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World War III

Not WW3, but the end of US world hegemony?

'When asked in 2020 to envisage the world after Covid, Michel Houellebecq proclaimed, accurately enough, that “it will be the same, just a bit worse”. It does not take a soothsayer to foresee that the same will hold true for this coming year. The year 2023 saw the greatest global resurgence of armed conflict since 1945: 2024 will be worse. We are living, if not through a World War, then a world at war, the great post-globalisation jostling to divide up the spoils of what was once America’s unipolar imperium. This will be as epoch-defining a period as the late Forties were for Britain, or 1991 for Russia.'

'Like an ailing mammoth, weakened by a succession of individual spear thrusts, the hegemon staggers bleeding across the global scene. Though stronger than any individual competitor, America is not capable of sustaining three simultaneous major conflicts against powerful regional rivals, without mobilising for a war effort unfeasible within its current political dynamics. At the height of its power, when America’s rivals were cowed and isolated, the United States assumed global security burdens that looked easily achievable at the time, while running down the industrial base necessary to sustain them. Bad choices were made, which are now difficult to undo. As a result, the United States has already shifted into a defensive mode, attempting to preserve its gains of better times against resurgent challengers, and delaying the grand-political reordering of global affairs for as long as possible. Yet unlike Russia, Iran or China, America’s democratic system incentivises short-term planning, and offers its leaders the escape route of shifting responsibility for failure to the next, rival administration. Heading towards what looks like an inevitable political defeat in 2024, the Biden administration is already drained of political authority, as tired and absent-minded as the gerontocrat at its helm.'

'Not just the fate of Ukraine but also of the Nato alliance will be determined by the battle for power in Washington. For Netanyahu, the incentive of America’s election year will be to drag the war out for another year, or widen it into a regional conflict, gambling Israel’s future security on the presumed greater indulgence of the incoming Republican administration. Similarly, for Iran, Hezbollah and the Houthis, the waning days of a cautious Biden administration desirous to avoid a Middle Eastern conflagration presents the greatest opportunity for escalation. For China, waiting in the wings to deliver the final blow, the optimum time to act will be at the moment of Washington’s greatest distraction by internal disorder: perhaps this election season will present an opportunity too rare to pass up, accelerating the timetable to seize Taiwan.

The world is living through its most dangerous moment in many decades, and the logic of events, in every theatre, leads towards further escalation over the year to come. In 2024, America’s fraught domestic interregnum will create a feedback loop with the already bloody global interregnum for the spoils of its empire. Last year was a hard year, drenched in blood and human misery through global conflict: but in retrospect, we may view it as the last golden summer of our world order, with the troubling storms still distant on the horizon. The coming year will be a historic one: we are right to dread its approach.'
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Not WW3, but the end of US world hegemony?

'When asked in 2020 to envisage the world after Covid, Michel Houellebecq proclaimed, accurately enough, that “it will be the same, just a bit worse”. It does not take a soothsayer to foresee that the same will hold true for this coming year. The year 2023 saw the greatest global resurgence of armed conflict since 1945: 2024 will be worse. We are living, if not through a World War, then a world at war, the great post-globalisation jostling to divide up the spoils of what was once America’s unipolar imperium. This will be as epoch-defining a period as the late Forties were for Britain, or 1991 for Russia.'

'Like an ailing mammoth, weakened by a succession of individual spear thrusts, the hegemon staggers bleeding across the global scene. Though stronger than any individual competitor, America is not capable of sustaining three simultaneous major conflicts against powerful regional rivals, without mobilising for a war effort unfeasible within its current political dynamics. At the height of its power, when America’s rivals were cowed and isolated, the United States assumed global security burdens that looked easily achievable at the time, while running down the industrial base necessary to sustain them. Bad choices were made, which are now difficult to undo. As a result, the United States has already shifted into a defensive mode, attempting to preserve its gains of better times against resurgent challengers, and delaying the grand-political reordering of global affairs for as long as possible. Yet unlike Russia, Iran or China, America’s democratic system incentivises short-term planning, and offers its leaders the escape route of shifting responsibility for failure to the next, rival administration. Heading towards what looks like an inevitable political defeat in 2024, the Biden administration is already drained of political authority, as tired and absent-minded as the gerontocrat at its helm.'

