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What is your favourite conspiracy theory?

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Blagsta said:
so why are you implying they have?
Because he's a fucking idiot whose time on these boards is running out after his last PM when he compared me to - you guessed it - Hitler!

editor said:
Azrael23 said:
How am I allowed to ask 10 questions about 9/11?
Because we're fucking fed up seeing the same clueless, ill-researched bullshit posted up here for the zillioneth time.
Azrael23 said:
What layout does the fuhrer demand?
Comparing me to the mass murderer Hitler now, eh?

Time for you to fuck off.

Its no worse than calling me a conspiraloon you hypocrite


You can threaten to ban me all you like, its a sign you feel threatened. You`ve stuck your reputation firmly on one side of the fence and you refuse to let me question your views, if I do....I`m a conspiraloon.

So how am I allowed to ask ten questions on 9/11?
Azrael23 said:
Its no worse than calling me a conspiraloon you hypocrite
Oh yes. Being compared to the mass murderer Hitler is just as bad as being called a conspiraloon, isn't it?


editor said:
Oh yes. Being compared to the mass murderer Hitler is just as bad as being called a conspiraloon, isn't it?



errr its also a coloquial term for someone who enjoys abusing a position of (almost no) power....
Blagsta said:
why are you implying the police are using sonic weapons in this country?

I didn`t I said such weapons existed.

Its only common sense to assume that after hitting the streets of America they will one day be in use here.

Please stop semantic nitpicking. :)

The cynics are weak, what exactly are you people united behind? Besides hating people who don`t agree with you? If I was so mad then people would ignore my posts and it wouldn`t matter if i was posting questions.

What right have you got to decide what subjects can and can`t be discussed? Is it hurting anyone to talk about govt complicity on 9/11? Would be REALLY SUPER suprised? Jeeez :rolleyes:
Azrael23 said:
I didn`t I said such weapons existed.

Its only common sense to assume that after hitting the streets of America they will one day be in use here.

Please stop semantic nitpicking. :)

OK, lets recap - you imply that the police are using these weapons, here - " I love the non lethal weapons around.....The police are so nice to us thesedays.

Instead of beating you with a truncheon they just point a gizmo at you and you drop with massive brain-pain and vomiting.....yay....

Then when I pull you up on it, you call it "semantic nitpicking"

Maybe if you were more careful with semantics, you wouldn't come to the absurd conclusions that you do.
editor said:
Because he's a fucking idiot whose time on these boards is running out after his last PM when he compared me to - you guessed it - Hitler!

Ban the schweinhundt!!! :mad:

<pfffft> :D
Azrael23 said:
You can threaten to ban me all you like, its a sign you feel threatened. You`ve stuck your reputation firmly on one side of the fence and you refuse to let me question your views, if I do....I`m a conspiraloon.
9/11 has been discussed to death here and I've no wish to entertain another gullible idiot repeating the same fact-free fantasies from the same idiotic sites all over again.

And far from being 'threatened' I'm just totally bored with seeing another embarrassing loon regurgitating the same laughable c'n'p bollocks while declaring themselves as some sort of truth warrior.

Look around you. You're not changing anyone's minds with your endlessly recycled yarns and seeing as it appears very unlikely you're going to change the fucking record, I can't see much point in allowing you to carry on.

And comparing me to Hitler is about the last fucking straw.
Blagsta said:
OK, lets recap - you imply that the police are using these weapons, here - " I love the non lethal weapons around.....The police are so nice to us thesedays.

Instead of beating you with a truncheon they just point a gizmo at you and you drop with massive brain-pain and vomiting.....yay....

Then when I pull you up on it, you call it "semantic nitpicking"

Maybe if you were more careful with semantics, you wouldn't come to the absurd conclusions that you do.

I was at seattle for the protests. Have you seen the footage?

Just because I say people who dissent against authority are falling victim to these types of police tactics thats not to say I mean the UK. A lot of people in Seattle weren`t American but they were victims nonetheless. We are one people under a global system of economics, d`you understand?

You are semantic nitpicking. Address the points, namely the surge in recent police technology for dealing with mass crowds. What are they planning for? Oooh its the war on terrorism!
Well when was the last time you saw a crowd of terrorists?
editor said:
9/11 has been discussed to death here and I've no wish to entertain another gullible idiot repeating the same fact-free fantasies from the same idiotic sites all over again.

And far from being 'threatened' I'm just totally bored with seeing another embarrassing loon regurgitating the same laughable c'n'p bollocks while declaring themselves as some sort of truth warrior.

