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When Moderates Made Things Worse


canadian girlfriend
On MATB years ago, I was the token wet middle class liberal. Which is interesting, because a lot of people I know in real life consider me to be a red-hot political extremist. ("No, we can't invite him to the party, he'll try and liquidate some kulaks or turn a church into a palace of culture, or something". "Yeah, you're right I suppose. . .we don't want a repeat of last year.")

Which brings me to the main point of this thread, that there are millions of people out there who cleave to what they consider a moderate path, who think their politics are moderate politics, and who think that being moderate is the best way forward to peace and progress.

The thing is,there are cases where moderates being moderate dumped everyone in the shit. The classic case would be the German SPD in 1914, and their agreement to vote for war credits. Another one would be Garfield Todd in 1950s Southern Rhodesia. As prime minister of that white-settler colony, he couldn't countenance equal rights for the African majority, but his 'moderate' concessions ignited lunatic anti-communist paranoia among the white settler minority. So his 'moderate' stance led in rapid fashion to the extremism of Ian Smith, and after that to Bob Mugabe. . . and you know the rest of the story on that one.

So, my question is, what are your classic examples of times when moderates got it wrong and made things worse?
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So, my question is, what are your classic examples of times when moderates got it wrong and made things worse?

So many to choose from but here is a handful of disparate examples:

The Iraq War


Support for Pinochet, the Saudis and countless other despots and tyrannies



The Euro

The destructions of Greece (both the post-WW2 support for 'ex-fascists' and the EU's financial demolition of the country)

Health assessments and workfare in Britain which started under the coalition government
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If Chuka Umunna hadn't bottled the Labour leadership election, it's quite likely Corbyn wouldn't have even stood - or if he had, wouldn't have won - and the party wouldn't be in the mess it's in now.
the party is who? the PLP or the members, affiliats and supporters. Because the vastly larger numbers belong with the latter three and they've voted Corbyn. The mess the party is in is because the PLP don't accept it. To quote kinnock quite explicitly saying the general mood amongst the PLP right 'it's our party goddamit!'. Something has to be done about that if labour members want this to stop being a rolling drama
the party is who? the PLP or the members, affiliats and supporters. Because the vastly larger numbers belong with the latter three and they've voted Corbyn. The mess the party is in is because the PLP don't accept it. To quote kinnock quite explicitly saying the general mood amongst the PLP right 'it's our party goddamit!'. Something has to be done about that if labour members want this to stop being a rolling drama
This isn't the thread for that argument. I was just responding to the original post, and that's that.
the party is who? the PLP or the members, affiliats and supporters. Because the vastly larger numbers belong with the latter three and they've voted Corbyn. The mess the party is in is because the PLP don't accept it. To quote kinnock quite explicitly saying the general mood amongst the PLP right 'it's our party goddamit!'. Something has to be done about that if labour members want this to stop being a rolling drama

It's reasonable for the PLP to react like that though, as they were elected on a different mandate. The situation will only resolve itself when the party goes into a general election with MPs who hold similar views to those eligible to vote in the Lab leadership contest, however that might be achieved.
On MATB years ago, I was the token wet middle class liberal.

thassit, write the rest of us out of history :rolleyes:

mind, I spent most of my time in the gulag so never got much opportunity to put forward truly wet, liberal propositions.
thassit, write the rest of us out of history :rolleyes:

mind, I spent most of my time in the gulag so never got much opportunity to put forward truly wet, liberal propositions.
Poor John Major.

I feel so sorry for him.

Such a nice man.
The torture and slaughter of 10s of billions of sentient land animals (and maybe trillions of aquatic animals) every year, a global economy in which 62 people own as much wealth as over 3.5 billion poor people, and a development model that may well lead to the destruction of all life on earth are all the products of 'moderate policies'. The moderates are the biggest threat today. Scum like Isis will come and go, but the moderates, they're tougher to get rid of.
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