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Wankers of the World (well Bulmental, Lowkey, Galloway and Williamson) Unite for No2NATO Conference, London 25 Feb. Urban75 are invited to attend.

Whilst I probably wouldn't consider myself a militarist (although by your definition I most definitely am as I am not an anti-militarist), I am definitely not a pacifist and feel that the Ukrainian resistance is justified and unfortunately at the moment that means more weapons to make the war shorter.

this is the hard thing for me to square with, and looking at the generally messy and unconvincing response from many corners of the left its been a hard thing to have a good position on for lots of people.

personally, individually, i likely am a pacifist, the proof is in real-world moments where that is tested in killing-practice though, which ive never had to experience Im happy to say, but i cant imagine a situation i would ever take up arms in a war....if i lived in ukraine i would expect that I would not be fighting, i would run or get imprisoned for desertion or get shot in the back - i just dont have it in me to kill. its not for fear of dying myself i should add - id be prepared to put my life on the line some other way if it was a cause i believed in and thought my potential death was a price worth paying.

that said im definitely not judgemental of others who do take up arms in self-defence. from a philosophical point of view i tend to fall in with the Veterans For Peace line which is firmly against all war and actively against the roots of all war, but reserving the right to fight in self defence.

and so yeah with a very heavy heart i can see the justification for arming the ukraine resistance, but it comes with the constant weariness of the extension of the war into a US(+)-serving proxy war, and of the support of far right Ukrainian nationalism, and with the deliberate attempts to prolong the war for the sake of selfish gains of other countries, but as these things overlap so much it is near impossible to draw clear lines.

i am sceptical of "more weapons makes the war shorter" as you say. the US-led policy seems to be to draw the war out so as to long term weaken russia as much as possible. there also seems to be a rationale of not overproviding arms enough for ukraine to genuinely push the Russians out...a drawn out stalemate, possibly lasting decades (according to some western analysts) creates the most US (and allies) advantage on the Grand Chessboard.

To pick up on the point about a binary attitude regarding militarism, im not really one for puritanical politics and dont tend to judge others on those lines either....im much more of a pragmatic, realpolitik, take the world as you find it kind of person. i dont find it contradictory to be anti-militarist, to be against the war machine and all the politics that feed it, and still recognise the right to self-defence. so for me that is still a pretty clear cut binary.

this thread is really about No To NATO though...there will now be an increase of military spending across NATO countries....Germany is breaking from its post-war limited militarism, etc. even here with my realpolitik hat on I think less reliance on the US and therefore on US policy could be a good thing for European countries from a genuine 'defence' point of view. The US politically is the most aggressive state in the world for decades now, and so decoupling from that as much as possible is potentially 'good for peace' on some level. But that's being generous...the problem with NATO is that the record is more of offence than it is of defence and this is being looked at by hawks as a generational great opportunity to gain real military advantage and bring public good will along for the ride.
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"On 9 January, after selling 1,009 tickets our venue was subjected to intimidation by those who want the current drive to war to continue. Whilst the venue is cancelled the meeting is NOT CANCELLED and tickets remain on sale - a new venue (and if necessary date) will be announced in due course. We need your help to help pay for a new venue, security, travel arrangements and associated costs whilst we look to recover the costs incurred by this attack on freedom of speech.

The UK is the second biggest contributor to Nato. Last year we paid £60 BILLION towards it. For what? We believe Britain would be safer and wealthier outside of Nato.


P.S. The technical bit...

All donations will go to the Workers Party of Britain to help fund this campaigning."

this is the hard thing for me to square with, and looking at the generally messy and unconvincing response from many corners of the left its been a hard thing to have a good position on for lots of people.

personally, individually, i likely am a pacifist, the proof is in real-world moments where that is tested in killing-practice though, which ive never had to experience Im happy to say, but i cant imagine a situation i would ever take up arms in a war....if i lived in ukraine i would expect that I would not be fighting, i would run or get imprisoned for desertion or get shot in the back - i just dont have it in me to kill. its not for fear of dying myself i should add - id be prepared to put my life on the line some other way if it was a cause i believed in and thought my potential death was a price worth paying.

