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‘March for the Alternative’ - 26th March - London

bonus points for the man with signs saying masons killed diana, pitched up at the entrance to ?fenchurch?. Is he a regular fixture.
It might have a slight chance of making more of a difference than sitting in a pub watching it on TV and pontificating about it on the interwebs

We shall see. Let me know how much global capitalism is reeling after today's activities. I am willing to be swayed by evidence.
actually, feel a bit crap for stirring this argument up. i share anger and motives with anyone who threw paint today and we can argue about methods over a pint sometime please :)
like anything it's a legitimate tactic under certain circumstances, just depends how it's done innit.

and if throwing paint at a window is "violence" then, well, sorry ...
wish I could post some of the argument from the room here :D
i think the most persuasive one is "I'd rather the kids threw paint at cops than sat at home on playstation" which I cant argue with at all


^^^ for the lols
Part of me is pleased that the Black flag mob have gone on the rampage today and I cannot imagine to many people shedding tears when they saw those banks getting smashed up.

I could have bought into this notion of the main march and rally meaning something important if they had not allowed that prat Milliband and numerous other NLW's to use it to just carry on playing the same political game that has got us in this shit in the first place.

It was truly sickening to see his cuntish little speech especially given his role in the previous Labour regime and for me him being allowed to speak like totally devalued the whole day, at least from the offical part of it.

But those people in masks smashing the s*** out of the banks and so on represented at least in my eyes a far more genuine and honest anger than that other load of staged party political bollocks at Hyde Park.

Give me the honesty of UK uncut and other such groups any day of the week. I doubt I would agree with them on almost anything but at least they are have a genuine passion that can be respected.

agree with every word.
It was a wonderfully heartening march today (though according to the news it was 8 arsonists setting a bin alight and summoning the devil).
Fucking irony Sky discussing how the TUC march has been overshadowed by violence whilst they stream live pictures of it.
Of course the Daily Mail would be the first newspaper to give an incisive commentary around that slogan, given their firm and principled stance against fascist aggression in the 30s
There is that, and we all know about it, but credit where credit is due. It's nearly up there with The Sun's 'Shoots You Sir' headline about Gianni Versace's murder.
That was the star or the daily sport or some such comic that did the shoots you sir headline. Not that the sun isn't a comic, but it was one of the papers that would run an 'aliens founds on mars' type story that did that headline.
Well, I haven't heard from butchers since 4.30 pm. :hmm:

I sent Fed a text at about 1pm that he didn't get til 6pm and heard nothing in the meantime. I think mobile networks have been creaking a bit today.
Great day!

Went to the South London Feeder, which featured the Trojan Horse (RIP I believe). Was encouraging to see everyone decide to take the more direct route over Westminster Bridge in the end.

After hitting Hyde Park and listening to the first bit of Miliband's speech (well before most must have got there), headed off to Oxford Street.

The road was heaving with people all over, chanting outside shops and trying to keep doors open to banks, with the police trying to cope.

Ended up outside the newly redecorated Topshop, with a Police Guard in place. Then the Trojan Horse arrived, along with various other marches, including a group with Charlie from The Love Police. He's pretty amusing and instigated a kettle of 4 cops on Regent Street, which saw them leg it! We hung around at Oxford Circus 'til half 3 when people started heading down Regent Street. People kept counting down from 10 at Oxford Circus and then cheering for about half an hour. They were joining in the countdown on the pedestrian crossings!

After a break in a pub, we headed for the Fortnum & Mason occupation, but it was well sealed off. Strange considering the later reports about how it was peaceful. So then it was off to Trafalgar Square, which all seemed quite peaceful. Was getting quite cold and tired, so headed home and fell asleep in front of BBC24...

Then read about Trafalgar Square kicking off on Twitter, so went back at about 11pm to check it out. Everything was sealed off, but I progressed around through the side streets round the other side, you could get right in. Small group were kettled at the back of Nelson Column, with police surrounding the plaza stopping people getting close. Hung around for hours, watching people get arrested or get wound up. Seemed to be quite a bit of inebriation going on. The roads all round were littered with glass.

As people slowly filtered out, some of them predictably gathered outside the cordon.

Then, man with a bike soundsytem decided to stop in the road and before long there was a group having a party, blocking traffic. Police arrived and cleared them, but they regathered and carried on. Eventually, the police kettled them in the centre of the roundabout, dragged the bike soundsystem out, which resulted in its owner hitting the deck quite hard.

By this time, it was starting to get thin on the ground with protesters and I figured there weren't many left in the nelson's column kettle, so I headed home at about 1:30am (GMT)

Presumably they'll clear everyone out, so I guess that's the end of the 'stay in trafalgar square' protest. Funny how the media would be pouring scorn on that if it happened in Tahir Square.

Plenty of police were seen heading off, in their little hire minibuses and the odd coach. Like a little policeman's holiday outing.

Oh. And I still haven't worked out how to get a decent picture of police at night, as the flash just seems to result in a black pictures with some reflective strips...:facepalm:
so what happened to the Sukey app did anyone actually use it or was it used to help the met I didnt hear it mentioned by anyone :confused: - noticed this vid is linked on their site but not too much else

Well, that was all very satisfactory.
Same again next weekend, right? ;)

Didn't manage to meet most of the people I'd hoped to, but ended up bumping into loads of other people I haven't seen for years, which was top. And none of my nearest & dearest got nicked. Result.
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