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1-2-3, What are we Fighting For...

It's only in this thread, started with not entirely serious intent, because I couldn't find anywhere else where it might belong, being banned from the main one.

But in simply looking for an argument, you're completely ignoring the content and gist of the article. (And yes, we know that countires invading other countries is bad and shouldn't be allowed.)
Russia is the aggressor, was not provoked and is devastating a country for what exactly?
can a passing Mod change the title to the Ukraine Conflict Lonely post thread
Not so lonely when you and Humby clearly feel compelled to keep me company. As for Krtek, I have a sickly feeling that he thinks about 'me' when he's in bed.
All this juvenile blah in response to a link to an article from an establishment-oriented US publication that points out that its own government might be losing sight of its concerns about Ukraine's inherent corruption due to the war.
I'm not clear what the question was supposed to be, but do concede that you've probably nailed me with it.

I hope that makes you feel better about yourself.

Russia is the aggressor, was not provoked and is devastating a country for what exactly?
All this juvenile blah in response to a link to an article from an establishment-oriented US publication that points out that its own government might be losing sight of its concerns about Ukraine's inherent corruption due to the war.

the article you linked to states the below one outspoken law maker

But Zelenskyy's weekend firings of his top prosecutor, intelligence chief and other senior officials have resurfaced those concerns and may have inadvertently given fresh attention to allegations of high-level corruption in Kyiv made by one outspoken U.S. lawmaker.

and the you waffle on about corruption being a problem for every country in the world undermining every reason you have for posting it

what are you fighting for ?

Attention :hmm:
Russia is the aggressor, was not provoked and is devastating a country for what exactly?
It's obvious, isn't it? Those in power in Russia, in line with a prominent strand of thought in Russian history, which they see themselves as representing, sees Ukraine (which translates in Russian to 'frontier') as the limit beyond which perceived hostile powers cannot be allowed to advance.

Whether anybody else agrees or disagrees is proving to be irrelevant, and there's not a thing me, you or any other mug can do about it.
It's obvious, isn't it? Those in power in Russia, in line with a prominent strand of thought in Russian history, which they see themselves as representing, sees Ukraine (which translates in Russian to 'frontier') as the limit beyond which perceived hostile powers cannot be allowed to advance.

Whether anybody else agrees or disagrees is proving to be irrelevant, and there's not a thing me, you or any other mug can do about it.
Do you think Russia is the aggressor?
the article you linked to states the below one outspoken law maker

and the you waffle on about corruption being a problem for every country in the world undermining every reason you have for posting it

what are you fighting for ?

Attention :hmm:
Don't really understand the sigificance of the high level law maker you quote to the point you're apparently trying to make.

A probable truth undermines nothing.

I've not actively 'fought' for anything in some time. Have you?
for the record we all await your next post condemning the president of Ukraine

whilst not mentioning the fact that Russia is invading the country

with baited fucking breath sir

for the record we all await your next post condemning the president of Ukraine

whilst not mentioning the fact that Russia is invading the country

with baited fucking breath sir

For whose record?

I eagerly await the formation of the Anarchist Campaign in Defence of neo-liberal Presidencies. Surely it can't be long off now.

I didn't mention that Russia invaded Ukraine* because I assumed everybody knew already.

*Even though I actually referred to it in posts that 'Ax' has apparently read.
ah ok so then Ukraine conflict is like Brexit as it is fighting against the neoliberal powers

when will the working class of Ukraine see the benefits

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