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‘March for the Alternative’ - 26th March - London

Another toryboy wankstain attending the "Rally Against Debt":


Any Urbs who are gonna be in London on Saturday May 14 and who are good with a camera should attend this rally. Would be good to get some photos of these good-for-nothing tory turds so we can have a laff at them looking like twats and arses. Prizes will be offered to anybody who can take a picture that tops that classic photo of "the fwee market four"...

Perhaps some sprightly publicly-spirited people can dress up in para-military garb emblazoned with a "ShitWatch" logo and take stills and video footage of the marchers in an intimidating manner?
Facebook group had over 800 people attending last night. Felix, Tim, Nic and that other one will probably be there. Could be a laff like.

I see that he's been to the Quentin Letts school of "putting your point across emphatically by nodding your head and sneering at the camera".

What a fine specimen he is.

Of how scum rises, like.
i actually want to go and call these people massive cunts to their faces

it's not often i feel the urge to swear at someone directly not

a. related to me
b. an Met Police employee
i might invite the 5 hard working, life long public sector employees whose leaving speech i just attended to join me.

one of them would knock them teh sparko i reckon, verbally at least. fearsome woman, in the best possible way.

shower of cunts.
I might make up a banner and head along if I'm not working, 'What a bunch of sad bastards' perhaps, could be a nice day out.
it's good that all these rich toffs are so concerned about paying off the debt.

a few suited people in the crowd with 'raise our taxes' placards should help. maybe some calling for police pay and pensions to be cut.

it all helps.
I'd love to go to the rally for the debt thingy it's a shame my court date isn't a day later, if I was in court on the firday I'd def. stay overnight and go to this on the saturday, but I don't think I can afford to travel down to london on the thursday, back for work on friday and then back down again.
Hope it gets trolled to fuck irl though.

One good thing about this is that when idiots are saying oh well 250,000 people is only a tiny bit of the population, so therefore nearly everyone else supports the cuts, you can point to a couple of hundred people turning up to an event in support of it.
I had doubts about some bits - this, for example:

Did that happen? Anyone know? Sounds a bit like over-egging it.

Yeah, from the Penny school of over doing it- by lunchtime leaving the march to get some black clothes was not an option unless you wanted to spend 3 hours fighting through the mass to do so.
More on that Rally Against Debt here from our favourite Randist, Dan Hannan
Where is the British tea party? Part of the problem, of course, is that people with jobs generally have better things to do than protest.

My bold. "People with jobs have better things to do than protest"? This fucker really needs a good kicking.

I think the size of this rally will be small. One thing is for certain, it will get glowing coverage in the media. This is an idea that's come from the States, where such things are portrayed as 'grassroots'. Of course, they are nothing of the sort.

From the charmingly named Liberal Vision
Protest marches are rarely a very effective way to change public opinion. Most look self-serving, some get hi-jacked by violent minorities. They act more as rallying points for the already convinced rather than ‘could be persuaded’.

The writer clearly has a selective memory.

I wonder if Hannan is going to address the 50 or so people who are planning to attend?

I will be there to give these pencil necks a hard time. :D
Fucker. I worked 42 hours the week of the demo, at the end of which I was completely dead on my feet. Some would also say that people with real jobs have better things to do than watch animals be tortured to death and spend the entire week writing blog posts.
@ Dotcommie. Yeah I'd like to see how they managed that ! Given that it took about an hour for someone buying a bacon sandwich on the other side of the road to get back to our group ...
"people with jobs have better things to do". Erm, remind me what he does again.

Yep, trust Hannan to come out with a line like that. He doesn't seem to meet people outside of his social circle. Which isn't particularly surprising. Only to be expected from a worshipper of Rand.
Does anyone have any recipes for getting eggs to go off more quickly? Would drilling a tiny hole do it? Is it even possible to drill a tiny hole?
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