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‘March for the Alternative’ - 26th March - London

Interestingly if you do the maths, much press has been generated by some trouble - that's 0.08% of the march taking up much of the reporting ( based on figure of 250,000 attendees and 200 'activists'.)
maybe this is the issue? Anonymous violent fuckers ruin milibands big media moment. If the black bloc threw a spanner in new labour's pr objective, well played.

It was the timing that Labour's high command had been dreading. At the very moment their party leader began his speech at the anti-cuts rally in Hyde Park, anarchists wearing masks and waving red flags began attacking shops and banks in Oxford Street.
For several minutes, live television pictures of the violence were accompanied by words from Ed Miliband.

guess who said about the tuc rally yesterday

"This has been middle Britain speaking"

not the same person who said

"These are the voices of the mainstream majority in our country... "The duty of my party is to stand up for that mainstream majority"
Oh! Forgot to add: saw Paul Mason tagging along for a bit, he's shorter than I'd expected. Still strangely-attractive though <wibble>
Also, Mark Thomas waved at me, w00t :D :oops:
On my way home last night I walked through Cambridge Circus. Would you fucking believe it Globalise Resistance, (who I thought was dead and buried) were trying to give the impression they trashed HSBC there.

They were placing their crappy orange flags around the Circus.
G.R did break the kettle on Piccadilly. My mates were inside and from out of a side street came about fifty or sixty G.R lot and hared down to the police lines, kettle broke about five minutes later.


Terrified members of the public :D
Did anyone else see the leaflets from the Money Supply Reform Party? Do they win the 'best political fringe group' award? :D

Edit: watching a Swappie try and sell papers to about 20 black bloc was a definite bit of light relief ... :D Top marks to him for effort, at least :facepalm:
Anyone know what, if anything, happened at the Leicester Square Odeon? Had a giant black and red flag hanging from it when I went past and a couple of Black Blockers on the roof. Kudos to them however they did it.
wish I could post some of the argument from the room here :D
i think the most persuasive one is "I'd rather the kids threw paint at cops than sat at home on playstation" which I cant argue with at all

I think the throwing of paint/grafitti etc is a valid way of venting frustration - but the thing is, it costs money to clean it all up, people spent the whole night cleaning the buildings, and I'm pretty sure we had to pay for that. Waste of money...

Similarly it costs a lot of money to deal with violent situations, those coppers don't come cheap. And at the end of the day, although it might be quite an event for the people involved, I'm not sure it makes a difference. It just grabs the headlines and gives the establishment more ammunition not to listen!

So what makes a difference? I don't know, but general strike sounds like a good thing as the next step. It's better to take action united, then to let inner divisions paralyse everyone.

And I'm glad I missed Milliband's speech, the other ones we saw were pretty good and inspiring.

meh, I wish I'd been in the room! :D
Hannan posted this er, gem
Two questions that struck me, watching the marchers.

1. Why do people dependent on the state for their income call themselves 'anarchists'?

2. Do the Socialist Workers include any, you know, workers?

One question struck me while I was reading this comment, why is he so fucking thick?
Coordinated action - a 24 hour public sector strike. Hit the fuckers where it hurts.

The trouble is that doesn't hit the fuckers where it hurts them. The people in power use so little of public services. Emergency health care, refuse collections and patching up the roads are the only things I can think of apart from the police/armed forces who are forbidden from striking. I'm not saying I have the answer, I just think some pretty creative thinking is required.
I don't know what moon23 is about, just laughing at the class stwuggle mob who hate the world.
Just like to thank all the urbanites for their hospitality this weekend. You're an awesome bunch :)
Great to meet you :)

A fantastic day and demo in the main. I love the not just marching from a to be but breaking off and running (mostly not riot) all over the place for maximum pay-attention-to-this disruption. and brilliant to see so many younger people involved and engaged.

Brilliant pics, girasol :cool:
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