Testicle Hairstyle
In terms of the 'Oh, it was all better back then when mum was at home baking cakes and dad came back from work to a dinner made from scratch and children respected their parents', totally sweeping under the rug the shitty deal for woman, the racism, the voicelessness of kids, the ability to wave away domestic violence and sexual assault against women and children etc, it's kind of the flipside that's used to soften the paranoia and persecution side which I totally agree is key.
There is a kind of fetishisation of a "perfect past" - pretty much as you describe, when the man was master and everything went all their way. For the current crop, the image of 1950s America seems to be the touchstone of everything that's good and right. I suppose the way they portray it could be taken as mawkish but yes, it excuses nothing.