that said im definitely not judgemental of others who do take up arms in self-defence. from a philosophical point of view i tend to fall in with the Veterans For Peace line which is firmly against all war and actively against the roots of all war, but reserving the right to fight in self defence.

and so yeah with a very heavy heart i can see the justification for arming the ukraine resistance, but it comes with the constant weariness of the extension of the war into a US(+)-serving proxy war, and of the support of far right Ukrainian nationalism, and with the deliberate attempts to prolong the war for the sake of selfish gains of other countries, but as these things overlap so much it is near impossible to draw clear lines.

i am sceptical of "more weapons makes the war shorter" as you say. the US-led policy seems to be to draw the war out so as to long term weaken russia as much as possible. there also seems to be a rationale of not overproviding arms enough for ukraine to genuinely push the Russians out...a drawn out stalemate, possibly lasting decades (according to some western analysts) creates the most US (and allies) advantage on the Grand Chessboard.

To pick up on the point about a binary attitude regarding militarism, im not really one for puritanical politics and dont tend to judge others on those lines either....im much more of a pragmatic, realpolitik, take the world as you find it kind of person. i dont find it contradictory to be anti-militarist, to be against the war machine and all the politics that feed it, and still recognise the right to self-defence. so for me that is still a pretty clear cut binary.

this thread is really about No To NATO though...there will now be an increase of military spending across NATO countries....Germany is breaking from its post-war limited militarism, etc. even here with my realpolitik hat on I think less reliance on the US and therefore on US policy could be a good thing for European countries from a genuine 'defence' point of view. The US politically is the most aggressive state in the world for decades now, and so decoupling from that as much as possible is potentially 'good for peace' on some level. But that's being generous...the problem with NATO is that the record is more of offence than it is of defence and this is being looked at by hawks as a generational great opportunity to gain real military advantage and bring public good will along for the ride.
Whether or not posters on here agree with the content I think that’s a very well thought out , honest , brave and reflective statement to make .
I don't really agree with what ska invita says about being either pro or anti militarism. I hate the fact that militaries exist but can see the arguments in favour of giving military aid to Ukraine and consider it the least bad of very bad options.

My problem is simply with the tone of the images where war is kind of made into a jokey game with in jokes made up by a group of people who aren't at the sharp end of the consequences of the conflict.

I'm ok with celebrating/enjoying Ukrainian tractor guy's efforts. I'm not ok with celebrating/enjoying efforts where what is being portrayed is not the Ukrainian defending themselves against the odds, it's celebrating the use of military hardware to kill people and destroy stuff. I can accept it's something that unfortunately has to happen but not that it should be celebrated with nudge nudge wink type humour. It's the tone of it, which is hard to pin down with words, and perhaps someone more articulate than me could do a better job of nailing exactly what's wrong with it but I find it repellent. Too say it glorifies war might be a bit extreme but I feel it comes from a place that's uncomfortably close to that.

I'm not too interested in generalising about "NAFO types" or whether that collective of people is intrinsically "dodgy" but I definitely find some of the imagery dodgy and the willingness to share it questionable.
Thing is...

The whole NAFO/shitposting thing is, in a way, the only thing that can work in a realm such as Twitter. Because it's spontaneous and decentralised (much as Russia would clearly wish otherwise), there's nothing they can easily target. BUT, because it's spontaneous and decentralised, there's no way of enforcing any kind of, ahem, "quality control".

Personally, I think the shitposting serves a useful purpose. The Russian state puts out all kinds of bullshit, much of which it is quite hard to debunk in a way that is going to get the interest of non-aligned/disinterested people. Point-by-point rebuttals of their (or any of the "vatnik" accounts) arguments is as futile as any hotly-debated thread on Urban: stuff just goes round and round, and generally descends into personal abuse/slanging matches and whataboutery. Which only confuses people who are trying to figure out what's what. OTOH, when one of the Russian agencies makes another one of their fact-free statements, and what follows is 100 pictures of cartoon dogs, there's enough there to pique interest, and - perhaps - encourage people to at least question the Russian line.

