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World War III

Roubini trying to sell his latest book. But what if he's right? And as if it isn't inevitable (not that he's apparently saying it isn't) that some countries won't become 'revisionist'...

Speaking to Yahoo Finance's editor-in-chief on Monday, Roubini highlighted geopolitical threats and what he calls a new cold war that has emerged between the U.S. and China as well as between the West and "revisionist" powers including Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and Pakistan.

“They're essentially challenging the economic, social, and geopolitical order that the U.S., and Europe, and the West created after World War II,” Roubini said, explaining this crisis could ensnare the U.S."

"I believe the next 5-10 years is going to be the time where there’s going to be a confrontation between the U.S. and China on the issue of Taiwan and that could be a trigger of this cold war becoming a hot war,” he said. “That’s how we get to World War III.”

German language paywall... That's helpful.

In English and without paywall: archive.ph

Got to say, this bit, in which he ignores the long history of Russian imperialism, is rather simplistic and makes me wonder about his knowledge outside of his field of economics:

There is always some macho man then who says "I will save the country" and who blames everything on the foreigners. That's exactly what Putin did with Ukraine.
Finland may be game for hosting yanky nuclear weapons on its border with Russia.

The article is a bit 2+2=16.

NATO is a nuclear armed alliance, and Finland is joining it 'without preconditions'. There are annual nuclear weapons deployment exercises within NATO, and Finland, and Finnish officers within NATO structures, will take part in them.

Finland has made no request - not talked about one - to have NATO forces stationed permanently on its territory (not least because it's spikey as fuck, and simply doesn't feel the need to have additional forces to ensure its security), nor have a nuclear weapons storage site on its territory (there are 7, none of them in the former Soviet/WarPac states).

The NATO nuclear weapons exercises do not involve either live weapons, nor the deployment of inert practice weapons to states that are not already hosts to NATO nukes. Finnish aircraft are not plumbed for nukes.

Poland has talked about seeking to be an eighth nuclear hosting state (which means US B-61 air dropped nukes, under US physical control, with Polish aircraft plumbed for the Permissive Action Link system that US nukes use), but there's little appetite within NATO for adding to any Russian paranoia.

In short, the extent of 'NATO nukes in Finland' is that in this year's exercise (based in Belgium) Finnish F/A-18's, probably based in Finland, would exercise with NATO nuclear sharing fighters over Germany, Belgium and the North Sea - there's also going to be some flights by the US bomber task force flying from the US.

Non-story, Finland isn't hosting US nukes anymore than Canada, or Denmark are...
Finland is heavily armed and prepared to fight Russia although after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine Urban can probably stop Russia threat to the uk😂
So the Chinese have ripped off the woeful us ACU cami.
But unlike the British they put pockets on the bottom of the shirt/jacket
So no RSM is trying to force people to wear it tucked in😂
Russia has killed 2 people in Poland. Looks like difficult conversations are being had about an appropriate response.
The Russians are now saying they didn't fire any Missiles into Poland?

They probably didn't.

The pictures I've seen are initially indicative, but by no means certain, of a type of fairly long range Surface to Air missile (5V55 missile from the S300 system).

Both Russia and Ukraine operate these missiles.

The missile has a secondary Surface-to-Surface attack capability,which Russia has been utilising,rather a lot.

I doubt Russia deliberately attempted to start WW3 by attacking a grain store with a surface to air missile.

Its almost certainly an accident. Missiles go of course all the time. Russian ones particularly....
Every day that piece of shit lives is a net negative for the world.
He is a shit, but a shit who knows how the world works. He has peered behind the curtain (and has actually spent some of his life behind it himself), but he has to pretend that it wasn't exactly hell that he saw.
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He is a shit, but a shit who knows how the world works. He has peered behind the curtain (and has actually spent some of his life behind it himself), but he has to pretend that it wasn't exactly hell that he saw.
Been calls that back door diplomacy broken down for over a year and without it could end up going nuclear. Currently the Chinese foreign minister is AWOL..Not my favorite person but needs must
not looking good is it.

This is being reported today
Civilians must prepare for all-out war with Russia in the next 20 years, a top Nato military official has warned.
While armed forces are primed for the outbreak of war, private citizens need to be ready for a conflict that would require wholesale change in their lives, Adml Rob Bauer said on Thursday.
Large numbers of civilians will need to be mobilised in case of the outbreak of war and governments should put in place systems to manage the process, Adml Bauer told reporters after a meeting of Nato defence chiefs in Brussels.

The Houthi situation is a serious one also I think...they're not going to stop attacking shipping for a long time yet, and the US cant afford to look weak + theres trade for them to consider. But what would it take for the US to actually take control? Is it really feasible? I doubt without massive escelation. I saw reported today that the Houthi's are allowing Russian and Chinese boats to pass...the world is really polarising into two axis style groups.

Increasing calls across Europe to up its military capacity even more.
A broad point but this is classic war breeds war stuff going on...the logic of more arms to make peace has to be challenged.
The western (US led) relationship with Russia and now Israel is utterly disastrous.
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