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World War III

“Russia has repeatedly given a chance to the command of the satanists to come to their senses. But we were not heard or ignored. Now everything will be different, we will dictate the terms,” Putin said

From the Graun.

I think Putin’s been watching Scum.
Putin is certainly a tool.
Yes. Ukraine is not in NATO. So if there is to be a response in kind, who (what nation) should make it?
It can't be Ukraine. They handed over all their nukes under various treaty obligations. same with chem & bio weapons. Russia? Not so much.
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Kind of batshit that they can't even pick a real weapon as a pretext for escalation though.
Kind of batshit that they can't even pick a real weapon as a pretext for escalation though.
I'd assume the logic is that the US would use a real nuke not a dirty bomb and that it would allow an escalation to tactical nukes by having the other side 'go nuclear' first.
I'd assume the logic is that the US would use a real nuke not a dirty bomb and that it would allow an escalation to tactical nukes by having the other side 'go nuclear' first.
Bannon's bloke other night was saying there would be a nuke and that it would be false flag....explained to him after this long a nuclear reproachment between two sides was unlikely...pointed to mining of dam...cited it as sign of how to be a massive count without going nuclear...mind you fella also didn't reckon that Norway pipeline would last...might want to get that Norwegian sub detection system up and running as a precaution ...but I'd be honest ...pretty chill about it
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I'd assume the logic is that the US would use a real nuke not a dirty bomb and that it would allow an escalation to tactical nukes by having the other side 'go nuclear' first.

I mean I understand the logic to a degree, it's just that no-one who knows what a dirty bomb is would buy it. Like Russia is using the fear-mongering of 15 years ago.
I suppose it could also be a ploy to get people to evacuate Kherson to the Russian side rather than hiding in basements and waiting for the Ukrainians.
I suppose it could also be a ploy to get people to evacuate Kherson to the Russian side rather than hiding in basements and waiting for the Ukrainians.

I mean it could just be that they're brazen cunts who don't really care about their pretexts so long as they involve 'nuclear'. But yeah, seemed weird to see that one raise its head again.
Kind of batshit that they can't even pick a real weapon as a pretext for escalation though.

Next week: reports of Ukrainian Death Ray.

With extra settings for “Stun”, “Mental Impairment” and “The Brown Note”.
* theoretical technical issue.

RN Nuclear submarines, whilst under command of Captain's there because they have passed the hardest exam to pass in the world, set sail with written instructions, under lock and key from the Prime Minister. Assuming for some reason, the PM changes whilst on operational patrol, how are the letters swapped out?
* theoretical technical issue.

RN Nuclear submarines, whilst under command of Captain's there because they have passed the hardest exam to pass in the world, set sail with written instructions, under lock and key from the Prime Minister. Assuming for some reason, the PM changes whilst on operational patrol, how are the letters swapped out?

When they dock.
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