are women).
As I recall, there's a former Class War bloke living in Thailand who's a Rotarian. Definitely a shift from the sublime to the ridiculous. :)
Jerry Rubin.
hmm, doubtful. Whatever he did afterwards, during the years of his notoriety he stirred things up massively. When the no-mark this thread is concentrating on organises something like kettling (& failing to levitate) the Pentagon or comes out of a demonstration charged with conspiracy/incitement to riot I'll think there may be a comparison to be made.

I've still never noticed her outside the context of this thread.
I have. I've noticed her in the independent, the guardian, the new statesman, the morning star, newsnight, channel 4 news etc
you spend far more time than I do consuming that stuff.

Which is my point about Rubin. In his day he was a notorious rabble rouser, a household name, here as well as in the US. She writes stuff for a tiny audience, is an occasional talking head and (like many others) has a twitter following. His impact was discernable, hers is vanishingly small.

So far :)
you spend far more time than I do consuming that stuff.

Which is my point about Rubin. In his day he was a notorious rabble rouser, a household name, here as well as in the US. She writes stuff for a tiny audience, is an occasional talking head and (like many others) has a twitter following. His impact was discernable, hers is vanishingly small.

So far :)
I wasn't making any sort of point about Rubin, and i agree his impact was bigger (but we're not just talking about impact here, as if she made an impact it would somehow make her and the shit behind her ok). My point was that she is mainstream, you might not be.
you spend far more time than I do consuming that stuff.

Which is my point about Rubin. In his day he was a notorious rabble rouser, a household name, here as well as in the US. She writes stuff for a tiny audience, is an occasional talking head and (like many others) has a twitter following. His impact was discernable, hers is vanishingly small.

So far :)
The Yippies were cultural and political activists, not just commentators.
this is a weird attitude. do you think only the middle class can converse intelligently?

No of course I don't. Just had few bad experiences working in really dead end jobs alongside some really bad dickheads.

Don't tell me you haven't been in the same position at some points in your life too?
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