Personally, I mostly shy away from downright abusive stuff, and try to focus on reporting accounts using hate speech, etc (which, along with other NAFO efforts, is resulting in significant numbers of accounts being locked/suspended),

And there's another thing. Someone has to stand up to the Russian/anti-Ukrainian propaganda, but it's a tough and miserable job. Getting vatnik hate is unpleasant and discouraging, and - for my money - being able to just respond with silly cartoons is a good way of calling out that hate, while staying somewhat above it.

It's not ideal. It's not perfect. Sometimes people are doing unhelpful things, for the wrong reasons. But it's something. And that has to be better than letting this bullshit go unopposed.

Same with this No2Nato bullshit. They don't want to engage. They want to peddle THEIR propaganda unopposed. I don't think that's OK: it really wouldn't take very much to start undermining public support for Ukraine, and end up - as No2Nato evidently wish - in a situation where Ukraine was left on its own to fend for itself against a brutal Russian assault. Does that mean I think that Ukraine is some paragon of national virtue, beyond criticism? No, not at all. But I don't want to see self-serving, agenda-led groups like No2Nato and the US right wing having the floor unchallenged.

NAFO did, with its spontaneous ticket-buying campaign, a lot to at the very least highlight the No2Nato activity. I don't think that was a bad thing. The fact that someone - and we don't know who, or how many - went to the venue and told them enough to cause them to withdraw the booking doesn't seem to me to be an unreasonable thing to do, either. The church could have said "well, we don't have a problem with them and the booking stands", but clearly whatever they were told, by one or more individuals acting on their own initiative, was enough to cause them to have doubts. I don't think that was an unreasonable thing to do either.

Let's not just damn something like NAFO because some of the people operating under its banner may have overstepped the mark. Some of that stuff DOES get policed, despite the informal nature of NAFO, but stuff will escape.

On that note, there was an interesting interaction where someone whose user ID differed from a nasty vatnik account by a single letter was wrongly targeted. The moment it became clear, several people 'fessed up, and apologised. That apology was very graciously accepted. The system, broadly, works.
If the issue about NAFO was simply about some of the people operating under its banner who may have overstepped the mark despite the efforts to police some of that stuff then it wouldn't be unreasonable to enquire who are those people, what mark may they have overstepped and how was it dealt with.

So, for example, let's take one of it founder members,Dyszewski, the top 'fella forger' and one of its spokespersons who one could say is a banner holder rather than just some randomer who operates under NAFOs banner who it's difficult to hold to account . Dyszewski was exposed for having a history of posting anti semitic posts, images of Nazis, and other right wing posts including one applauding the driver of a car that had gone through a BLM march. None of these had been deleted at the time.

Some might think that this may have overstepped the mark however they would be mistaken. No action was taken whatsoever . As has been pointed out elsewhere he was defended to the hilt by NAFO members . The , then Congressman, Kinzinger posted “Nobody is making a big deal about this but the repeated Nafo comments is spreading this. So, all good. Move on,” And indeed they did , in a wink it was all put behind . Not only did Dyszewski keep his job at NAFOs parent company St Javelin making images of cuddly dogs but he is still a key person on their social media. A case of the system broadly working in theory but not in practice.

If the issue about NAFO was shit posting Russian propaganda or even alleged propaganda with memes of cuddle dogs dressed up in clothes holding guns then the most likely response would be boys will be boys. Except that isn't the issue.

NAFO was founded to fund the Georgian Legion, a paramilitary group described by the other co-founder ex Marine Matt Moores as "boy do they kill Russians good " and the leader of the Legion as '"this dude has been killing Russians since the 1990s". other NAFO members have supported them because , not in spite, of them being 'criminals and mercenaries.' Donating to the Georgian Legion is a way of getting a 'Fella' avatar. The Georgian Legion has of course had numerous neo nazis in its ranks, has a shoot to kill policy and has been accused of war crimes in killing PoWS.

Its not just the North West Atlantic Fisheries Organisation that the old adage 'Fish rots from the head downwards ' could be applied to.

In short, there are better ways to support Ukraine and to counter Russian propaganda without the baggage and potential radicalisation that NAFO brings.
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Probably not the most pressing point. What are Lowkeys politics like? I like quite a few of his tunes, but not been able to tell much beyond that.

