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If god exists, would you worship him?

But they have prophets in common. They each have their favourites of course but if they share even one prophet it must be the same god.

It's a silly discussion for atheists to have, I'll grant you.
wtf are you doing on urban then, where we have for many years specialised in silly discussions?
God gets the blame for all the man made shit in the world....we fuck up and get the luxury of waving fists at God..and saying things like, "If there really is a God then why are people starving and dying...why is there so much hate and violence?" "Why does God let these things happen?".
Yet we are the ones who allow people starve. We allow violence and war. We vote in leaders who use war for the sake of peace. We turn a blind eye to corrupt governments who let their own people starve. Humans are fucked up...and then they blame religion or god.

So we destroy God...but we are still in a fucked up world full of fucked up people fucking up the planet. Nothing changes.

If there is a God...then the disappointment in us must be huge.

I do no not:-
allow people to starve
allow violence and war
vote in leaders who use war....
turn a blind eye to corrupt governments

I don't condone the above either.
I don't believe that a benign and omnipotent being would allow these.
I don't agree mojo pixy.

I am just one person, with no power to stop these things. If I possessed superpower I would use it for good not evil.

There is no cognitive dissonance on my part.
I don't believe that a benign and omnipotent being would allow these.

You may be channeling something attributed to Epicurus:
(latin text)
God (he asks) either wants to be rid of bad things and cannot, or can but does not want to, or neither wishes to nor can, or both wants to and can. If he wants to and cannot then he is dull, and this does not apply to god. If he can but does not want to then he is evil, which is equally alien to god. If he neither wants to nor can, he is both evil and dull, and so not god. If he wants to and can, which is the only fit state for a god, where therefore do bad things come from? And why does he not remove them?"

It's not certain Epicurus actually said or wrote it, but whoever did, it's a good question.
There is no cognitive dissonance on my part.

There is, it's the same for just about everyone. It goes like this:

I am a good person
Death and Destruction are bad
Death and Destruction (bad) are nothing to do with me (good)

It's comforting, but it doesn't withstand a proper analysis of the facts.
There is, it's the same for just about everyone. It goes like this:

I am a good person
Death and Destruction are bad
Death and Destruction (bad) are nothing to do with me (good)

It's comforting, but it doesn't withstand a proper analysis of the facts.

Thats really binary.
I do no not:-
allow people to starve
allow violence and war
vote in leaders who use war....
turn a blind eye to corrupt governments

I don't condone the above either.
I don't believe that a benign and omnipotent being would allow these.

It's called free will....
I don't agree mojo pixy.

I am just one person, with no power to stop these things. If I possessed superpower I would use it for good not evil.

There is no cognitive dissonance on my part.

Yeah...you're not the only "good" person in the world. Believe it or not many people are "good"....

They choose to do good and be kind. They choose to stand up for those who can't.
It's not a superpower. It's a way of life. It's something that transcends organised religions. It's in the way people protest peacefully on behalf of the most downtrodden. It's in the moments people stand together for all sorts of human rights.

Think of Martin Luther King. One voice. Yet what a voice.
Think of any great leader for peace..all were just one voice
..representing millions.
John Lennon.
Dalai Lama.
You may not have their strength or wisdom but you could live a life that chooses to exemplify kindness.

You don't live in a vacuum.
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You may be channeling something attributed to Epicurus:
(latin text)
God (he asks) either wants to be rid of bad things and cannot, or can but does not want to, or neither wishes to nor can, or both wants to and can. If he wants to and cannot then he is dull, and this does not apply to god. If he can but does not want to then he is evil, which is equally alien to god. If he neither wants to nor can, he is both evil and dull, and so not god. If he wants to and can, which is the only fit state for a god, where therefore do bad things come from? And why does he not remove them?"

It's not certain Epicurus actually said or wrote it, but whoever did, it's a good question.
The missing category is that bad things aren't really bad, when viewed from the holistic perspective of an eternal, omnicogniscent being.

It's all bollocks though. Absolute anything does contain within it the seed of its own contradiction, which is the basis of Epicurus' argument there, no matter how clever a resolution there might be to specific manifestations of the argument.
There is, it's the same for just about everyone. It goes like this:

I am a good person
Death and Destruction are bad
Death and Destruction (bad) are nothing to do with me (good)

It's comforting, but it doesn't withstand a proper analysis of the facts.
That sounds like fuzzy logic to me.

Just for information purposes, what would withstand a 'proper analysis of the facts'?
It's called free will....

My 'free will' would have me prevent suffering, but I don't have the power to intervene in the suffering of all humanity. Even a missionary cannot do that and I am not a missionary. It does not mean I am complicit in suffering of others.
No. It's not nonsense.

I'm not quite sure what exactly you're saying isn't nonsense. In my view, claiming to be a good person is nonsense when simply being alive entails so many other things dying to facilitate that. Claiming no responsibility for any harm in this world is simply dishonest, and yet it's an almost inevitable consequence of claiming to be a good person. Cognitive dissonance ensures it.
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