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‘March for the Alternative’ - 26th March - London

Thank heavens at last for a sane rational group to oppose those whinging lefties and all the trotskyist nonsense bandied around in the press. I can hand on heart say that I for one welcome our new rosy-cheeked overlords. Why should I have tgo pay for things like education and the NHS, after all tarquin and Jocasta board and my directorship of Vodaphone mean we get free BUPA for the family. I welcome the governments announcement to remove the 50% tax on earnings as some of my junior colleagues actually pay that. Fortunately Iam registered in jersy, with a secondary trust in the british virgin islands and havent actually paid any UK taxes in over a decade...........

There's now a UK Pro Cuts organisation on Facebook
with a grand total of 64 people liking it

And a @UKCut on Twitter. Happy trolling. :)

I'd suggest that the counter demo takes it seriously as a rally against debt - given the recent revelations about what Osborne's Plan A for growth is really. It's a golden opportunity to educate people about this stuff and take the piss out of some UKIPers at the same time.

They have no answers - I've been engaging them with 'educational' materials on Twitter and they cannot answer a question - they just change the question every time the propaganda manual comes up blank.

We should put some educational materials together - a FAQ format would work well for large numbers of activists. We need people out there explaining exactly why they're wrong.

This article is an excellent start - superb linkage back to decades worth of research damning the austerity lie. It started under Hoover - who caused the Great Depression - as did the "trickle down" meme, I found out the other day.
And a @UKCut on Twitter. Happy trolling. :)

I ended up deleting my Twitter account as I was getting drawn into too many arguments with idiots. UKCut used to have some guff about "traditional morality" on their byline, I used to ask them if it was traditional morality to attack the poor and disabled.
And a @UKCut on Twitter. Happy trolling. :)

I'd suggest that the counter demo takes it seriously as a rally against debt - given the recent revelations about what Osborne's Plan A for growth is really. It's a golden opportunity to educate people about this stuff and take the piss out of some UKIPers at the same time.

They have no answers - I've been engaging them with 'educational' materials on Twitter and they cannot answer a question - they just change the question every time the propaganda manual comes up blank.

We should put some educational materials together - a FAQ format would work well for large numbers of activists. We need people out there explaining exactly why they're wrong.

This article is an excellent start - superb linkage back to decades worth of research damning the austerity lie. It started under Hoover - who caused the Great Depression - as did the "trickle down" meme, I found out the other day.

Fuck it - I'm sticking with the eggs.
I ended up deleting my Twitter account as I was getting drawn into too many arguments with idiots. UKCut used to have some guff about "traditional morality" on their byline, I used to ask them if it was traditional morality to attack the poor and disabled.

I mostly use it to follow people who tweet out quality links. I've had one idiot try to pick a fight - but it was about Palestine and he was completely and utterly lost when I forced him off script. I trolled UKCut deliberately - he gave up fairly sharpish too. There's no point appealing to their morality though - you have to ask them how the economy will do when the top 1% finally have all the money and noone else can buy anything...

Facts. They don't like them. :D
Fuck it - I'm sticking with the eggs.

Eggs are good - but we have a pretty serious problem when left activists don't know the no cuts argument well enough to articulate it.

The Warner Act - part of the 1930s US New Deal introducing collective bargaining and union rights - came about because it was recognised that a workforce that could not afford to buy the goods that they made could not sustain an economy, and that this was part of the reason for the crash. Same thing with the welfare state - it prevents wages dropping below a certain level (which has been eroded), and it ensures that all workers contribute to the economy even when they are out of work.

Land tax - proposed by Adam Smith(yes, Adam Smith) as the only sustainable means of taxation.

People need to know this shit or we will just kick this lot out to get Tory-lite instead. Miliband is useless, Balls doesn't have the guts. We have to get this message out, and properly. No cuts are necessary because any cuts right now will be actively harmful to the economy and it could not possibly be any clearer from the history of the last century of economic intervention.

But yeah. Eggs too.
I mostly use it to follow people who tweet out quality links. I've had one idiot try to pick a fight - but it was about Palestine and he was completely and utterly lost when I forced him off script. I trolled UKCut deliberately - he gave up fairly sharpish too. There's no point appealing to their morality though - you have to ask them how the economy will do when the top 1% finally have all the money and noone else can buy anything...

Facts. They don't like them. :D

Yeah, I found that, most of 'em shut up when given facts and asked difficult questions.
Eggs are good - but we have a pretty serious problem when left activists don't know the no cuts argument well enough to articulate it.

The Warner Act - part of the 1930s US New Deal introducing collective bargaining and union rights - came about because it was recognised that a workforce that could not afford to buy the goods that they made could not sustain an economy, and that this was part of the reason for the crash. Same thing with the welfare state - it prevents wages dropping below a certain level (which has been eroded), and it ensures that all workers contribute to the economy even when they are out of work.

Land tax - proposed by Adam Smith(yes, Adam Smith) as the only sustainable means of taxation.

People need to know this shit or we will just kick this lot out to get Tory-lite instead. Miliband is useless, Balls doesn't have the guts. We have to get this message out, and properly. No cuts are necessary because any cuts right now will be actively harmful to the economy and it could not possibly be any clearer from the history of the last century of economic intervention.

But yeah. Eggs too.

Not disagreeing with any of that when arguing/debating with those who might be persuaded to a more progressive way of thinking. But with a bunch FCS types with a lob on for Ayn Rand? I'll stick to the eggs as a less risky alternative to my preferred option of sticking the nut on the cunts.
I ended up deleting my Twitter account as I was getting drawn into too many arguments with idiots. UKCut used to have some guff about "traditional morality" on their byline, I used to ask them if it was traditional morality to attack the poor and disabled.

