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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Absolutely Trump, his administration and GOP politicians lie openly, because their purpose isn't to deceive, it's to demonstrate their power.

I'm sure I read that Bob Mueller is going to give testimony I think in the House shortly. He's gone on record to say Bill Barr lied, so I would hope that could be the tipping point. Doesn't have to mean impeaching Trump - Barr would be a good starting point.

I worry though that there are enough Americans who will watch testimony and regardless of what they hear and see, will stick to their beliefs . . . that Trump is akin to the Messiah and everyone who questions or challenges him is evil. And, there are others who just find it too much, are keeping their heads down and just don't want to know. They are probably the same folks who don't vote. The people who want the corruption and unraveling of the republic to stop will shout at their tvs and feel powerless if the structures aren't there to hold people accountable. I wish I had confidence that sooner or later, the bad guys will lose. I don't though. I mean look at the Brexit situ - every poll, local elections in England, businesses, etc. are all saying don't fucking do it, it's going to be shit on a stick, but you still have the Government, the opposition and state television (the BBC) insisting that it has to happen, regardless. I don't have much faith in a happy ending with that, either. :(
I know what you mean.
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Trump White House is suddenly outraged by public officials calling people liars

“The fact that the speaker would take it upon herself to call him a liar is really, really inappropriate and beneath her office,” Groves continued.

But Groves apparently does not share the same concern about his own boss, who happens to be the president, calling others liars.

Throughout his 2016 campaign, Trump repeatedly called his opponents liars, often attacking then-presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) as “Lying Ted.” He also levied similar charges against Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (D), and others.

As president, he has not shied away from calling his opponents, critics, former employees, his own Justice Department, and anyone else who upset him liars.

On Friday, he even accused Pelosi of lying and demanded a criminal investigation into her ties to Russia.
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Trump asks why the radical left wing media is allowed on Facebook and Twitter | Daily Mail Online


Jones reacted angrily Thursday during a live stream of his show on his Infowars website.

'They didn't just ban me. They just defamed us. Why did Zuckerberg even do this?' Jones said, referring to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

Jones called himself a victim of 'racketeering' by 'cartels.'

'There's a new world now, man, where they're banning everybody and then they tell Congress nobody is getting banned,' he said.
He retweeted white nationalist and ‘white genocide’ conspiracy theorist Lauren Southern and far right conspiracy theorist Paul Joesph Watson yesterday. :rolleyes::rolleyes::facepalm:
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He retweeted white nationalist and ‘white genocide’ conspiracy theorist Lauren Southern and far right conspiracy theorist Paul Joesph Watson yesterday. :rolleyes::rolleyes::facepalm:

We know he's a dick, so dickery is to be expected, including dickery that retweets other dicks.

President Trump on Sunday blamed “political correctness” for a controversial decision at the Kentucky Derby that led to the disqualification of the apparent winner in favor of a 65-to-1 long shot.

”The Kentuky Derby decision was not a good one. It was a rough and tumble race on a wet and sloppy track, actually, a beautiful thing to watch,” Trump wrote on Twitter, misspelling the state’s name. “Only in these days of political correctness could such an overturn occur. The best horse did NOT win the Kentucky Derby – not even close!”
I have no doubt Trump, his associates and the GOP will do everything they can to keep him in the White House, regardless of the outcome of the election - if there even is an election next November. He's retweeting opinions of others, like this fundy nutjob that support that position.

If elections do go forward, Trump/GOP will do everything in their power to stop them being free and fair - dark money targeted ads on social media (this is already happening), scrubbing people likely to vote Dem from the rolls wherever possible by any means possible, requiring strict ID to vote (and steps to make it almost impossible for Black and native citizens to get the ID), tampering with voting machines and results, short hours and few voting booths in areas with high levels of Democratic party voters, open carry Trump supporters parading outside polls with guns, etc. etc. etc. - all the same things as last time but turned up to 11, with added value from Trump appointed judges who'll not contest cases alleging voter suppression, fraud, etc.

He's already started trying to frame the opponent he probably thinks will be the front runner, I think either looking to knock him out of the running or damage his credibility enough that he quits.

If by some miracle, Trump loses and/or there's a Democratic majority in the House and Senate, they'll come up with some reason why the results are invalid and/or will mobilise Trump supporters to stop those elected from taking their seats, and probably more drastic and violent actions. It won't be pretty.

Slim hope that through legal proceedings and testimony of Trump an his associates in congress will convince enough people to turn the tide and pull away enough of Trump's support. But that hope is getting slimmer all the time. And the longer he and the GOP occupy all branches of government, the more chance they have to re-write the constitution and push further policies and laws to protect what will by then be a one party state, and effectively, a dictatorship.
Could absolutely see this happening in my home town. In fact, I'm sure it's happened, but they've just not been caught.

Georgia mayor under fire for alleged remarks about black job candidate

According to documents obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and interviews with city officials, Mayor Theresa Kenerly told a member of the City Council she pulled the resume of Keith Henry from a packet of four finalists “because he is black, and the city isn’t ready for this.”

