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What's for tea tonight? (#8)

Yeah, isn't the dirty oil what gives chips their golden colour? :oops:

We're having veg chilli and rice and cheese for tea, and maybe a few cupcakes for pudding if I finish them in time.
This thread just reminded me to check my deep fat fryer. Hasn't been used in about 4 years as it was cheap and didn't get hot enough to do chips properly. Found that I'd left oil in it - fucking rank. Decided to put it out on the wall for 'recycling' and accidentally spilled it down my trouser leg :facepalm:

Tonight we're having Tuscan roast pork loin, roast potatoes, parsnips & small peppers and cauliflower puree. There is chocolate ice cream but I haven't told Mrs R of its existence yet as she claimed to be too full of junk from a kiddy party to try my posh sausage rolls :D

Wasn't going to have a drink, but having just done the Xmas booze shop I can't just look at it all. Starting off with a Merlot.
The Other Half shot a youngish wild turkey hen yesterday, so we're having the breast meat from that (the dog and the barn cats got the rest of it) as a Moroccan-style tajine with root vegetables, dried apricots and preserved lemon. Couscous and the ubiquitous green salad with plain orange vinaigrette to round it all out. No dessert.
M&s salmon and Brie en croute with roasted med vegetables.
Tiramisu and decorating the xmas tree for pudding :)
my first christmas dinner of the year. It was very overcooked :( I had to saw through the roast potatoes. The gravy was made from Bisto. The yorkshire puddings were overcooked and plasticky. Pub christmas dinners :mad:
Tonight will be beans on toasted topped with cheese.
I am trialling some 'unknown brand' beans purchased at Lidl for 28p a can.
Could go either way.
Tonight will be beans on toasted topped with cheese.
I am trialling some 'unknown brand' beans purchased at Lidl for 28p a can.
Could go either way.

The unknown brand spaghetti hoops we had from Lidl were foul :(

Tonight we will be having pork and jalapeno snags with red cabbage mebbe.
My daughter's had a mystery spewing disease this weekend so has eaten fuck all...but she's having the day off today (stopped being sick, but still *not quite right* although that's quite possibly cos she hadn't eaten for over two days :D ) and is just having some beans on toast. :cool:

My son and I had cottage pie and broccoli last night and I've got one more portion for me tonight.
The kids are both at their dads this week, probably, but there's a couple of lemon frangipane muffins left for me and the small girl to have a bit later with a little bit of ice cream, if her tummy seems to be ok, before she goes off to his (the boy had his last night).
the black crunchy bits are what give proper chips their flavour :mad:
I was brought up on eggs fried in a pan of lard, which had also been used to cook months worth of sausage and bacon - when I first had fried eggs done in clean veggie oil, I thought they were fucking RANK. No flavour, wayyyyyy too suspiciously clean. Used to it now but often have a moment of nostalgia for proper fried eggs.

Anyhooo - fella's out at rehearsal tonight, so me and our lass may well have spaghetti and meatballs in LG tom and basil sauce :cool:
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