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What's for tea tonight? (#8)

Not only that - but after leaving on Xmas eve last year (because 'as you know, Xmas is a hard time for me' :rolleyes: ) he's chosen to leave on the 29th this year....and then invited himself over to mine for Xmas :facepalm: and when I told him that he should've asked me before assuming that...and saying he could come, but it'll just be for the day itself (as it was the year before last) and that if he did could he not put on the rank aftershave he had on that year, cos it put me right off my dinner :p and arrive half pissed in the morning after sinking a bottle of champagne with his mate first...he ended up sending me a text saying I should relax and don't worry he'd only be there for two hours cos he'd be going out afterwards and that *I* was 'no fun to be around at Xmas' :facepalm: ....fuck sake....you've invited yourself round to MY HOUSE to eat the fucking dinner that I'LL be cooking, just before you piss off for 9 weeks (that'll inevitably turn into 12 in the end - same as last year).....and you're fucking slagging me off?!? :facepalm: :eek: :confused:

He can fucking try asking properly with some bloody manners first or fuck off, tbf, the cheeky, fucking bastard! :mad:

Cheers for the get well wishes btw, laydees :) (except YOU moose :mad: :D ) and Yu Gi - I hope YOU feel better soon, too (and I did lol at Mr Yu Gi :D ....is he back yet, btw? :hmm: :D ). Tbf, moose, I'm not *planning* on eating ALL OF IT TODAY :D - and I have got some grapes, strawbs, satsumas, too - although all I've had so far is a small bowl of Singapore rice noodles.... :oops: :D
He's UNBELIEVABLE! He *really* doesn't realise it, either! I think he thought he was being funny :confused: but the point I was making is that there's a time NOT to take the fucking piss - and just to have a bit of grace and decency - and this was one of them, but y'know surely you don't have to be told!

And I know I might sound like I was being a bitch with the aftershave thing :hmm: but honest, I'd say if I *liked* it as much as if I didn't :D - and since he got that one I've always said 'Urgh - that's rank!' and then he turned up COVERED in the stuff, lol - and Xmas dinner really is my fave meal of the year :oops: and it really, really DID put me off! :(

And the kids will like it if he's here - but there again he didn't give a fuck about that last time - and we had a great time as it was and afaic, we are actually at the point where I don't feel at all obliged to offer (or even, accept his having invited himself), even for their sakes, because I know it'd be fine to do it differently now, iyswim (as it was last year)....so the way he approaches it DOES matter!

And the drinking thing is just cos then he strolls on in being all loud and talking over everyone....and he always does this thing where he takes the piss out of my mum behind her back :facepalm: (I don't mind anyone taking the piss out of her when she's not THERE, tbf :cool: :D but I HATE it when people do that shit :mad: )....and all of that stuff changes the atmosphere, iykwim :hmm: .....and the main thing is that *I* actually REALLY DO LIKE Xmas :mad: - so if you're fucking INVITING YOURSELF round then fucking well ask nicely and be a bit less thick about the way you do it....it's NOT HARD! :confused: :mad: :D

</rant over> :oops: :D
I dunno, my thinking was that it wasn't ok the way he'd done it (before he'd even been rude about it, I mean)....but that I'd do it once more this year, but that, having pointed out that he should have asked and not assumed - it'd be clearer then next year, or whatever :rolleyes: ....but yeah, he's not coming now unless he asks again properly (although I think he's NOW assuming that it's all ok - even though I texted back and told him to fuck off - he just thinks I'm being anal and difficult, I'm sure.. :facepalm: ). :)

ETA - Aaaaaaaanyway....wrong thread, eh! :oops: As you were! :D
He's a lovely bloke, chakras and all. Perhaps if sheo realigned her aura she wouldn't be so negative about it all.
Pudding turned out to be tiramigus after the numerous gentle hints I've been dropping all week
Eg "buy something nice for pudding to celebrate my pay rise"
I made a kind of torta rustica with spinach, onions, garlic, ground pork, feta and North African-style preserved lemon in phyllo pastry. It turned out a tad too salty-- next time I'll just use fresh lemon zest instead, or maybe a less salty variety of feta. We had it with steamed cauliflower and a caesar salad. Banana fritters for dessert.
Off out again tonight so have got us a couple of nice quiches - erm, cheese and baby tomato, and one with jalapenos in it. Will have with lovely seedy loaf, and a mixed salad. Then out for WINE - my turn to get pissed and witter away tonight, he did it last night :D
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