:D When didya do that? I went to bed last night and couldn't sleep cos I was too wound up, thought "fuck that" and got up and deleted mine.
Police could receive additional powers to tackle those encouraging crimes though social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook, Home Secretary Theresa May has said.

In a debate on disturbances which broke out in London during anti cuts protests, Delyn MP David Hanson asked the Home Secretary to have a conversation with the police to make sure they could prosecute people who used social networking websites to either encourage or assist crime.

Its the usual tory sound off post any protest 'We must give serious consideration to new powers in the light of' etc etc constituents happy, ideas turn to mush when reality fades in
Not disagreeing with any of that when arguing/debating with those who might be persuaded to a more progressive way of thinking. But with a bunch FCS types with a lob on for Ayn Rand? I'll stick to the eggs as a less risky alternative to my preferred option of sticking the nut on the cunts.
Yes. But the context was a counter-demo to these fools. I don't think a lot of people throwing eggs and shouting "cunt" a lot is going to be very helpful in persuading passers-by that our argument is better than theirs.

Just make up a leaflet with the OBR forecasts before Osborne's first budget, before his second one, and the late (secret) amendment to the latter. Show that when he started the job, household debt was expected to decrease as a % of household income, and now it's expected to increase by 20%.

To put some numbers on that - the OBR reckon he'll save £43bn for the nations bank accounts, whilst adding £484bn to our personal debt.

And it can't work because no bank will lend us the money even if we were in a position to borrow it.

The Chancellor has no clothes. We need to be pointing and laughing at him, very, very publicly.


via @PrivateEyeNews ;)
A couple of weeks ago. I'd been off work with stress and was just stressing myself more with Twitter. :facepalm:

I know. I was buzzing when I went to bed but in that "just seen a fight" way. Best I don't go on it, even though it was fun making up slogans for that silly rally. But you can't argue with those people, certainly online in under 140 characters.
Y'know, a really funny intervention would be to "out-tory" these tories. On the one hand a group of people could turn up in classic "toff wear" - top hats, monocles etc chanting things like "rah rah rah we're going to smash the oiks" etc. Another thing could be to go a "tory boy/girl" nerds (complete with acne and lisps) clutching copies of Atlas Shrugged and generally acting like dicks. Bring a megaphone and come up with some really embarrising chants like oh I dunno, but "kill the poor" being the gist of them anyway.
Cheesy knob, Ed West blogs
Debt is the handmaiden of slavery. As John Adams said, there are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation; one by the sword, the other by debt, and our nation will be enslaved to debt unless we address the deficit. All we ask is that our government takes hold of the state’s finances in the same way we would of our households’.

We do not compare ourselves to Emmeline Pankhurst, Nelson Mandela or Martin Luther King, not because our cause isn’t just, but because we do not claim the monopoly of justice. We do not claim our opponents are evil, just misguided, but we will not remain silent while their shouts drown out dissenting voices.

We will not harass shopkeepers earning a living for their families; we will not attack public servants doing their duty. And though we cannot match the mob for ferocity or size, we believe our cause is right nonetheless. We will never be slaves to socialism.

Further down, he has a pop at Johann Hari's recent article
It’s strange to call it a “lie”. Economics is not a hard science as such; there are certain facts about economics, but much is to do with interpretation, which is why you can take 300 of the most intelligent economists in the world and they will come to a series of vastly different conclusions about something. It’s why people with IQs in the 140s confidently but incorrectly predicted that the Euro would succeed, while Timmy McThicko who reads only the Daily Sport could correctly predict it would fail.
All West can offer by way of a counter-argument (sic) is a load of bluster.
So to call George Osborne’s economic views “a lie” is untrue; neither side of this debate is lying as such, they are just interpreting the facts differently. Who is right? We don’t know in the same we know that 2+2 =4. But on the other hand there are certain fundamental facts in economics, such as the difference between “debt” and “deficit” which, as Peter Hoskin explains in the Spectator, Hari seems to mix up:

Yeah, George Osborne is a heavyweight intellectual, Westie. :rolleyes:

I think the editors at the Torygraph are getting each one of their bloggers to churn out these daily 'invitations' to the rally.
We do not compare ourselves to Emmeline Pankhurst, Nelson Mandela or Martin Luther King,

and yet are all to happy to raise the names, like cheap fucking cunts, betraying a desperation of cause that we do not feel. Weights behind us- these torgraph pricks are onto a loser if they think they will inflame anything other than the passions of Armchair Generals and Miscellaneous prats
SIR – The BBC was accused of bias (report, March 28) in its coverage of Saturday’s

riot. The bias continued into Sunday morning when Radio 4’s eight o’clock

news referred to the thugs, shop-breakers and fire-raisers as “activists.” My mother was an activist. She turned out each year to sell flags on Lifeboat Day.

Rev Dr Peter Mullen
London EC1

Daily Telegraph
Yes. But the context was a counter-demo to these fools. I don't think a lot of people throwing eggs and shouting "cunt" a lot is going to be very helpful in persuading passers-by that our argument is better than theirs.

How about carrying a two-sided placard with "Q: Who Is John Galt?" on one side, and "A: A limp-dicked sadist" on the other?

Just make up a leaflet with the OBR forecasts before Osborne's first budget, before his second one, and the late (secret) amendment to the latter. Show that when he started the job, household debt was expected to decrease as a % of household income, and now it's expected to increase by 20%.

To put some numbers on that - the OBR reckon he'll save £43bn for the nations bank accounts, whilst adding £484bn to our personal debt.

And it can't work because no bank will lend us the money even if we were in a position to borrow it.

The Chancellor has no clothes. We need to be pointing and laughing at him, very, very publicly.

True. I'd still prefer to punch that supercilious sneer off his face, though. :(
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