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Wankers of the World (well Bulmental, Lowkey, Galloway and Williamson) Unite for No2NATO Conference, London 25 Feb. Urban75 are invited to attend.

Wait a minute, I thought it was a lefty bubble. and why are you bothered if people organise against these freaks? Just sit back and do your usual cynical I have seen it all thing. don’t tell me you’re not bothered, you’ve posted several times on this thread already.
I'm in the leftie bubble as well. We all are, and we can't burst it.
So many reactionary apologists for brutishness in one location just asking to to be challenged. I'm booking my place, even though it's going to cost me 80p with Eventbright. I'm also contacting St Pancras New Church to question their booking policy

The likes of Galloway and Williamson are fucking awful, but as has been pointed out the'yre on the fringes and the politics of the pro-NATO left etc is fucking awful aswell. If people want to organise against this or not I really don't care either way.
I don't think anyone has called for a ban on them on here though have they? People are just identifying them as politically problematic/the enemy, and suggested disrupting their talk or getting the venue to cancel them. Which given their positions is pretty mild. Strikes me as very odd that choose to basically defend them, and by default their politics, on this and similar issues. Did you have the same position with all the Stop the War pro-Assad stuff as well?
Who are they problematic for, and what effect does it have in the real world?

I am blissfully unaware of the politics of STW, and nothing untoward has happened as a result. Clearly, though, as the weapons continue to flow into Ukraine and the death toll mounts, Galloway and STW are succesful beyond measure.
I rarely take any notice of Galloway, but last time i looked he wasn't advocating racism.

It depends on whether you think today's left has any relevance in the real world, or at least on this particular issue. Some would say that a pro-NATO stance, whether explicity stated or implied, is dragging sections of the left into right wing positions.


He's not been averse to racist dogwhistling in recent years (for context this was a twitter spat with Humza Yousuf, an SNP minister of Pakistani / Kenyan origin)

A thoroughly contemptible piece of shit, is Galloway.
He could dress up in his cat suit and one of the NAFOs could dress up as a cuddly dog

don't underestimate doge


Aren't NAFOFellas dodgy wankers as well?

They're a massive wide mix of types more like a loose movement rather than being a coherent group or collective, plus their supporters which is an even wider group. Most probably haven't even met irl. But also they're not known red brown types organising a conference in London and with a history of being politically dodgy, so bit irrelevant to this discussion tbh.
...tyranny...they've all got it tyranny.

Clare Daly and Mick Wallace are cunts of the highest order.
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Badly photoshopped cartoon dogs not exactly glorification in my book but we obviously have different opinions on this.

edit: and preferable to the Jeremy Clarkson original.
I don’t think it’s worth seeking great political insight from people who create dog meme’s on the internet ;)
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Don't like this no-platform type activism. Let them speak. What's to be afraid of?

And when there's a meeting to discuss how to get rid of the monarchy, say, or how to redo democracy in the UK by getting rid of the Houses of Parliament, or whatever, will some other activists with different views get that meeting cancelled?

Default position should be 'let them speak' unless you have a very very good reason not to.

Don't like this no-platform type activism. Let them speak. What's to be afraid of?

And when there's a meeting to discuss how to get rid of the monarchy, say, or how to redo democracy in the UK by getting rid of the Houses of Parliament, or whatever, will some other activists with different views get that meeting cancelled?

Default position should be 'let them speak' unless you have a very very good reason not to.
If you're not already aware of the very very good reason why people are at the least uncomfortable about letting these people organise, you clearly haven't been paying attention.

Don't like this no-platform type activism. Let them speak. What's to be afraid of?

And when there's a meeting to discuss how to get rid of the monarchy, say, or how to redo democracy in the UK by getting rid of the Houses of Parliament, or whatever, will some other activists with different views get that meeting cancelled?

Default position should be 'let them speak' unless you have a very very good reason not to.

Have you just joined these boards (the world?) and missed the decades of discussion about this topic?
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