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What are the underlying causes of hate crime?

Actual unfairness too though?

Yeah that's the bit I was musing on. Like we could broadly say 'division' of various types (nationalism, culture, etc.) under capitalism is the cause of much of what is legal hate crime in the UK now, but if we widen the definition beyond a current legal one to broader attacks on people that have been 'othered' I think some complicated evolutionary stuff might come into play, and today's stuff gets exacerbated on the back of that?

Yep, when it comes down to it, the fundamental problem is that humans are a really poor choice of dominant species to place in a hyper-connected and mobile industrialised society.
Thinking about people I hate...the people I hate, either individuals or class of people, is based on direct experience of the harm they do to me or things and people I care about. I'm not planning to criminally attack them, though the thought has crossed my mind.
In my experience just about everything that has harmed me has been done by a middle class middle aged white man wearing a suit and tie.
as weel as fear /ignorance / Tories/ Populist politicians

- massive blind spots / lack of understanding of intersectionality ... leading to quislings such as the TERFs and the whole 'gays against groomers' thing
Actual unfairness too though?
what do you have in mind?
call me old fashioned but the only unfairness i am aware of is that dished out by the capitalist military-industrial complex and tbf yes that unfairness leads me to hatred.
Maybe the SNP plan to make sure people are better aware of who their class enemies are and encourage them to direct their hatred in that direction
what do you have in mind?
call me old fashioned but the only unfairness i am aware of is that dished out by the capitalist military-industrial complex and tbf yes that unfairness leads me to hatred.
Maybe the SNP plan to make sure people are better aware of who their class enemies are and direct their hatred in that direction

People suffer genuine unfairness and shit lives, then for various reasons blame the people who aren't responsible. So to some extent actual unfairness is the cause of their hate/whatever.
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People suffer genuine unfairness and shit lives, then for various reasons blame the people who aren't responsible. So to some extent actual unfairness is the cause of their hate/whatever.
yes but then as has been noted in many examples its certain areas with almost zero migration where there's the strongest anti migrant feeling..... or hatred against people based on sexuality/gender etc, where this has nothing to do with peoples material conditions, and a material connection cant even been fabricated by propagandising hate-mongers

i guess there isn't a simple answer, there are a variety of examples and circumstances, each with their own web of causes and effects

I do think a common underlying factor though at a base level is this thing about narrow ideas of normality leading to othering others, which some people are stuck in, and which can become an endemic social problem in some communities.
Strikes me that the dynamics of our social arrangements create a lot of people with anger and violence in them and then certain narratives give them a target to vent that they can rationalise as permissible and justified.

Yeah that's a very sharp summary, thanks.
With regards to individual hate crimes there are obviously a multiplicity of factors.

But as regards the politics that engenders such crimes then to dismiss material factors I find frankly bizarre, particularly when it comes from people who consider themselves some sort of socialist.

The whole basis of class politics is that the class struggle informs the politics of people and society, and vice versa.
Indeed most socialist would agree that part of the purpose for pursuing socialism is that the creation of a society where economic exploitation is removed (or at least vastly reduced) will if not eliminate discrimination based on sex/race/gender/etc will move towards equity and liberation. So surely the opposite also applies - the increased exploitation of workers and pressure put on them is also going to result in a society where hard right populist politics may find it easier to grow.

EDIT: Of course workers are individuals, and have their own individual set of circumstances and changes to their material conditions will affect them in different ways. A materialist explanation is not a deterministic one.
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