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‘March for the Alternative’ - 26th March - London

Christ the entire cast of Pilgrims Progress are out. Canuck (Christian) Shevek (Pliable, blates) and now Mr Worldly-Wise
Actually, I'd rather not. It's a lot personal.

I think it's enough to say that while the majority of people would be largely unaffected by that kind of general strike, there are a large number of people reliant on medical, care or support services just to get through a 24hour day.

While measures can be made to compensate... just that lack of continuity of care can cost lives.
Actually, I'd rather not. It's a lot personal.

I think it's enough to say that while the majority of people would be largely unaffected by that kind of general strike, there are a large number of people reliant on medical, care or support services just to get through a 24hour day.

While measures can be made to compensate... just that lack of continuity of care can cost lives.

In strikes where nurses and doctors vote to strike they invariably still provide emergency level cover. As such there are few if any disabled people left to their own devices as a result of the strike. Which is not the case as regards those who will be affected by the cuts.
In strikes where nurses and doctors vote to strike they invariably still provide emergency level cover. As such there are few if any disabled people left to their own devices as a result of the strike. Which is not the case as regards those who will be affected by the cuts.

Emergency level cover costs lives. In a myriad of ways that would be to painful and gory to go into. Of this I have personal experience.

You pointed out yourself how some hospitals are already operating at emergency levels.
Well why bring it up in the first place then? It was a reasonable question to ask and yet you come out with this....

I didn't say it wasn't a reasonable question. It's just a little too personal just now.

Nevertheless, without needing to go into specifics we can still discuss this subject.
Emergency level cover costs lives. In a myriad of ways that would be to painful and gory to go into. Of this I have personal experience.

The cuts will cost lives. What else do you suggest people do, striking, ie withdrawal of labour, is the last weapon people have.... So, what do you suggest they do??
I didn't say it wasn't a reasonable question. It's just a little too personal just now.

Nevertheless, without needing to go into specifics we can still discuss this subject.

Well why bring up your parents as a direct reply if it's too personal?
Actually, I'd rather not. It's a lot personal.

So why bring it into the debate then? You have either used your disabled parent(s) to score internet points or you have just lied. Either way it is dishonest.

How about you instead give me some hypothetical examples of the possible effects on disabled people?
The cuts will cost lives. What else do you suggest people do, striking, ie withdrawal of labour, is the last weapon people have.... So, what do you suggest they do??

I suggest we show some solidarity and march/strike on their behalf. Longer and harder, targeted specifically at areas this particular government treasures... public schools, private institutions and financial organisations.
I suggest we show some solidarity and march/strike on their behalf. Longer and harder, targeted specifically at areas this particular government treasures... public schools, private institutions and financial organisations.

On their behalf? Take away their right to strike you mean? They should have less rights than me and others because they happen to work in healthcare?
Well why bring up your parents as a direct reply if it's too personal?

To show how easy it is to forget the effect of even small changes on the most vulnerable in society.

But, yeah, I probably should've stayed clear of mentioning parents specifically.
To show how easy it is to forget the effect of even small changes on the most vulnerable in society.

But, yeah, I probably should've stayed clear of mentioning parents specifically.

I don't think anyone forgets that to be honest... The only people I know who hand wring about it are the likes of those who will be doing the cutting that will have a much bigger effect on those you refer to thatn those who think the only the weapon most useful in this scenario is a strike....
I don't think anyone forgets that to be honest... The only people I know who hand wring about it are the likes of those who will be doing the cutting that will have a much bigger effect on those you refer to thatn those who think the only the weapon most useful in this scenario is a strike....

You're fortunate in who you know, then.

The cuts will be devastating, and many people will suffer. That's why we need to fight them.

But I don't agree that a general strike is the next best step.
You're fortunate in who you know, then.

The cuts will be devastating, and many people will suffer. That's why we need to fight them.

But I don't agree that a general strike is the next best step.

Eh? Why am I fortunate? I choose not to hang around or associate with people who don't give a fuck about those most vulnerable, that's all. But given the fact that ew've had the pleas, meetings, demos, consultations what else is left? If nothing else moves these people what else is there?
On their behalf? Take away their right to strike you mean? They should have less rights than me and others because they happen to work in healthcare?

I think we should be very careful not to mix up someone's 'rights'. With what is 'right'.
Eh? Why am I fortunate? I choose not to hang around or associate with people who don't give a fuck about those most vulnerable, that's all. But given the fact that ew've had the pleas, meetings, demos, consultations what else is left? If nothing else moves these people what else is there?

Half a million people on the streets is just a start. When there's a million on the street in every city across the land and that still doesn't work then maybe we can think about sacrificing the short term vulnerable for the long term.
Half a million people on the streets is just a start. When there's a million on the street in every city across the land and that still doesn't work then maybe we can think about sacrificing the short term vulnerable for the long term.

And how often and for how long should that continue then? By the time we've yhad a few the cuts will already be having their impact.
Half a million people on the streets is just a start. When there's a million on the street in every city across the land and that still doesn't work then maybe we can think about sacrificing the short term vulnerable for the long term.

A million in every city? Get a grip.

Every worker has a right to withdraw their labour when faced with an injustice, and your liberal hand-wringing isn't in defence of disabled people. You are using disabled people to justify inaction in the face of a brutal attack on... disabled people.
A million in every city? Get a grip.

Every worker has a right to withdraw their labour when faced with an injustice, and your liberal hand-wringing isn't in defence of disabled people. You are using disabled people to justify inaction in the face of a brutal attack on... disabled people.

I'm not using anything. I mentioned disabled people as an example of vulnerable people.

I wish I hadn't since you seem to be intent on glorying in tales of other peoples misfortunes.
Christ. My facebook is full of 'opinions' from people who weren't there.

Doesn't take much to swing things round when you talk about tax evasion though, which is encouraging.
CNN's take on this last night on TV was, 500,000 people in London protesting against austerity measures, there website seems to give different figures.

They also reported that on Libyan TV the London demo was shown and it was reported that the demo was the British people demonstrating against the use of force in Libya and that Libya is calling for the UN to have a no-fly zone in the UK to protect the people from the forces of the state.
And you think a general strike will be more effective? How so?

Where is your evidence that a litany of demos will change their minds. A cynic might say that yesterday was the TUC having a radical 5 minutes. Buw even if we have more demos what will it actually bring?
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