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War is a crime?

There are, supposedly, rules for conduct in war, which are based on Just War Theory. For the 'West', these rules have their origins in the work of Augustine of Hippo, which informed the Geneva Conventions. Btw, revenge is strictly forbidden by the GC and constitutes a war crime. The mistreatment of civilians and POWs is also a war crime.

Jus in bello (conduct while engaged in war)
I'd say the US had absolutely no business being in Vietnam or interfering in the internal affairs.
The Revolutionary War is more complex because the British imperialists were already here when they were asked to leave by far from a majority of the colonists.
There are, supposedly, rules for conduct in war, which are based on Just War Theory. For the 'West', these rules have their origins in the work of Augustine of Hippo, which informed the Geneva Conventions. Btw, revenge is strictly forbidden by the GC and constitutes a war crime. The mistreatment of civilians and POWs is also a war crime.

Jus in bello (conduct while engaged in war)
What if - Just war theory is valid, is internally consistent, is even correct and true - and is still a load of old bollocks?

Just hear me out here.

I'd say the US had absolutely no business being in Vietnam or interfering in the internal affairs.
The Revolutionary War is more complex because the British imperialists were already here when they were asked to leave by far from a majority of the colonists.
The revolutionary war eventually gave us Monroe and Russell in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, so I think it counts as historically progressive.
hospitals How Gaza’s hospitals became battlegrounds

The IDF released footage on November 13 that it said showed a group of armed men at the entrance of Al-Quds Hospital, at least one of whom appeared to be carrying a rocket-propelled grenade launcher. Israel said in a statement that its forces killed “approximately 21 terrorists” when they returned fire after the militants shot at their tank from the hospital, adding that civilians were seen leaving the hospital during the exchange.

The PRCS condemned Israel’s “false claims” and said no armed individuals were operating in Al-Quds. A video shared by Aburas, the PRCS relief coordinator, showed an Israeli tank firing on Al-Quds from the same location pictured in the IDF footage. The person filming ducked away from the window and a woman could be heard crying in the background.

Hamas being irregular forces may not understand that you can't shoot at people from hospitals or have much control of subunits and the IDF doesnt need much of an excuse to go on the warpath the Red crescent and the UNRWA really have limited options if armed men decide to use their facility's or just pass through that's good enough for the IDF to attack .

Hamas has previous for using protected buildings UN admits Palestinians fired rockets from UNRWA schools - UN Watch

Which amounts to the sum total of evidence being a a 5 second clip of a guy with an RPG near the entrance to Al Quds.

I mean I'm not going to defend Hamas particularly, but y'know... It's not a lot.
I'd say the US had absolutely no business being in Vietnam or interfering in the internal affairs.
The Revolutionary War is more complex because the British imperialists were already here when they were asked to leave by far from a majority of the colonists.
Besides, we were able to steal a lot more from India and Africa than we could of got from you (us) lot at the time so that's why we only fielded the C team.
BAE preferred the cold war as nobody cared if any of their crap actually worked and they could Coin it in safe in the knowledge that nobody would be around to ask akward question if the cold war went hot:D
Someone wrote that if the cold war had turned hot a big chunk of it would have been two groups of thousands of functioning alcoholics standing around on both sides of the inner German border kicking vehicles that wouldn't start.
the only people who took the German front line seriously were the east Germans they were ready to 24/7 365 and could have reached Paris or Moscow at the weekend with zero resistance they were slightly miffed when the wall came down.
Someone wrote that if the cold war had turned hot a big chunk of it would have been two groups of thousands of functioning alcoholics standing around on both sides of the inner German border kicking vehicles that wouldn't start.
A more effective plan to stop 3rd shock army rather than my platoon with it's MILAN missiles a fully stocked Costco a MCdonalds BMP drive through :D and a beer hall would be more effective at stopping the horde.

Although the SAS had a cunning plan to assinate Soviet Military police who were suppoused to direct the Soviet hordes Westward. After watching their efforts on exercise realised it would have been completely pointless :D
the only people who took the German front line seriously were the east Germans they were ready to 24/7 365 and could have reached Paris or Moscow at the weekend with zero resistance they were slightly miffed when the wall came down.
I don't think I get this.
I keep going back to the Revolutionary war. What were they thinking? After Saratoga, the rest of it was so futile and so very wrong...
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