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Albums Of The Year 2008

Yeh she was. I don't know what she was in, though.

I like 'With Arms Outstretched' because it fitted perfectly onto a mixtape I made for somebody. The lyrics "and somedays, they last longer than others, but this day by the lake, went to fast... "

I like 'It Just Is' as well. That is a good choice.

I am going to have to listen to them now, before I can even think about going to bed.


I got into them when I saw an Elvis Costello playlist and he put 'Does He Love you?' on it and the way he described it made it seem really interesting.

I still love that song.

Her voice is really versatile though. She screams on 'Jenny you're barely alive'.

Wow we're just turning this thread into a Jenny lewis wankfest aren't we?
I think that Duffy album is a good pop album. Why would they be joking?

Because it was all they voted for. People who tend to only vote for one album always come under the suspicion of joking if it's a mainstream record ignored or slated by the music forum types.

But i count it anyway, cos that's the kind of person I am.

Somewhere between 30 and 40 people voted. Some voted up to three times as they kept remembering new records they had to vote for. Which I consider to mean makes our poll far more trustworthy in terms of numbers of voters than the Mercury, or any publications albums of the year. We care not for genre, for cool, for the personal tastes of; or kickbacks taken by the editor, and it's only weighted by allowing everyone to nominate as many as they like - the geekier the voter, the more likely they are to nominate the full 20, which may give advantages to some records by boosting their vote by a few points here and there. IMO, this is the definitive democratic poll.

But as I compile it, I describe the record. I try to be nice generally, but when I can't be nice I try to be creatively cruel. Sometimes I don't bother, or fail.

I bet there are records on there that you hate, or would hate. It's just taste. Shitting on your record collection is going a bit far though. People used to be encouraged to comment on their votes so that I could let them do the talking, but no-one bothered. So I do it according to my tastes!
Inspired by this thread I bought the Bon Iver album and the Nick Cave one. I thought I should see what all the fuss was about Bon Iver, seeing as the people who deride it the most seem to hate lots of music I love, so I thought I might actualy like it. But, I'm really not feeling it. It's not that it's too wet or twee or anything, it's just not very good. And his voice annoys me.

The Nick Cave album on the other hand is great. :)
yeh, i expected it to be another actress turned singer nonsense, but it's a wonderful wonderful album.

That's because she is wonderful. Full stop :) Only listened to the album once and it was lovely but I suspected wouldn't hold up to repeated listens....must dig it out again.
That's because she is wonderful. Full stop :) Only listened to the album once and it was lovely but I suspected wouldn't hold up to repeated listens....must dig it out again.

she is wonderful. :)

Fantastic actress, wonderful singer, erm. And some other stuff :oops:
ah fuck, thank god SOMEONE else has heard that album. It's wonderful...

oh come on man it's okay... it's a bit Q Magazine dad-tastic. Once you get over the pleasant surprise that it isn't some terrible hobby project, it's just an OK album. It kind of reminded me [unfavourably] a little of the fantastic His Name Is Alive album "Ft. Lake" – go listen to that if you don't know it already. And it's not like it's as good as M Ward's solo stuff. And even M Ward's solo stuff can be quite patchy.

hey, a propos of nothing, has anyone here ever heard the album "3000 years with Ottilie Patterson" by Ottilie Patterson? I am developing an obsession with wanting to hear this record. It's the sort of thing – an out-of-print late-60s soul-blues-folk album by an Northern Irish jazz singer – that by rights ought to be downloadable off a million blogs, but I can't find it anywhere online. Maybe I'll start a thread.
cheers for this thread, some of its been very good - dl-ing as much as poss now. Haven;t bothered with a few. The M83 album is so up my street its parked its car on my lawn and has moved in indeterminably.

Just a question tho - why not have the number of votes? I wanna know how many voted fro the winning album, but more i wanna know how many voted for the lower ones. I'm amazed that many ppl were thinking along the same lines.