'Not just the fate of Ukraine but also of the Nato alliance will be determined by the battle for power in Washington. For Netanyahu, the incentive of America’s election year will be to drag the war out for another year, or widen it into a regional conflict, gambling Israel’s future security on the presumed greater indulgence of the incoming Republican administration. Similarly, for Iran, Hezbollah and the Houthis, the waning days of a cautious Biden administration desirous to avoid a Middle Eastern conflagration presents the greatest opportunity for escalation. For China, waiting in the wings to deliver the final blow, the optimum time to act will be at the moment of Washington’s greatest distraction by internal disorder: perhaps this election season will present an opportunity too rare to pass up, accelerating the timetable to seize Taiwan.

The world is living through its most dangerous moment in many decades, and the logic of events, in every theatre, leads towards further escalation over the year to come. In 2024, America’s fraught domestic interregnum will create a feedback loop with the already bloody global interregnum for the spoils of its empire. Last year was a hard year, drenched in blood and human misery through global conflict: but in retrospect, we may view it as the last golden summer of our world order, with the troubling storms still distant on the horizon. The coming year will be a historic one: we are right to dread its approach.'
Not to mention the current ongoing internal strife with Texas and its 20 odd other chum states, actual turmoil on US soil from within hasn't occurred within the memory of any living American, there's just old precedents to go off.
I was reading about how if/when Trump wins, there are quite a few in the GOP who will be making a push for a return to isolationism and this is definitely something Trump has spoken about before. If USA go isolationist then there won't be as much of a chance of world war 3 will there? Or will it be more likely as they concentrate on economic "war" against china's plans to dominate the world markets. I don't know just a random thought.
I was reading about how if/when Trump wins, there are quite a few in the GOP who will be making a push for a return to isolationism and this is definitely something Trump has spoken about before. If USA go isolationist then there won't be as much of a chance of world war 3 will there? Or will it be more likely as they concentrate on economic "war" against china's plans to dominate the world markets. I don't know just a random thought.
you're assuming trump will have a choice in the matter, when there's still 350+ days before (if ever) he assumes office again. it'd be a brave punter who backed 'no there won't be a war involving the united states this year'
Nah Iraqs 'This violates our sovereignty and may have unforseen consequences ' this ain't just another thing. 8 sites Iraq & Syria flattened
There is nothing like a good war to distract folk from the real issues and win votes at the same time. Thatcher, with her back against the wall took on the Falklands. With the forthcoming election is this what Burden is doing?
There is nothing like a good war to distract folk from the real issues and win votes at the same time. Thatcher, with her back against the wall took on the Falklands. With the forthcoming election is this what Burden is doing?
Can't help thinking Mr Biden has what happened to Jimmy Carter in his thoughts. Needless to say the US is not the only co7ntry going to the polls this year...https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/02/02/falkland-islands-royal-navy-warship-patrols-javier-milei/
Not WW3, but the end of US world hegemony?

'When asked in 2020 to envisage the world after Covid, Michel Houellebecq proclaimed, accurately enough, that “it will be the same, just a bit worse”. It does not take a soothsayer to foresee that the same will hold true for this coming year. The year 2023 saw the greatest global resurgence of armed conflict since 1945: 2024 will be worse. We are living, if not through a World War, then a world at war, the great post-globalisation jostling to divide up the spoils of what was once America’s unipolar imperium. This will be as epoch-defining a period as the late Forties were for Britain, or 1991 for Russia.'

'Like an ailing mammoth, weakened by a succession of individual spear thrusts, the hegemon staggers bleeding across the global scene. Though stronger than any individual competitor, America is not capable of sustaining three simultaneous major conflicts against powerful regional rivals, without mobilising for a war effort unfeasible within its current political dynamics. At the height of its power, when America’s rivals were cowed and isolated, the United States assumed global security burdens that looked easily achievable at the time, while running down the industrial base necessary to sustain them. Bad choices were made, which are now difficult to undo. As a result, the United States has already shifted into a defensive mode, attempting to preserve its gains of better times against resurgent challengers, and delaying the grand-political reordering of global affairs for as long as possible. Yet unlike Russia, Iran or China, America’s democratic system incentivises short-term planning, and offers its leaders the escape route of shifting responsibility for failure to the next, rival administration. Heading towards what looks like an inevitable political defeat in 2024, the Biden administration is already drained of political authority, as tired and absent-minded as the gerontocrat at its helm.'

