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World Liberty Congress / Leopoldo Lopez


I was listening to world service news and caught this guy Leopoldo Lopez talking... he is one of the opposition leaders in Venezuela, spent time in prison for that, but the main bit that caught my interest was how he had this paradigm of global politics as a battle between democracy and autocracy which democracy is currently in danger of losing... as examples of autocracies he had examples of Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela of course... and the idea that there was a lot of cooperation and aid going on between the autocratic countries, either preventing opposition or encouraging democratic countries to turn. And he also mentioned the World Liberty Congress, which is aimed at bringing together pro democracy activists. It all sounded interesting and good, and an alternative to seeing global politics as left v right or neo liberal v whatever.... I wanted to check I wasn't missing something dodgy. I mean clearly in democracies you have to accept that quite often you are going to get partied you don't want voted in, but I guess on balance I am still pro-democracy. Any info or opinions gratefully received, i'm trying to get teenagers to debate about it tomorrow (and also it is just interesting to me). I imagine he is quite pro-USA, neo-liberal maybe


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