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‘March for the Alternative’ - 26th March - London

blah blah

You're an idiot.

What do people think of what has happened to UKUncut? A chance to reach out to them try and build solidarity? Or are they too stuck in their Gaurdinista bubble. SolFed had a good open letter to them. It seems like a completely tactical blunder on the filth's part either way.
Andrew you think they acted like Nazis, but you haven't given any specifics, beyond broken windows, that they share with the perpetrators of Kristallnacht.
I was told once by a 'nazis were lefties' loon, an economist, that the nazis hated the jews because they had all the money in Germany. Lefties hate the rich so they're basically nazis.

It's some sort of rubbish like that I'll warrant.
I was told once by a 'nazis were lefties' loon, an economist, that the nazis hated the jews because they had all the money in Germany. Lefties hate the rich so they're basically nazis.

It's some sort of rubbish like that I'll warrant.

I was once told by an American that Nazis were far left because they were National SOCIALISTS = the same as ObaMAO.
There's loads of that kind of crap on Twitter

I know. I've only just gone on it, really. Some fuck linked to the story about the 5 year old girl getting shot by writing "Great. More diversity". You can't argue with people like that. You can just kick their teeth through the back of their heads.
I know. I've only just gone on it, really. Some fuck linked to the story about the 5 year old girl getting shot by writing "Great. More diversity". You can't argue with people like that. You can just kick their teeth through the back of their heads.

I was told once by a 'nazis were lefties' loon, an economist, that the nazis hated the jews because they had all the money in Germany. Lefties hate the rich so they're basically nazis.

It's some sort of rubbish like that I'll warrant.

I was wrong. Hertford isn't Spymaster without the wit - he's a slightly more articulate pbman.
Martin Rowson identifies the real vandals -

BTW - I thought the women from UK uncut who was interviewed on newsnight did a pretty good job. The interviewer was a dick - just repeatedly demanding that she condem the violence whilst UKunct women was refusing to accept the premise of the question. Far better then if she tried to distant herself from the aggro and condem the black bloc.

From what I saw on the day, I didn't hear or see a single person tut tutting or criticising the property damage, or even the bottles thrown at the cops - I certinaly saw a few thousand people cheering them on. Also people at my workplace - not activists or political people - thought attacking the banks was either funny or at least partly justified. Also the numbers of people on here moangin about vandals etc seems much lower then is normal. Straws in the wind and all that but still -

I suspect that the media and poilticians with their chorus of pompous, chest puffing condemnation (i.e. newsnight stating without a shred of evidence- 'the peaceful marchers on the TUC demo were outraged by the actions of the violent minority' 'a huge own goal for uk uncut') and their attempts to depict the more radical elements as totally seperate to the mainstream anti-cuts movement are out of step with signifiencet and growing segment of public opinion.
I suspect that the media and poilticians with their chorus of pompous, chest puffing condemnation (i.e. newsnight stating without a shred of evidence- 'the peaceful marchers on the TUC demo were outraged by the actions of the violent minority' 'a huge own goal for uk uncut') and their attempts to depict the more radical elements as totally seperate to the mainstream anti-cuts movement are out of step with signifiencet and growing segment of public opinion.

I think what they are forgetting is that millions of people in every corner of the country are seeing cuts that directly effect them. The anger goes to a very local level and I think they are underestimating that. Their pompousness will grate agimnst those who are seeing their librarys closed down, youth centres closed etc. Millions of little stories and discussion people will tell each other, building into a critical mass of fucked offness.
There was a plan to occupy the park after the speeches, etc. I don't know if it went ahead and if so for how long.
You're an idiot.

What do people think of what has happened to UKUncut? A chance to reach out to them try and build solidarity? Or are they too stuck in their Gaurdinista bubble. SolFed had a good open letter to them. It seems like a completely tactical blunder on the filth's part either way.

I'd say they can't be arsed with all the infighting between left parties over when to act, the union questions and all that. As it is they present an action based alternative. People want to DO something, not argue over the correct path towards an ideological togetherness which preludes action. UKUncut provide that. People like that. They're showing how to do it without all the crap.
I'd say they can't be arsed with all the infighting between left parties over when to act, the union questions and all that. As it is they present an action based alternative. People want to DO something, not argue over the correct path towards an ideological togetherness which preludes action. UKUncut provide that. People like that. They're showing how to do it without all the crap.

Can't be arsed with infighting? So why do they condemn those they should be in solidarity with? Providing an alternative is one thing, but criticising others for different methods is quite another.
Can't be arsed with infighting? So why do they condemn those they should be in solidarity with? Providing an alternative is one thing, but criticising others for different methods is quite another.

Think you'll find on Newsnight the ukuncut lady refused to condemn the violence.
Think you'll find on Newsnight the ukuncut lady refused to condemn the violence.

I was thinking of others. There seems to be a lot of misdirected anger coming from people involved with UKUncut.

I'll look up that Newsnight interview.

EDIT: Actually re-reading maybe it against the media confusing them with others.
I was thinking of others. There seems to be a lot of misdirected anger coming from people involved with UKUncut.

If you're thinking of who I'm thinking of, she's not particularly well-able to think in a straight line politically anyway, so I wouldn't be too bothered ;) The majority of serious UK-Uncut people seem to be getting the balance about right, it's mostly the media which are looking to create divisions, but only a minority of UK-Uncut types who are really falling for it.
If you're thinking of who I'm thinking of, she's not particularly well-able to think in a straight line politically anyway, so I wouldn't be too bothered ;) The majority of serious UK-Uncut people seem to be getting the balance about right, it's mostly the media which are looking to create divisions, but only a minority of UK-Uncut types who are really falling for it.

I was thinking up some of some of the comments I am reading in response to SolFed (on their site). Interesting discussion on there going with a range of opinions.
yes. i recognised him. not convinced it's actually him shouting the yank stuff tho.

but i was a bit surprised to see him in that film... undercover cop or something deeper?

Special Branch maybe?

(does Special Branch still exist?)
Just read the Graun article - Theresa May's less than subtle implications that UKUncut are "violent" seems to be a) a case of bad-jacketing (quel surprise) and b) indicate to me that the idea of UKUncut being targeted by the state seems to be less idle speculation and more concrete certainty. Whatever, the state looks more than content to criminalise peaceful direct action - I wouldn't be wildly surprised if they end up being proscribed too. Doubtless we'll be seeing "evidence" of their "economic terrorist" links next...
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