'Not just the fate of Ukraine but also of the Nato alliance will be determined by the battle for power in Washington. For Netanyahu, the incentive of America’s election year will be to drag the war out for another year, or widen it into a regional conflict, gambling Israel’s future security on the presumed greater indulgence of the incoming Republican administration. Similarly, for Iran, Hezbollah and the Houthis, the waning days of a cautious Biden administration desirous to avoid a Middle Eastern conflagration presents the greatest opportunity for escalation. For China, waiting in the wings to deliver the final blow, the optimum time to act will be at the moment of Washington’s greatest distraction by internal disorder: perhaps this election season will present an opportunity too rare to pass up, accelerating the timetable to seize Taiwan.

The world is living through its most dangerous moment in many decades, and the logic of events, in every theatre, leads towards further escalation over the year to come. In 2024, America’s fraught domestic interregnum will create a feedback loop with the already bloody global interregnum for the spoils of its empire. Last year was a hard year, drenched in blood and human misery through global conflict: but in retrospect, we may view it as the last golden summer of our world order, with the troubling storms still distant on the horizon. The coming year will be a historic one: we are right to dread its approach.'
I'm not sure what I think about all this....to some extent I think the case of failing US power is vastly overstated...Trump and Biden are both less hawkish than some predecessors but it doesn't mean much about overall US potential power.

-Ukraine is clearly a massive military loss in that Russia has won the territory it has, but the US hasn't acutally been involved in fighting on the ground there. For years now its been an arms length case of US proxy reaching, and they've still won the majority of the country to their orbit.
-The case made in the link above that Axis of Resistance actors want to take advantage of "the greatest opportunity for escalation" is also overstated, there's a lot more room for escalation than where we are now, and they are acting in a limited way that they think they can get away with without invoking a full military response from the US. True at the time of writing anyhow.

The invasion of Iraq may be seen as a failure by some, but the US achieved its military objectives: Saddam gone and access to oil achieved... successfully killed Gaddafi and destroyed Libya without breaking a sweat. Afghanistan was a disaster but I'm not clear wtf the US was really looking to achieve there.

Coup attempts in south america have continued - not that successfully, but I'm not sure if that's a sign of US weakness or not.

We haven't seen a US full military invasion in well over a decade but that doesn't mean they have given up on the idea...I do find the idea of a US v China war unimaginable.... I hope its just posturing.
I've no idea if China will really make a move on Taiwan and cant begin to imagine that the US will genuinely engage in a full all out war with China in response.

Yes its a more multipolar world, and yes recent US administrations are that bit more "restrained"but on paper Id imagine the US has more global dominance than it did during the cold war say.
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How stupid. What the hell is the US doing with bases in Iraq and Syria? Biden has to look tough with the election coming up. He should simply shut those bases down.
Completely disagree.

Nature abhors a vacuum. Shut those bases down and you'd just embolden thems whom take a hostile view to the US. Superficially , you could argue if bases weren't there they'd have nothing to rail against...but same fuckers got within 4 secs of the USS Gravely.

They may be foriegn fields far away of which we know little. But allow the map to be redrawn as 'here be dragons' and you'd feel in terms of resources and logistcs closer to home quite quickly.
Completely disagree.

Nature abhors a vacuum. Shut those bases down and you'd just embolden thems whom take a hostile view to the US. Superficially , you could argue if bases weren't there they'd have nothing to rail against...but same fuckers got within 4 secs of the USS Gravely.

They may be foriegn fields far away of which we know little. But allow the map to be redrawn as 'here be dragons' and you'd feel in terms of resources and logistcs closer to home quite quickly.
Bringing civilization to barbarian lands are they?
Nope. Purely outposts from which they can project to protect their interests. However they do have interests. Isolationism would do them (and the UK) no favors
Of course they're bases for their interests
Of course they want to stay.
Exactly why yankees and poms should raus the fuck off
These US attacks are so fucking stupid.