How many votes did something need to get to be listed?
oh come on man it's okay... it's a bit Q Magazine dad-tastic. Once you get over the pleasant surprise that it isn't some terrible hobby project, it's just an OK album. It kind of reminded me [unfavourably] a little of the fantastic His Name Is Alive album "Ft. Lake" – go listen to that if you don't know it already. And it's not like it's as good as M Ward's solo stuff. And even M Ward's solo stuff can be quite patchy.

Bit of a compliment to S&H if you have to go back 10 years to bring up Warn Defever and Lovetta Pippen, don't you think?
Brilliant stuff, as ever.

Bluey: one boring administrative question... If you close the vote on date x, December of current year; for the next year's poll do you allow albums after that cut-off but otherwise in the 'previous' year?
best of the lot i've dl's has to to be M83 :)

thank you sooooo much for this, this hits so many random buttons of mine it's bizarre.

Trying to get their other albums which also win hard.
Inevitably, I forgot to vote, but had I remembered to do so, then I would have put in votes for:

- Clark: Turning Dragon. I suspect this will be the Clark album I listen to least in the future, but it was fun to dance to.

- Adam Green: Sixes and Sevens. God, I listened to this constantly. Where had Adam Green been all my life? Well he's here now, and I'm smitten.

- Randy Newman: Harps and Angels. I'm beginning to get Randy Newman now. The eponymous opening track truly kept me sane in what turned out to be a crazy year.
Inevitably, I forgot to vote, but had I remembered to do so, then I would have put in votes for:

- Clark: Turning Dragon. I suspect this will be the Clark album I listen to least in the future, but it was fun to dance to.

- Adam Green: Sixes and Sevens. God, I listened to this constantly. Where had Adam Green been all my life? Well he's here now, and I'm smitten.

- Randy Newman: Harps and Angels. I'm beginning to get Randy Newman now. The eponymous opening track truly kept me sane in what turned out to be a crazy year.
Inevitably, I forgot to vote, but had I remembered to do so, then I would have put in votes for:

- Clark: Turning Dragon. I suspect this will be the Clark album I listen to least in the future, but it was fun to dance to.

- Adam Green: Sixes and Sevens. God, I listened to this constantly. Where had Adam Green been all my life? Well he's here now, and I'm smitten.

- Randy Newman: Harps and Angels. I'm beginning to get Randy Newman now. The eponymous opening track truly kept me sane in what turned out to be a crazy year.

I utterly adore Adam Green-have you got all his other albums? He is superb live as well:cool:
I utterly adore Adam Green-have you got all his other albums? He is superb live as well:cool:

I really, really wish I'd gone to his London gig earlier this year :(

I have been listening to his other albums, will delve more into Moldy Peaches (and Kimya Dawson) next.
Out of all that lot I've heard the Nick Cave one that was ace, the Portishead one that was shite and the Elbow one that was an Elbow one.

I bet all the others are proper bollocks, too. :)
Yeah I wonder why it was now suddenly that everyone started getting a boner for Elbow? Their previous albums were just as good.
Not wanting to undermine the thread, but upon reading it it struck me just how pointless rating music is. The fact some people love albums and others hate them, shows it makes no sense at all (though there has been a sickening amount of snobbery shown too "well thats been quite successful so must be shit"
I really, really wish I'd gone to his London gig earlier this year :(

I have been listening to his other albums, will delve more into Moldy Peaches (and Kimya Dawson) next.

The one at Union Chapel? Sorry to rub it in (((Skim))) but me and Bluestreak were at that one :)

'Gemstones' is my fav album of his :cool:
here's a challenge for you - find & quote just one post in the thread that suggests this... :)

yeh, was just thinking the same thing. People on here have an alarming habit of reading what they expect, rather than what is posted.

Even if he does find one post, it'll hardly constitute " a sickening amount" :D , unless he has a VERY sensitive gag reflex
Shit, even I've moderated my "it's popular so it must be shit" prejudice over the last few years.
At least enough not to share it with anyone :D
The one at Union Chapel? Sorry to rub it in (((Skim))) but me and Bluestreak were at that one :)

'Gemstones' is my fav album of his :cool:

I want to hear all about it the next time I see you :)

Actually, I didn't even know he was playing at the Union Chapel. It was the Koko gig I was thinking of going to but didn't :(
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