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Wankers of the World (well Bulmental, Lowkey, Galloway and Williamson) Unite for No2NATO Conference, London 25 Feb. Urban75 are invited to attend.

I mean, I tend to broadly agree with you on a lot of this stuff, but, just to be difficult - do you reckon that Galloway, Blumenthal etc are more significant than Azov and NAFO? And if not, are they worth putting effort into discussing? Not trying to do a gotcha here, just genuinely trying to work out where I stand on all this.

I guess we'd have to define significant tbh to be a stating the obvious dickhead...

I think NAFO is a flash in the pan though in terms of a global political significance most likely, and Azov next to no signficance outside Ukraine really, whereas the tendency that Galloway etc. are a (small) part of has a much wider reach and impact in a number of countries, and isn't tied to one time period or event. I mean it's strongly related to the whole global alt-right stuff isn't it? But I dunno, that was all just off the top of my head, will think on it more.

There's also the factor that he's such a prick it's hard to resist laughing at his loon output a bit of course. He's also a loon that's in our area with impact on our circles, so there's that as well I reckon. If this had gone ahead I bet they'd be a number of people in our wider circles pushing it as an event to go to for example.
Given NAFO's role in this business, NAFO isn't off-topic. You trying to drag shit in, OTOH, is. Which reminds me, I think I used to have you on ignore, and now I can remember why.
Actually, it was your fellow ( fella?) member who brought up the issue, the shit as you say, of your founder's anti-semitic past and NAFO members defending him, a post that you liked. As Hunter S Thompson said, quoting Haldeman , “Once the toothpaste is out of the tube, it is awfully hard to get it back in.”
Actually, it was your fellow ( fella?) member who brought up the issue, the shit as you say, of your founder's anti-semitic past and NAFO members defending him, a post that you liked. As Hunter S Thompson said, quoting Haldeman , “Once the toothpaste is out of the tube, it is awfully hard to get it back in.”

I did, eyes wide open and all that. I'm not completely naive. It's a messy business all round with no perfect solutions or approaches, I think most of us on here are trying to do our best with our own moral compasses.

Anyway, I'm out, said my bit, off to scratch some itches.
The thing is though, now you've all taken up the free tickets with no intention of going, the people who are likely to go will be paying £4.99 which will line the pockets of these dingdong. Bit of an own goal and unfair on those 30 odd people who will have to pay to stand there and listen to their crap now. :D
Still waiting for the case against Paul Mason
I'd like to lock them together in a big case and bury it in the graveyard of the esoterically creepy St Pancras old Chuch. We need a few contemporary ghosts to put the fear of the occult into future generations
Gravestones in a tree – the Hardy Tree, St Pancras Churchyard - urban75: art, photos, walks

Alternatively, just lock Galloway in a box balance it on Mason's head, and make him stand on the Euston Road emulating what those poor caryatids on the crypt of the New Church have had to do for the past two centuries.images - 2023-01-09T192258.980.jpeg
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I don't really agree with what ska invita says about being either pro or anti militarism. I hate the fact that militaries exist but can see the arguments in favour of giving military aid to Ukraine and consider it the least bad of very bad options.

My problem is simply with the tone of the images where war is kind of made into a jokey game with in jokes made up by a group of people who aren't at the sharp end of the consequences of the conflict.

I'm ok with celebrating/enjoying Ukrainian tractor guy's efforts. I'm not ok with celebrating/enjoying efforts where what is being portrayed is not the Ukrainian defending themselves against the odds, it's celebrating the use of military hardware to kill people and destroy stuff. I can accept it's something that unfortunately has to happen but not that it should be celebrated with nudge nudge wink type humour. It's the tone of it, which is hard to pin down with words, and perhaps someone more articulate than me could do a better job of nailing exactly what's wrong with it but I find it repellent. Too say it glorifies war might be a bit extreme but I feel it comes from a place that's uncomfortably close to that.

I'm not too interested in generalising about "NAFO types" or whether that collective of people is intrinsically "dodgy" but I definitely find some of the imagery dodgy and the willingness to share it questionable.
is Nafo a organised group or just a loose group of trolls with goal of shit posting russian post farms its not like they have a membership list or a collected set down list of goal
aside from messing with putin bots

such is the way with the internet you cannot control who joins on the bandwagon
I don't really agree with what ska invita says about being either pro or anti militarism. I hate the fact that militaries exist but can see the arguments in favour of giving military aid to Ukraine and consider it the least bad of very bad options.

My problem is simply with the tone of the images where war is kind of made into a jokey game with in jokes made up by a group of people who aren't at the sharp end of the consequences of the conflict.

I'm ok with celebrating/enjoying Ukrainian tractor guy's efforts. I'm not ok with celebrating/enjoying efforts where what is being portrayed is not the Ukrainian defending themselves against the odds, it's celebrating the use of military hardware to kill people and destroy stuff. I can accept it's something that unfortunately has to happen but not that it should be celebrated with nudge nudge wink type humour. It's the tone of it, which is hard to pin down with words, and perhaps someone more articulate than me could do a better job of nailing exactly what's wrong with it but I find it repellent. Too say it glorifies war might be a bit extreme but I feel it comes from a place that's uncomfortably close to that.

I'm not too interested in generalising about "NAFO types" or whether that collective of people is intrinsically "dodgy" but I definitely find some of the imagery dodgy and the willingness to share it questionable.
I agree with you 👆
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