Clearly a lot of thought has gone into them: Biden has obviously weighed up how to respond to the attack on the secret desert base in Jordan/Syria and concluded that in this election year he must appear strong, he can't let this slight on US imperialistic pride go unpunished, he has to do... uh... something, otherwise he'd never hear the end of it 'til election day. And having been presented with the options he's chosen to blow some shit up. Lots of shit. That'll show the world how strong and mighty the US is. And if it doesn't, they'll blow some more shit up. It's the US way.

But what will it actually achieve? The people being targeted have had days of knowing something will happen to clear out if they can. It'll shore up anti-US feeling in the region, which has already been shored up enough lately by their enabling the Israeli genocide in Gaza. If it does weaken Iranian backed groups in Iraq and Syria, while making people hate the US even more who will benefit most? Probably the Islamic State types, which is amongst the reasons both the US and Iranian-supported groups are supposed to be in the area in the first place. Will it do anything to calm things down? Like fuck will it. More fuel on the flames. Short term thinking idiocy. Genocide Joe being all smug and shit while making the world a more dangerous place. This is all so fucking obvious but everyone just plows on with it anyway.
But what will it actually achieve? The people being targeted have had days of knowing something will happen to clear out if they can. It'll shore up anti-US feeling in the region, which has already been shored up enough lately by their enabling the Israeli genocide in Gaza. If it does weaken Iranian backed groups in Iraq and Syria, while making people hate the US even more who will benefit most? Probably the Islamic State types, which is amongst the reasons both the US and Iranian-supported groups are supposed to be in the area in the first place. Will it do anything to calm things down? Like fuck will it. More fuel on the flames. Short term thinking idiocy. Genocide Joe being all smug and shit while making the world a more dangerous place. This is all so fucking obvious but everyone just plows on with it anyway.
The weeks advance notice is almost certainly designed to reduce casualties and take out at least some steam from the "retaliation". The US version of pacifism.

Surely it won't have any effect on anti US feeling though, way too far gone for that I expect

What does it achieve? It shows that the US can fly a B52 bomber all way from the US, drop bombs and go home again.... That they can hit multiple targets and quickly. It's a show of strength.

Let's just pray it stays at the tit for tat level and doesn't escalate into full war.

Another factor here is the IDF , if they go full rampage in Rafah that might yet escalate things.
So grim.
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It might just well be another one of the regular alarmist warnings issued on behalf of the US military to secure extra funding, but Washington seems riled about an alleged new Russian space weapon project in development

Whether there’s any truth to it, let alone a realistic chance of Russia launching such a weapon and it working to the claimed capabilities remains to be seen. I would though, after watching recently the thought-provoking film Leave the World Behind, that any one power in exclusive possession of such capability would have a significant advantage if it really works as theorised.
In any case, Russia will no more be able to do what people are speculating about in this thread than a belligerant Italy would, as their economies are said to be roughly the same size. Russia's may actually have shrunk significantly after the Ukraine war, and will take a long time to rebuild even if it's possible.

It is not the Soviet Union and never will be anything comparable again.

If there is another world war it will be because populations have been conned into it as always.
Italy, of course, is one of the richest states in the world.
It might just well be another one of the regular alarmist warnings issued on behalf of the US military to secure extra funding, but Washington seems riled about an alleged new Russian space weapon project in development

Whether there’s any truth to it, let alone a realistic chance of Russia launching such a weapon and it working to the claimed capabilities remains to be seen. I would though, after watching recently the thought-provoking film Leave the World Behind, that any one power in exclusive possession of such capability would have a significant advantage if it really works as theorised.
Archived version:

What We Know About Russia’s Nuclear Space Weapon

Tl;Dr We know absolutely fuck all
This is extremely crass.

“What to do if a worst-case nuclear scenario actually happens
As tensions rise between global nuclear powers, the possibility of a nuclear blast is becoming increasingly alarming. While no one wants to entertain the thought of such a catastrophic event, it is essential to be prepared and informed in case an unstable world leader with excessive power veers in the wrong direction and sets off on this horrifying path.
So, in the event of a bomb detonation, what do you need to do to make it through? Experts emphasize the utmost importance of the first few minutes and hours following the blast, as they can greatly impact your chances of survival.
Explore the gallery to learn what steps to take, in the worst-case nuclear scenario.
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