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Workers' Girder! Getcher Workers Girder!

9am: Jeremy Kyle Show. See the lumpen allow a tool of the boss class to divide and distract. Take notes.


Observe how the capitalist class encourage an illusory belief in consumer freedom by having Anne Robinson ring up companies and pass moans on.

Points of view

Another sickening mask of freedom where carefully selected viewers messages are read out as pravda. Always the most milk-water criticisms and the most glutinous praises. Terry Wogan features.
I see you, like the rest of the cobweb left, have enthusiastically embraced the social formation known as "lawyers" phil. Literally as well as physically. I can see you now, hugging a man from Sue, Grabbit and Runne tightly, before settling down to the business of destroying the working class, and with it, our last hope of the Workers' Bomb. Hardly surprising for a liberal such as yourself. What do you make of our successes? Nothing I bet, as you march along to a solicitors' office to further entrench the compensation culture of which you are a part.

The IWBA is the only group in the proletarian milieu which has tackled head-on this legalistic filth. We organised "Burn the Writs" parties back in our earliest days, which was met with shocked derision by all! But since then we have gone from strength to strength, and will soon have a fully functioning workers' bomb on our hands, despite the sneers of liberals and yoghurt-knitters, who won't be sneering for much longer.

PLEASE do "Class War visit a Marketing Consultant for Re-Branding..."
Which is the smith's song that has the lines "if it's not love then it's the bomb, the bomb, the bomb that will bring us together"?
Ripe for parodying...

e2a: or Dead Kennedy's Kill the Poor - change to Kill the Rich (and other lyrics obvously)...
l have a not too obviously jokey type of thing in mind. The tune and words are worked out, more or less but I lost/broke almost all my music stuff so recording will take a while. Each faction can have their own official PD hymn of course.
It had better be. Slough NCP is the spiritual home of PD; where the desires of the workers are stored and watched over by a benevolent employee of the state.
It had better be. Slough NCP is the spiritual home of PD; where the desires of the workers are stored and watched over by a benevolent employee of the state.

Come, workers bombs, and fall on Slough!
It isn't fit for humans now,
There isn't grass to graze a cow.
Swarm over, Death!
View attachment 19484

An old Finnish comic. In desperate need of a re-up.

Superman: Red Son is a fantastic bit of work, done with heart. I read the explanation for it before the comic. His old man was a total stalinist old skool trade unionist and of course the son rebelled against the father, but later penned the Red Son epic to kind of explain himself. It's far more resonant knowing the origins.

Look at me, being serious...onwards to the workers phoenix rising from the irradiated ashes etc
I have to say I am very disappointed by the fact that there is so little mention of the workers clock in the paper.

I suspect petty bourgeois deviationist elements from the foetid swamp of the parasitical milieu have wrested control of the once great paper and used it to forward their sub-reformist program - the flinching cowards!

Sorry comrades but it's not socialism without a workers' clock.

If this is not rectified then Official Proletarian Democracy: Committee for the Proletarianisation of Time (OPD:CPT) and our united front, Bombs and Socialist Time: Association of Revolutionary Democrats (BAS:TARD) will have no choice but to go to press with our own paper, Workers' Girder, in order to bring real revolutionary politics to the proletarian movement.

BAS:TARD and proud!

For a workers' clock!

Buy Workers' Girder! (the good one with the workers clock and everything, not the rubbish one that publishes sub-reformist gossip penned by privately educated Guardian columnists)
Over the last few years a group of us in Proletarian Democracy decided that the left has been utterly unfit for purpose.


Unfit for porpoise.
Here's the text for the poster for a vital PD action; just needs the PD banner.
Truth, Work and Freedom - Mass Demonstration
For the immediate implementation of the Beercroft Report in its entirety.
Call on the TUC to call a general strike for the scrapping of TUPE and all industrial tribunals.
Tear apart the veil of sham employment 'protections'.
Reveal the truth of work for wages and set the proletariat free.

Venue: Trades Union Congress, Congress House
Great Russell Street
Time: Assemble 12 noon
Here's the text for the poster for a vital PD action; just needs the PD banner.
Truth, Work and Freedom - Mass Demonstration
For the immediate implementation of the Beechcroft Report in its entirity.
Call on the TUC to call a general strike for the scrapping of TUPE and all industrial tribunals.
Tear apart the veil of sham employment 'protections'.
Reveal the truth of work for wages and set the proleteriat free.
Venue: Trades Union Congress, Congress House
Great Russell Street
Time: Assemble 12 noon

Are we against bourgeois spelling norms, or could you re-set "entirety" and "proletariat"?
Down with boosjzewas speling norms! Fonetik speling for efishunsee and troo polutairean dimmocrasee!!!
Here's the text for the poster for a vital PD action; just needs the PD banner.
Truth, Work and Freedom - Mass Demonstration
For the immediate implementation of the Beechcroft Report in its entirity.
Call on the TUC to call a general strike for the scrapping of TUPE and all industrial tribunals.
Tear apart the veil of sham employment 'protections'.
Reveal the truth of work for wages and set the proleteriat free.
Venue: Trades Union Congress, Congress House
Great Russell Street
Time: Assemble 12 noon
See the metropolitan indians More Work! less Pay! stuff in the late 70s.
Comrades, since thousands gathered for the pacifist demonstration on Saturday, it is clear that the strategy of public meetings and not marching so beloved of the Start The War Coalition is failing to deliver.

We cannot let pacifists march unnopposed on our streets, spreading their vile message of peace and goodwill to all. Every time these events go unchallenged the pacifists gain confidence. If we do not take action, soon the IWBA will find fewer and fewer comrades building the workers bomb.
It is vital that we support the IWBA in their mission to construct that which will free us from the shackles of capitalism.

It is also clear the the STWC and their mouthpiece, Atomic, have not grasped that unless pacifists are challenged directly, on the streets, in their workplaces, in their homes and communities, their invidious message will soon take hold, especially in these difficult economic times when the simple idea of saving some money from military budgets rather than cutting benefits and pay has resonance with the working class.

As long as pacifists are in our streets, we must oppose them. Not by talking, but through action! Not by sitting down, by standing up!

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