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Why the lib-dems are shit

Multi-millionaire lib-dem MP tasked with aggressively cutting back public spending with the knock on effects likely to put tens of thousands out of work whilst worsening conditions and services for the rest of us caught red-handed ripping off the taxpayer for what would be peanuts to him:

MPs' Expenses: Treasury chief David Laws, his secret lover and a £40,000 claim

wonderful story for the weekend politicos, bring it on. radio 4 is already troubadoring about it.
Local leaflets, on the back of labour want the vote fore paedos wee now have this

Letter in the Guardian today that lays it all out - a left member of the federal policy committee arguing that they're 'ecstatic' at the content of the budget just unhappy they're having to join with the tories to push them through.

There's also a claim elsewhere in the paper (unsubstantiated of course, which suggests it's Glover writing) that there's been a rise in lib-dem membership in recent weeks i.e lots of people who like their 'new' nasty neo-liberalism with a tory face have joined up. As predicted, rather than acting as some left-pull on the tories (if you want to put it in these terms) they're being pulled very firmly rightwards.

has to be said that - and this is just from a straw poll of lib dems i know - there's actually very few 'rifts' in the party - the membership seem to be overwhelmingly behind the party in government. there aren't very many rifts at all...
Are these the biggest joke/sell out outfit in politics? They opposed a cap on immigration in their campaign and now they've backed it :facepalm:

I can't believe I voted for these cunts, I really, really can't. I'm a fucking mug for voting for them, I only wanted to keep Labour out now I wish I hadn't bothered.
1) Lib-dems 1997-2007 (the position was abolished at that point): abolish position of Deputy Prime Minister as it's not needed and is just used to put people out to grass that you don't trust with full departments.

2) Lib-dems May 2010 onwards: Nick Clegg - yes please, i'll have that important and essential position.
has to be said that - and this is just from a straw poll of lib dems i know - there's actually very few 'rifts' in the party - the membership seem to be overwhelmingly behind the party in government. there aren't very many rifts at all...

Not that surprising given their enthusiastic support for unpleasant rightwing acts carried out by scores of Libdem controlled local councils.

However in many areas the Libdem electorate in recent times has been distinctly to the left of the party - it is these they will be worrying about in five years time.
Cameron on plans to speak at the lib-dem conference:

"The more they attack us, the more they drive us together"

Can't these mugs see what he's doing? It's cold cold genius :D
Are these the biggest joke/sell out outfit in politics? They opposed a cap on immigration in their campaign and now they've backed it :facepalm:

I can't believe I voted for these cunts, I really, really can't. I'm a fucking mug for voting for them, I only wanted to keep Labour out now I wish I hadn't bothered.

I respect Lib Dem voters who say stuff like this. The remainging few Lib Dem voters who argue otherwise need to die, now.
Vince Cable, the most popular politician in British history, publicly admitted today that the lib-dems are calculated liars:

Speaking on the BBC's Andrew Marr Show, the Cabinet minister dodged questions about whether he was embarrassed by the campaign poster warning of a "Tory VAT bombshell".

"We were trying to score a point against the Conservatives, if you like," he said.

"Okay, well that was in the election. We have now moved past the election."

I can sense the trust already flowing back to them.
Half of Liberal Democrat voters ready to defect after VAT rise

Nick Clegg is suffering a fierce public backlash over the coalition's VAT rise, with almost half of Liberal Democrat supporters saying the tax U-turn makes them more likely to desert the party.

A YouGov/Brand Democracy survey, which will alarm already restive Lib Dem MPs, shows 48% of those who voted Lib Dem at the election are now less inclined to back them again as a direct result of the increase in VAT from 17.5% to 20%.

ha ha ha ha - thick filth.

Careerist twats. Still, it closes off another democratic pipe-dream. Nobody can credibly claim that the Lib Dems differ from the Tories in any meaningful way now we've seen their stuff.

One day perhaps the people of this country will wake up to what we're being offered by the major parties.
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