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‘March for the Alternative’ - 26th March - London

apologies if this has already been put up.. an interview with two people from the black bloc on saturday. Just avoid the comments yeah?


I did cringe at the "Anarchists like to be in control" pseudo-pun. Must have been a hit at dinner parties.

From the comments:

For the sake of argument, if I wanted to leave your [communist anarchist] society because I don't like the beliefs and set up a corporation that sold food at a cheaper price than you could produce it for and I'm not using force, coercion or deceit, I just happen to be very good at producing food., what would you do ?
And thugs.

Or is it a mixture of the MC and thugs, separately? The middle class can't be thugs surely?

There's now a UK Pro Cuts organisation on Facebook
with a grand total of 64 people liking it

LOL @ http://www.facebook.com/bolshynickchew/posts/208907979143776

Thank heavens at last for a sane rational group to oppose those whinging lefties and all the trotskyist nonsense bandied around in the press. I can hand on heart say that I for one welcome the cuts. Why should I have tgo pay for things like education and the NHS, after all tarquin and Jocasta board and my directorship of Vodaphone mean we get free BUPA for the family. I welcome the governments announcement to remove the 50% tax on earnings as some of my junior colleagues actually pay that. Fortunately Iam registered in jersy, with a secondary trust in the british virgin islands and havent actually paid any UK taxes in over a decade...........
Yeah, from the Penny school of over doing it- by lunchtime leaving the march to get some black clothes was not an option unless you wanted to spend 3 hours fighting through the mass to do so.

It did happen though. Just not the way the media reported it:

On March 26th – for all these reasons mentioned – we formed up with the radical workers block on the South London feeder march. At Trafalgar Square many of us broke from the main march, joining the Black Bloc.

Open Letter to Solfed and UK Uncut from Brighton & Lewes Uncut
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