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What's for tea tonight? (#8)

Veggie paella and some gooey cake.

In retrospect, we could have done with someone else to help us eat it :D will use next rice next time.
chilli turkey stew with very large pasta like an elbow but ridged on the outside
Last night we ate out. We'd bought tickets to a pre-Christmas vegetarian buffet. (The real draw, for me, was the promise of some local wild-grape wine) I had trepidations about the food, but the proceeds were going to a good cause-- I figured if it was too lame we could exit early and pick up a pizza on the way home. As it turned out most of the eats ware indeed straight out of the Moosewood Cookbooks, but there was a shiitake mushroom/lentil pate that was absolutely outstanding. The woman who made it was in attendance and I'm promised the recipe via email. :)

Today we had lazy Sunday throw-together: chicken broth, green salad, challah bread or cornbread, a couple of cheeses, cold ham, kosher dills, olives, and peach chutney. Oh, and Innis and Gunn lager.
Y_I_Otter, your tea always sounds well thought out and yummy, even if you did just throw it together! :cool:

We actually had a surprisingly nice tea last night, I put the left over veggie chilli in a Pyrex thingy and covered it with mash and posh cheddar then baked it for 30 mins or so. Served with broccoli, and carrots and onions fried in garlic with a little bit of honey. Tbf most of the tea was cheesy mash so it's not surprising that it was a winner. :oops:
Vegetarian guest for the weekend so Saturday I did cauliflower, pecorino and parsley frittata, deauphinoise potatoes and a rocket, tomato and black olive salad.

Sunday I made a roast, Higgidy feta pie for him, venison steaks for us, veggie burger for the littlun.

Bit of a Yorkshire Pud problem - they looked great but could have risen slightly more and the insides were a undercooked. They were in the middle of the oven at gas mark 7 for 40 minutes, vegetable oil was very hot before I put the batter mix in, recipe a standard from Delia Smith. Can't work out why they didn't cook properly in them middle. Ideas?
Made a lovely Spanishy type stew yesterday, with quorn chicken, peps/onions/garlic/toms/stock/tom puree/thyme and a shit-ton of paprika, plus black eyed peas. Fucking nom.

Think it's gonna be baked spuds, cheese and beans for tonight - stock up on some carbs in this delightful fucking freezing weather
Noodles, some kind of bean, tin tomatoes and some chilli? Or veggie stock, chop the saussies, tin toms, load of thyme? With noodies? Fucking hell I am STARVIN!
Noodles, some kind of bean, tin tomatoes and some chilli? Or veggie stock, chop the saussies, tin toms, load of thyme? With noodies? Fucking hell I am STARVIN!

Cannae do beans still soj, I sneakily tried chilli again the other week - no go. No noodles either (self imposed diet)... maybe I'll just eat em cold :D
Sausage omelette... would that be weird?
Settled on that then Bee? :)

Nipped tesco, so now can't make up me mind whether to have the baked spuds, or chips/pie/mushy peas/gravy, or pasta in LG sauce with olives and cheese over the top.

Will let them two choose I think.
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