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The Republican War on Children

No, we do not!!!

Family farms have always operated this way.

Factory work should never be allowed for children.
I wouldn’t look at it that way myself. Farming is an extremely dangerous profession and still kills people. Per capita in the UK I had a feeling it was worse than factory work.

Construction is the real killer (and a lot of that happens on farms too)

Edited to add the following info from the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) for the period April 2021 to March 2022:
the rate of fatal injuries (per 100,000 workers) in the agricultural sector remains the highest of all major industries. The agricultural worker fatal injury rate is 21 times higher than the average five-year annual rate across all industries.

I would expect similar in the US, perhaps worsened by having larger distances to reach emergency care.
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I wouldn’t look at it that way myself. Farming is an extremely dangerous profession and still kills people. Per capita in the UK I had a feeling it was worse than factory work.

Construction is the real killer (and a lot of that happens on farms too)

Yes, children die every year working on the family farm. However, it is called a family farm for a reason - your family does chores.

Improvements and education over the years have decreased the annual numbers of injury and death.

Children dying on the family farm are far less than other activities. Just recently, two lads drowned in the river and another died playing hockey. And that is just around here. Banning children from doing chores is as ridiculous as banning children from playing hockey or out going for a stroll.

It is all about risk management.
I would expect similar in the US, perhaps worsened by having larger distances to reach emergency care.

don't know about farming, but logging and commercial fishing are the most dangerous trades.
I've read them, I have a kid in school. I've read Gender Queer for example, as have thousands of American 11 year-olds. Have you?

seem as you of an age phil and guessing from the uk at some point

you must remember the book bannings around section 28 the hysterical and pearl clutching from what history has consigned to bigoted troglodytae fuckwits

or look at history with nazi looting the institute of sexology in 1933

like most points your trying to make you place yourself on one side of an argument

just don't have the cajones to come out and say it publicly
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seem as you of an age phil and guessing from the uk at some point

you must remember the book bannings around section 28 the hysterical and pearl clutching from what history has consigned to bigoted troglodytae fuckwits

or look at history with nazi looting the institute of sexology in 1933

like most points your trying to make you place yourself on one side of an argument

just don't have the cajones to come out and say it publicly

It's not a matter of cojones, I'm just ambivalent on the issue.

Basically, I do want them to read books like Gender Queer, but not when they're 11 years old. And I question the motives of those who've suddenly introduced such material into the curriculum.
gender queer was never included in any curriculum was advised on a suggested listed of book teacher and educator should read by the nea

fox news made a hyperbolic news storm about it and you bought into it

jesus if they found out William s boroughs books are stocked in many libraries can you imagine the reaction
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It's not a matter of cojones, I'm just ambivalent on the issue.

Basically, I do want them to read books like Gender Queer, but not when they're 11 years old. And I question the motives of those who've suddenly introduced such material into the curriculum.

Librarians and teachers get extensive training on age-appropriate materials. I just finished a class on Children's Lit. and the final was a bibliography of 50 books, with a 100-word assessment of each book's educational, artistic, and cultural significance, with a notation on the intended audience by age. Despite all of the propaganda to the contrary teachers aren't lining up to turn your kids gay. Most teachers have their hands full just getting them to sit down long enough to learn a bit of math and reading. That's their agenda.
do waste you breath Yuwipi

we have a Tucker Carlson believer in our mists

jesus even fox lawyers used to defend this guys saying " no reasonably intelligent adult would not be able to spot that his based bullshite was make believer"

but here is Dwyer
It's not a matter of cojones, I'm just ambivalent on the issue.

Basically, I do want them to read books like Gender Queer, but not when they're 11 years old. And I question the motives of those who've suddenly introduced such material into the curriculum.

Age eleven, you pretty much know your orientation. Books don't turn you gay.

Maybe you should try reading some.
Billionaire Gov. of Nebraska says: "I don't believe in welfare."

The Republican governor of Nebraska is standing by his decision to reject a federal program that would give the state $18 million to help feed food-insecure children next summer.

Gov. Jim Pillen reiterated his stance in a statement Friday on why the state won’t be participating in the 2024 Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer for Children or Summer EBT program.

“COVID-19 is over and Nebraska taxpayers expect that pandemic-era government relief programs will end too,” Pillen said in a statement.

The program, made available in 2020 during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, would give EBT cards to low-income families whose kids are eligible for free and reduced-price lunches at school.

Families would receive $40 a month per child over the summer. In exchange for the $18 million in federal funds, the state would have to pay $300,000 in administrative costs.

“I don’t believe in welfare,” Pillen said at a previous news conference about his decision to reject the funds.

Instead, Pillen said, the state would continue to help kids through the Summer Food Service Program, which provides meals to low-income kids who are signed up for on-site services like summer school and camps.

At a rally on Friday in front of the Governor’s Residence, advocates for the federal program argued the Summer Food Service Program doesn’t reach thousands of kids who aren’t able to participate in those on-site programs, the Nebraska Examiner reported.

I used to stock a little free pantry near a school. I had a teacher wander over one day and tell me how glad she was that people were making an effort to feed her kids because so many were hungry in school. Nearly every day I'd see kids getting apples and granola bars out of the box after school and loading up on mac and cheese for supper. These programs are definitely needed, especially in a state where the voters had to have a referendum to raise minimum wage from $9.00 an hour because our lawmakers wouldn't do it. Even yet, minimum wage isn't anything to brag about. It went up today to $12.00 an hour.
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a litle good news in that department, though not in NE

It's getting a bit better even here (despite our lawmakers). The minimum wage went from 10.50 to 12.00 on January 1. Next Jan 1, it will go up to 13:50 and the year after that it will go up to 15.00. At that point, it will be pegged to inflation. What minimum wage legislation proves is that you can't trust your representatives to look our for your interests. Nearly all of the rise across the country in minimum wages occurred due to voter ballot iniatives. It wasn't due to lawmakers seeing a problem and fixing it.
okay then.

Might have something to do with the number of people asking about how much corporate welfare his ag business got during the pandemic and gets every year from the USDA in farm subsidies, the same entity that's providing the money for food for kids. He got more than $7 million, or about 39% of the money this program provides. Every time he spoke anywhere you could ask questions; he was asked about this. Anytime a story appeared in the paper it was flooded with this question. He didn't see the light so much as cave from the embarrassment, especially when he has school children telling him there's hungry kids in school.

But don't worry, he has another plan to rob from the poor to give to the rich. He's announced a plan to lower property taxes. He wants to raise the state sales tax to pay for it by 1%. As everyone here knows, this kind of tax is regressive and shifts the tax burden from those well off enough to afford property to those with incomes too low to buy a house. This is in addition to tax cuts he signed into law a few months ago:

The $18 Million is chump change to accept in comparison to raising the sales tax, which will claw back $1.5 billion for his plan to lower property taxes.

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maybe we need a contest where posters imagine the lowest you can go

Kaitlyn Anderson was nearly six months pregnant and an employee for the Missouri Department of Transportation when a vehicle struck and killed her at a worksite.

MoDOT has attempted to claim Anderson's unborn child, Jaxx, as an employee, which would make the case a worker's compensation issue rather than a wrongful death suit.
Global perspectives on the Alabama ruling, IVF and when cells become a person.

If the GOP carries on like this, pretty soon, wanking's going to run the risk of being outlawed

Near as I can tell they haven't outlawed wanking yet, but they have outlawed the use of toys, and you can't wank and send picture of it to your partner. So you're still ok if you do it in a dark room, by yourself, and by hand as God intended.

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