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    Lazy Llama

miners strike 84/85

That's capitalism/the free market/globalisation for you Gremlin. Thatcher was a major proponent of all this.
I find it hard to express (without expessing violence/hatred) my feelings on Thatcher and all that she represented.
In fact I can't do it.
I really don't know where you're coming from Gremlin.
As if life under Blair v Thatcher was any kind of argument????
He's a despicable bastard just like she is.
"Today's prosperity" !!! my fucking arse.
Originally posted by rorymac
I find it hard to express (without expessing violence/hatred) my feelings on Thatcher and all that she represented.
In fact I can't do it.
I really don't know where you're coming from Gremlin.
As if life under Blair v Thatcher was any kind of argument????
He's a despicable bastard just like she is.
"Today's prosperity" !!! my fucking arse.

I get your message, to each their own. The country is prosperous enough tto withstand the 27Bn per annum in extra taxes that we are paying since Blair came in, without it quite killing the economy.
it's good to see

how Lady Thatcher still gets you guys so upset. She must have done such a great job. I guess getting the support of the British public for 3 elections must have meant she was doing something right.
You wouldn't have said that if you'd grown up in a mining community in Kent, Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire, Wales or the North East of England during the Thatcher years.

It's funny, I'd imagine rightisgood to be all "English jobs for English people" but when push comes to shove, he'd rather have coal imported from Australia or the Ukraine than from an English pit.
remember it well (i was 18) the level of violence by the cops was disgusting but, easier to swallow than their payslip waving episodes. remember karma you cunts.

i read one account of when the pickets, fed up of being bitten by alsations (maybe at orgrieve) had an answer to the pathetic cops and their pathetic dogs. the cops moved toward a line of miners, the cop dogs straining at the leashes, when the line of pickets backed up to be replaced by a second line of men with thier english bulls and staffordshire bulls really straining at their leads:D :D a mass yelp went up from cop dog when they saw them,and the cops were suddenly dragged backwards en-masse!:D :D
(dogs know when not to fuck with certain dogs)

the miners taught the cops a lesson in restraint and humanity,they kept their dogs leashed
I may be wrong

but from what i can remember there was a cold blooded murder during the miners strike, something to do with a taxi driver and a concrete slab. Was it the police did this??????? I just can't remember
I may be wrong

Originally posted by rightisgood
but from what i can remember there was a cold blooded murder during the miners strike, something to do with a taxi driver and a concrete slab. Was it the police did this??????? I just can't remember

you can't remember?? can you remember joining the police at 8 years old?? you never answered that one did you?!!
do you

expect me to tell the truth in my profile. le's just say very late 30's. Now, perhaps you could remind me who committed the murder during the miners strike
no one said the guy killed was justified. ever. its so sick you bring up the actions of two idiots to undermine the idea of a legitimate strike to save ones jobs.

for example ms Thatcher always argued about the jobs cutting back the arms industry would lose (100,000 is the figure usually bandied about) yet she didnt have the same concerns for other ordinary British people - the miners.

margaret thatcher was, like most British Prime Ministers, elected by a MINORITY of the population. The biggest slice of the adult population eleigible to vote in the uk she ever got was around 33% (post Falklands maj of 144) which nevertheless is much more than the 23% Tony Blair got last time out (in return for whcih he gets 70% of the seats maj 160-odd)

is it sick of me to bring up the cold blooded and planned murder of an innocent taxi driver. Everyone else thinks it is cool to bring up the violence of the police so expect to get challenged.
Of course the murder of an innocent man is bad, but rightisgood if you are accusing us who support the case of the miners of hypocrisy, you are open to the same charge as you seem determined to ignore the violence and Chilean style tactics of the police at the time. If you think I'm lying there was article in the Guardian magazine a few weeks ago outlining the fact that Thatcher got most of her ideas from Chile + Pinochet, it also mentions that Picnochet was "impressed" by Thatchers tactics in the 1984/85 strike.
Of course its true, just look at the actions of Thatcher and the Tories during the Pinochet affair a few years ago. If she wasn't such a big fan of Pinochet why did she kick up such a storm about his (fully justified) arrest?
his arrest

was not justified. Just because Mandelson thought it was wonderful!!!
Rightisgood, if it had been a "left wing" dictator, say Castro for argument's sake, who had been arested, I bet you, Mrs Thatcher and all the rest of the right would be baying for his blood. You'd be invoking all sorts of high-flown rhetoric about how murderous dictators should face justice. But because it was a fellow rightist, the right in this country closed ranks around him. Hypocrisy of the highest order, i think.

In any case, why am I bothering to argue with you? If you can't even tell the truth about your age, why should you be trusted on anything else?

Liar, hypocrit and bigot.
Excuse me

but was'nt the chinese preseident allowed in and given protection from protesters by the labour govt, and this was before Pinochet. One rule for the left and one for the right.
Very probably. IMO it's sickening that these things are used as political footballs. A butcher is a butcher, no matter what political creed he claims to espouse, and should be treated as such, not given protection by his erstwhile political allies.

But again, you can hardly criticise Labour allowing the Chinese president in if you are prepared to allow a butcher like Pinochet to go free.
Difference being

after the chinese leader was welcomed by the labour party and the Queen forced to meet him and then let him go free despite being a murderer of thousands, they then arrest Pinochet. If you arrest one you have to arrest the other, that's my point.
People like RightisGood quite happily lie on this thread and still expect themselves to be taken seriously. A while back on this thread Rightisgood accused me of being a liar because this person ?..... didn't like what I said.

I like it the proven liar accusing others of being liars - he/she/it ??? (hard to say given other profile inaccuracies) is very funny indeed ....and since they are so obviously trolling they are not worth the energy of consistently responding to them.

Respect to all contributors to this thread, including the right-wing (honest ones anyway) logically/rationally argued contributions.

rightisgood, you seem to be under the misapprehension that the Chinese president is "left wing". I remind you that he was here to make deals with British big business for the opening up of the Chinese economy - hardly left wing! And I agree the leaders of China are a gang of murderous dictators anyone with a brain can see that. But that doesn't stop the UK under your beloved Tories cosying up to them as Blair is now.
Back - tracking a little (I`ve not been here for a couple of days)

Gremlin --- I don`t think anyone here condoned the death of the taxi driver & personally I abhor violence -------

However what you remember seems selective ----

Eg Do you remember the BBC having to apologise (After the strike was over, of course)
for the footage they showed of Orgreve -----
Due to a "Mistake on the cutting room floor"
The sequence of events was apparently reversed ----I.E. what we saw was the miners rush the police -- chucking stones at horses etc----
When what had actually happened was that mounted police charged the (unarmed) pickets who attemped to get away --- those trapped attempted to defend themselves with whatever came to hand ----??
if my memory serves me, from an ITV documentary on the strike, there were around 400 arrests at Orgreve, 150 odd came to court and 11 were found guilty. none of whom served any time. (ie minor offences like obstruction)

in other words people were rounded up, arrested and there were no cases to answer at all.

in fact the local magistrates and judges eventually complained at the waste of their time.
Britain needed Thatcher just as England now need Lord Sven.
The Unions had brought down a few previous governments and it was time to show that the majority view needed to be enacted. Thatcher took down the largest Union so that none would apose the government in future and we are reaping the economic benefits today!
Byers you have gone - the first Tory/Daily Mail scalp:p
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