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Why the lib-dems are shit

Here you go Butchers :D.

The Weasel said:
"AV is a baby step in the right direction – only because nothing can be worse than the status quo. If we want to change British politics once and for all, we have got to have a quite simple system in which everyone's votes count. We think AV-plus is a feasible way to proceed. At least it is proportional – and it retains a constituency link.

"The Labour Party assumes that changes to the electoral system are like crumbs for the Liberal Democrats from the Labour table. I am not going to settle for a miserable little compromise thrashed out by the Labour Party."

It's bizare really, even in the campaign he was weasel like. He supported AV, then thought it was a step in the right direction, then called it a "miserable little compromise" from the Labour party, he demanded it and now he passionately supports it. What an absolute cunt.
That's great, ta very much. Yes, even in a very short 104 words he's all over the shop - a mix of incoherence, dishonesty, confusion, posing and bullshit. Quite remarkable in its own way.
It also goes how much Clegg was preparing the ground in order to reject any overtures from Labour, and create any excuse to form a coalition with the Liberal's natural allies in the Conservative Party.
Prescott reckons (whilst hiding behind the memory of Joe Hill!) that labour have had 10 000 lib-dems join them since the election. A 1/3 of their (claimed) new 30 000 members. The lib-dems only had about 30 000 to start with ( i think).
No the LDs had about 80,000 last I heard. Not that it means Two Jags is telling the truth, of course.

As a comparison, I think CAMRA have over 100,000 now.
60 000 according to their return to the electoral commission in 2009. They may well have picked some up in the election boosterism.
Prescott reckons (whilst hiding behind the memory of Joe Hill!) that labour have had 10 000 lib-dems join them since the election. A 1/3 of their (claimed) new 30 000 members. The lib-dems only had about 30 000 to start with ( i think).

Prescott often talks nonsense. I suspect it's people who voted Lib Dem for Billy Bragg reasons. Plus I think Lib Dems had 60,000 members in 2009.

We might be getting carried away with anti-Lib Dem news. Their activists are usually "LibDems all the way", I can't see 10,000 defecting straight to Labour.
Actually i misread lib-dem supporters as lib-dem members.

I don't think it's possible to get too carried away with anti-lib-dem news :D
Actually i misread lib-dem supporters as lib-dem members.

I don't think it's possible to get too carried away with anti-lib-dem news :D


voted Lib Dem.
Now there's a group I'd like to see as part of a coalition government.

I'm not sure. Going from the letters pages in the members' magazines I get, the political demographic seems to be predominantly UKIP with a healthy smattering of ageing trotskyists.
Not sure i can face that, but fear i must. Meanwhile, the same paper revealed that 40% of lib-dem MPs attended private schools. The national figure is 7%.
Not sure i can face that, but fear i must. Meanwhile, the same paper revealed that 40% of lib-dem MPs attended private schools. The national figure is 7%.

Name a political party that doesn't have over 10% from privileged backgrounds?

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Every political ideology is filled with the cunts.

All the same shit, just a different shine.
Sorry, what's your point here? Is it some inept defence of the fact that the lib-dems are dominated by private school boys and their classes interests and have proportionately far more private school educated MPs than labour or something?
Sorry, what's your point here? Is it some inept defence of the fact that the lib-dems are dominated by private school boys and their classes interests and have proportionately far more private school educated MPs than labour or something?

They are all cunts.

Did you read my post? 795?
Sorry, what's your point here? Is it some inept defence of the fact that the lib-dems are dominated by private school boys and their classes interests and have proportionately far more private school educated MPs than labour or something?

Every leader from all parties in the UK will be from the elite.

That is my point.

All cunts.
I read it and replied before you added in the last lines. Thanks for the insight, now, if you have some specific dirt or gripe about the lib-dems then please post it or them.

All parties are shit.

The whole system needs to be changed, why are you bothering your time about this now? You seem to be happy sitting at home on the net arguing about nothing on Saturday afternoon.

have fun. :p
That's not a reason why they're shit btw, just a reason why they should be strung from the lampposts.
The last Liberal pime minister said of Hitler:

I have now seen the famous German leader and also something of the great change he has effected. Whatever one may think of his methods - and they are certainly not those of a Parliamentary country - there can be no doubt that he has achieved a marvellous transformation in the spirit of the people, in their attitude towards each other, and in their social and economic outlook. One man has accomplished this miracle. He is a born leader of men. A magnetic dynamic personality with a single-minded purpose, a resolute will, and a dauntless heart.
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