The AJC’s investigation into the controversy revealed not only a deeply flawed hiring process, but also hard racial attitudes inside Hoschton’s government. All of this occurs as the city of fewer than 2,000 people just outside Gwinnett County is poised for dramatic growth with the construction of thousands of new homes.
“Since she corrupted this entire process by trying to shield the application of Mr. Henry from Council members and then making the comment to the effect that while he is qualified he should not be considered because he is black and the city is not ready for this, she should not be a part of this hiring process,” Powers wrote. “I am appalled that in 2019 an applicant would not be hired based solely on the color of their skin.”
“I’m a Christian and my Christian beliefs are you don’t do interracial marriage. That’s the way I was brought up and that’s the way I believe,” he said. “I have black friends, I hired black people. But when it comes to all this stuff you see on TV, when you see blacks and whites together, it makes my blood boil because that’s just not the way a Christian is supposed to live.”
US president Donald Trump has said that trade wars are easy to win. Reality is usually far messier. The chances are that he was bluffing when he threatened on Sunday to escalate tariffs on Chinese imports this coming Friday — two days after a 100-strong Chinese delegation was due to arrive in Washington for what was billed as the closing phase of a US-China trade deal. Now the Chinese may not come at all, or arrive in smaller numbers. Few countries, let alone emerging global powers, like to negotiate under duress.
Subscribe to read | Financial Times

its Mueller diversion time
or the beeb then
Stock markets in the US, Europe and Asia have been hit after US President Donald Trump threatened new tariffs on China, putting a trade deal in doubt.
He said on Twitter the US would more than double tariffs on $200bn (£152bn) of Chinese goods on Friday and would introduce fresh tariffs.
Recent comments had suggested both sides were nearing a trade deal.
Shares hit by Trump tariff threat to China

he just wants to watch it burn
Mnuchin is refusing to release Trump's tax returns - Wonder what Congress will do next

Mnuchin refuses to turn over Trump taxes to House Democrats - CNNPolitics

(CNN)Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Monday denied a request from House Democrats for access to six years of President Donald Trump's personal tax returns.

"I am informing you now that the Department may not lawfully fulfill the Committee's request," Mnuchin wrote in his one-page letter, written in consultation with lawyers from the Department of Justice.
More about Trump's dodgy details are tickling the newspapers' genitals with the possibility of being exposed.

N.Y. Lawmakers Move Closer to Allowing Release of Trump’s State Tax Returns

ALBANY — As the standoff over President Trump’s federal tax returns deepens in Washington, New York State lawmakers say they intend to advance a bill on Wednesday to allow congressional committees to see Mr. Trump’s New York State returns.

State Senator Brad Hoylman, a Manhattan Democrat, confirmed on Tuesday that the State Senate had enough votes to ensure passage of a bill allowing the commissioner of the New York Department of Taxation and Finance to release any state tax return requested by a leader of one of three congressional committees for any “specified and legitimate legislative purpose.”
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This might also be helpful - one hopes
At the end of the day, there's absolutely no reason to hide the tax returns unless he's up to something dodgy so, as he's hiding them, we can safely assume he's a dodgy bastard.

Democrats appear headed straight to court for Trump's tax returns

House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal indicated Tuesday that Democrats would go straight to federal court to try to force the administration to give up President Donald Trump’s tax returns, skipping a subpoena or a contempt vote.

“There doesn’t have to be any intermediary step. They seem not to be paying a lot of attention to the subpoenas, so take it from there,” Neal (D-Mass.) told reporters, adding that he’d have a response by the end of this week to the rejection of his request for the returns.
Hang on, I thought the idiot president would be pleased, after all, Bossie is only doing what the president pillock has been doing himself.
Maybe he should just charge a fee for services rendered, or perhaps open a university to teach others the art of the deal.
Hang on, didn't Trump do that? :D

Trump 'livid' after report a former campaign aide misled on fundraising - CNNPolitics

The President was "livid" when he found out the political group run by his former deputy campaign manager David Bossie was soliciting funds from Trump supporters and only spending a fraction on direct political activities.
Meanwhile . . .

Russia isn't just interfering in U.S. elections, it's abusing the American justice system

The Russian firm, owned by Evgeney Prigozhin, a man close to Russian President Vladimir Putin, would use the evidence as part of a disinformation campaign against the special counsel, Mueller’s team argued in an 18-page memorandum filed in January. After all, the company had been indicted for funding the St. Petersburg-based troll farm that used social media campaigns to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
According to court filings, Concord Management’s lawyers had already been permitted to review documents as part of the pre-trial discovery process, and the information had been used to launch a disinformation campaign targeting the special counsel’s investigation directly. Handing more documents to the lawyers would jeopardize U.S. national security, according to Mueller’s team, and would allow Moscow to use the discovery process to gather intelligence on the Russia investigation.
Another day, another Constitutional crisis:

CNN)President Donald Trump invoked blanket executive privilege over Robert Mueller's full report Wednesday in retribution for a pending vote by House Democrats to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt of Congress.

The move significantly escalated a constitutional confrontation between the House Democratic majority and the President over the aftermath of the special counsel's Russia investigation. It will trigger a bitter and potentially long battle in the courts to adjudicate whether the executive branch or the legislative branch of the government will prevail.

The Justice Department informed House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler Wednesday morning in a letter that the "President has asserted executive privilege over the entirety of the subpoenaed materials."

Trump invokes executive privilege over Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Doesn't look at all suspicious.... :facepalm:
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