Look around you. You're not changing anyone's minds with your endlessly recycled yarns and seeing as it appears very unlikely you're going to change the fucking record, I can't see much point in allowing you to carry on.

And comparing me to Hitler is about the last fucking straw.

If its so fact free how come I can back up my claims with articles and interviews you can never seem to refute.
You concentrate on two or three things i`ve said which I cant conclusively prove (ie my view) but as for the issues like 9/11 which is almost beyond doubt you refuse to answer. Wheres the thread with the david schippers interview in?
I wonder how many decent responses to that evidence I`ll find?
William of Walworth said:
Questions 1 to 8 in my earlier post await your attention ... :p

Sorry they were all conspiracy theories and your a conspiraloon. I refuse to answer them because they are drawn upon scant evidence and are merely ill contrived......conspiracy theories....


YEAH!! :rolleyes:
Azrael23 said:
I was at seattle for the protests. Have you seen the footage?

Just because I say people who dissent against authority are falling victim to these types of police tactics thats not to say I mean the UK. A lot of people in Seattle weren`t American but they were victims nonetheless. We are one people under a global system of economics, d`you understand?

You are semantic nitpicking. Address the points, namely the surge in recent police technology for dealing with mass crowds. What are they planning for? Oooh its the war on terrorism!
Well when was the last time you saw a crowd of terrorists?

Why don't you answer the question for a change?
Blagsta said:
Why don't you answer the question for a change?

I did . You were inferring that in my original post when I said "on us" and "the police are so nice to us", that I meant the British people.

So where's your evidence that they were used at the Seattle protests?

(ignoring your moving the goalposts)
Blagsta said:
So where's your evidence that they were used at the Seattle protests?

(ignoring your moving the goalposts)

What are you on about?

I assume your trying to suggest I was saying sound weapons were used?


I was talking about all non lethal weapons. There was plenty of teargas and water cannon there.

Have you finished yet? Perhaps you could try making a point rather than just criticising mine....
Aaahhh, so you imply that the police are using sonic weapons in this country, then when pulled up on it, say that they were used at Seattle, then when pulled up on that deny that you mean that at all.

You really are a wanker.
Here's your original post on the subject

Azrael23 said:
Oooh don`t forget to mention sound cannons...

I love the non lethal weapons around.....The police are so nice to us thesedays.

Instead of beating you with a truncheon they just point a gizmo at you and you drop with massive brain-pain and vomiting.....yay.... :rolleyes:

and now you say you were on about water cannon and teargas?

You're a liar and a fool.
Blagsta said:
Here's your original post on the subject

and now you say you were on about water cannon and teargas?

You're a liar and a fool.

I`ve explained myself perfectly well, you know what I meant in if not lets clarify.

The police in the US have sound weapons.

The police use lots of "non-lethal" weapons like tear gas, rubber bullets, sound weapons, water cannons on US....as in we the people.

Then I rip it out of the way non lethal weapons are played as friendly when in fact they are`t, because they involve lots of pain and can still cause deaths.

What exactly is it you disagree with Blagsta? What exactly are you foaming at the mout for? Your the Whacko mate. ;)
No, your post quite clearly meant that the police were using "sound cannons".

BTW - tear gas and water cannon are nothing new.
Azrael23 said:
If its so fact free how come I can back up my claims with articles and interviews you can never seem to refute.
You haven't backed up any of your wild claims with any credible, peer reviewed research.

You just just throw up an incoherent ragbag of links and quickly change the subject when challenged on specifics (e.g. your currently laughable sonic weapons wriggle).
My favourite Conspiracy theory is that all conspiracy theories are part of a conspiracy to keep your mind off important shit!
Blagsta said:
No, your post quite clearly meant that the police were using "sound cannons".

BTW - tear gas and water cannon are nothing new.

Look if you think I meant to say that, whatever. But I told you what I meant. You can`t start responding to what, you think I think...

Listen to me.

No they aren`t but the levels of brutality were, I saw a group of peaceful sitdown protestors sprayed with tear gas. I saw a woman with a helmet on have it ripped off whilst praying and have tear gas sprayed in her face....
I saw CS grenades just tossed into groups of youths, people beaten with batons, kicked.
They had a fucking field day and it ain`t gonna get better now they have bloody sound cannons.

Why do you direct so much scorn at me? I`ll i`m doing is informing you of something, if the police were planning to change their weaponry to cattle prods in one hand and a mini chainsaw in the other wouldn`t you want to know? :confused:
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