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‘March for the Alternative’ - 26th March - London

There was a plan to occupy the park after the speeches, etc. I don't know if it went ahead and if so for how long.

Found this:

Following the (reported) half a million strong march, a handful of people occupied Hyde Park by Speakers corner in a legal land claim with the intention to squat the land until the demands of the (reported) half a million marchers are met.

By invoking article 61 of the Magna Carta law this made the subject of clearing the site an issue for the House of Parliament and a matter for the courts. Our legal right to occupy the site i...n a gesture of peaceful protest was fully within the letter of the law however as of noon on the 28th march the police have stormed the site, confiscated all equipment and three free men who were guarding the site have been arrested.

We the free people of the United Kingdom demand our right to peaceful protest and if this right is taken from us I for one am fearful of the provocation this will create. We are a peaceful protest movement protected by law and we need YOUR support to re-claim hyde park in protest of what is an unelected and illegal government.

We have little time and we need YOU to help us get as many people to Hyde park to continue the occupation.

As of this moment we are declaring an occupation meeting at 7.30 pm every day at Speakers Corner in support of the Hyde Park Occupation.


We ask your support both in attending this meeting tonight at 7.30 pm by speakers corner and by assisting in spreading the word through facebook and other methods of the Lawful Peoples Assembly at Hyde Park.

If you feel like making a stand with us bring camping equipment and be prepared for a long stay and a legal battle to defend our rights as free citizens of the United Kingdom.

If you're thinking of who I'm thinking of, she's not particularly well-able to think in a straight line politically anyway, so I wouldn't be too bothered ;) The majority of serious UK-Uncut people seem to be getting the balance about right, it's mostly the media which are looking to create divisions, but only a minority of UK-Uncut types who are really falling for it.

Yeah, I think this is fair, I don't see the problem with distinguishing between ukuncut and black bloc as ahving different tactics, and the possibility that there might be disagreement on the value of those tactics (I'm not sure there was any real tactical value in smashing windows on saturday to be honest), without any need for anyone to condemn the property destrction that occured.

At the same time, I think there is value in making the point that of the 147 charged, 138 were peaceful protesters at fortnum and mason and that theresa may is talking out of her arse when she claims the arrest figures show that people acting violently will be punished.. does this imply that I want to distance myself from those attacking property? I'm not sure - distinguish certainly, distance don't know.

Perhaps this just has value for me (and the others who were arrested at f&m) in terms of reducing the chances of my case making it to court / making the police look foolish for arresting us all when there were other people who had done clearly more arrestable offences they didn't get.

I ahve started feeling a bit concerned that I should not be making the effort to get it noted that in fact only 7 people were charged for violent offences because it does highlight divisions in the anti-cuts movment that aren't really there - I am perfectly ok with people attacking property (as long as it is targetted - santander is ok because although that bank didn't disgrace itself in the crisis, it is still part of the banking system, but I read that ppl in bristol attacked an rbs branch on saturday - fine, but also employees cars which assuming the employees are shop floor workers I don't think it's right).

There is a slight gap in that I feel like the black bloc were doing more of an anti-capitalist action, whereas ukuncut was anti-cuts. As an anti-capitalist I have no issues with that, and ime most of the other ppl I have done actions with would also be anti-capitalist, but that is certainly not true for every ukuncut activist, some (perhaps many, I have only a small group in birmingham to draw my experiences from) are simply anti cuts and are reformist socialists or left-liberal types.
Aaaw poor you. Did I offend your delicate sensitivities?

Andrew, this isn't about me, it's about your stupidity in making a comparison so crass that at least a dozen posters remarked on that crassness.

They acted like a bunch of nazis, that is what was offensive.

So you keep saying. So you keep failing to substantiate beyond your hysterical rhetoric.

Get over it.

Ah! The eternal cry of the self-righteous halfwit!
Just found this on the Graun site - interesting piece from an arrested UKUncut person:


This paragraph in particular is rather striking:

A very senior officer in my station admitted to my parents that he regretted having to charge the protesters on the orders of Scotland Yard: he said they all seemed like "nice people", and that he suspected the charges were politically motivated. These sentiments were echoed by other officers who kept distinguishing us from "proper criminals". Another senior officer told me he suspected that it wasn't so much a case of legality, but that UK Uncut had upset people who were that little bit too rich; that little bit too powerful. Some police officers, I've been told, even advised protesters about constructing a defence.
Another toryboy wankstain attending the "Rally Against Debt":


Any Urbs who are gonna be in London on Saturday May 14 and who are good with a camera should attend this rally. Would be good to get some photos of these good-for-nothing tory turds so we can have a laff at them looking like twats and arses. Prizes will be offered to anybody who can take a picture that tops that classic photo of "the fwee market four"...
There's a rally against debt? How does that work? It will presumably cost something to police this rally, surely?
There's a rally against debt? How does that work? It will presumably cost something to police this rally, surely?

I think the Met might be a bit busy with the FA Cup Final that day. Not that they'd want it policing, the plod being paid by THE STATE and all that. I've been giving the cunts a right round of fucks on Twitter, along with loads of other people. They've also had their Facebook page trolled so hard they've had to make it private, hee hee.
Where can I find more information about this rally? I'm in a bit of debt myself you see - it's about time someone protested against it ...
I think the Met might be a bit busy with the FA Cup Final that day. Not that they'd want it policing, the plod being paid by THE STATE and all that. I've been giving the cunts a right round of fucks on Twitter, along with loads of other people. They've also had their Facebook page trolled so hard they've had to make it private, hee hee.

police it? More than 200 people would be a shock, surely? Bet Tories will be delighted to see a demonstration of how few people actively support them.
I whole heartedly support this march against the debt these toryboys owe the proleteriat for near constant misappropriation of our.....wait, they're marching for something else aren't they
Hundal once said "all brown people should vote conservative" and then he backed the libdems, then called for a hung parliament and now he's supporting labour again. He is a tosser.
Hundal once said "all brown people should vote conservative" and then he backed the libdems, then called for a hung parliament and now he's supporting labour again. He is a tosser.

is there a more pathetic specimen than the "swing voter". Tribalism I can follow - but actually thinking the parties change in any meaningful way between elections?

Ooh, I think I'll give the other team a go!
police it? More than 200 people would be a shock, surely? Bet Tories will be delighted to see a demonstration of how few people actively support them.

Facebook group had over 800 people attending last night. Felix, Tim, Nic and that other one will probably be there. Could be a laff like.

It's that guy from the picture isn't it? Does he always wear the same clothes? Obviously capitalism isn't working for him.
Sorry hang on, the last page is blocked by work so i cant work out what you're all talking about...... is it a bunch of tories campaigning against being in debt?
i've heard the black suit bloc are planning to go down and smash up some street cleaners carts to get the media interested.
Facebook group had over 800 people attending last night. Felix, Tim, Nic and that other one will probably be there. Could be a laff like.

It looks like one of those videos where some off-screen nutter's got a gun at his head. I'm sorry, he's entitled to his opinion, but mine is that he's a cunt and I'd like to head his nose through the back of his skull.
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