Sorry for being lazy I'm sure I could seek it out, but intrigued of the view of Urban too.
Probably not the most pressing point. What are Lowkeys politics like? I like quite a few of his tunes, but not been able to tell much beyond that.

Sorry for being lazy I'm sure I could seek it out, but intrigued of the view of Urban too.

Weird Corbynite with all the baggage that has BristolEcho. And has been said, look at who he's happy to speak with, says a lot. And it isn't the first time, he's been on Williamson's PressTV thing, and has been recently on there going on about Zelensky being Jewish.
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Weird Corbynite with all the baggage that has BristolEcho. And has been said, look at who he's happy to speak with, says a lot. And it isn't the first time, he's been on Williamson's PressTV thing, and has been recently on there going on about Zelensky being Jewish.
Yeah not a total surprise to be fair - Anti-Semitic shit is entrenched in the circles I'm sure he mixes in. Not familiar with Williamson either so will look it up. Good to know.
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If you're cancelling an event I guess it's much easier to say 'not safe for staff and venue' rather than 'your politics are shit and we don't want you here'. But yes, the email from Jennifer reads more sympathetically to Galloway etc. than it needs to be....
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Pretty shit to pile onto Conway Hall organisers. A long history of progressive hosting of events.

Of which I bet hardly anyone giving them grief via Twitter etc knows as they're probably not in the small leftie bubble that's even heard of Conway Hall, probably not even in the UK most of them.

Anyway, so what? That even gives Conway Hall less of an excuse for letting this lot book the venue if they're so progressive, they should have known their politics and refused the booking.
Of which I bet hardly anyone giving them grief via Twitter etc knows as they're probably not in the small leftie bubble that's even heard of Conway Hall, probably not even in the UK most of them.

Anyway, so what? That even gives Conway Hall less of an excuse for letting this lot book the venue if they're so progressive, they should have known their politics and refused the booking.
Haven't been following this tbh but who is 'probably not even in the UK most of them'
Didn't know RT had ceased broadcasting.

I'm pretty sure I've heard Galloway doing a radio talk show since 2019, though possibly as a stand-in for someone else who was taking a break.
yeah because of the war

Ofcom revocation of licence (2022)[edit]
In 2022, following the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, Ofcom looked into whether RT had breached impartiality rules regarding its coverage of the conflict.[32] Although the European Union proposed banning the channel across all its member states,RT UK - Wikipedia this was opposed by Liz Truss, then British foreign secretary, who feared it may lead to an official ban on the BBC and other British news outlets in Russia.[34]

Ofcom revoked RT's UK broadcasting licence "with immediate effect" on 18 March 2022 after concluding the outlet was not "fit and proper" or a "responsible broadcaster".[6] In particular, Ofcom said that Russian laws against disinformation concerning the Russian invasion of Ukraine meant that RT could not report the invasion responsibly.[35] At the time of the ruling, Ofcom had 29 open investigations regarding RT's coverage of the invasion.[36] The ruling only concerned the right to broadcast in the UK; RT's ability to broadcast online was not affected.[37] Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov criticised the ban, saying it was "continuing the anti-Russian madness that is happening in America and Europe".[38]
A quick look at the Twitter stuff seems like lots of grief being given to the hosting venues originates from outside the UK, so expect they know nothing about the history of Conway Hall.
Yes seen lots of NAFO American accounts
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Pretty shit to pile onto Conway Hall organisers. A long history of progressive hosting of events.
Oh poor poor Conway Hall.

For a while in the early 80s I was assistant relief caretaker at the Conway Hall. The hall had a caretaker and an assistant caretaker. When the hall was built it included a purpose built flat which the caretaker lived in. The shifts of the two caretakers didn't cover all the hours the hall was open so I was employed for two blocks of four hours to fill the gaps. The Ethical Society who own and run the hall appointed a new secretary who managed the place and decided to 'reform' things. The caretaker was getting on so they 'retired' him, made the assistant redundant and replaced us all with agency staff. I was told the secretary moved into the caretakers flat. 'Ethical Society' my arse.
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