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What is your favourite conspiracy theory?

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And how many people actually ever even considered the possibility of an aircraft, never mind a passenger plane, flying into a building?

It's all very well saying that architects and engineers should design a building other large structure to cover worst case scenarios, but these will be events that could be REASONABLY foreseen, such as fire, flood, explosion, earthquake, depending on the location of the building. And even though the designers of the twin towers had not forseen that some 30 years after the buildings were erected there would be a side impact collision between the towers and airplanes (who would have, lets face it), the buildings, when they collapsed, failed in the way they were designed to fail in any demolition-type scenario - they collapsed straight down.

What are designers supposed to design for now - alien spacecraft invasion? Vampire attacks? Zombies? Owl god worshippers running amok? :rolleyes:
Azrael23 said:
No no ones mentioned it. I don`t really see it as that important tbh.

Couple of masons went to the moon...or...US govt faked the moon landing as a propaganda tool.
Besides just because the pictures are fake thats not to say the whole thing was a hoax.

Bollocks everyone knows that the moon is made of green cheese and the Americans faked the pictures to make it look like there was nothing but moon dust there so they could corner the market in verdant coloured dairy produce. Also how come NASA spent so much money on a moon buggy that only went as fast as a 68 BHP Land Rover. A total con it must be.

wibble wibble now where's my tinfoil underpants.
Azrael23 said:
I`m saying it was built with such threats in mind, its not made of glass. Its a monolith of steel and concrete.

You can blow chunks out of it but its not going to fall in on itself....perfectly. Its certainly not going to melt inside....

You knowif you watched more trashy telly your world would be a lot simpler! :D ;)
How do you explain the complete destruction of the supporting beams which were the buildings feature?
If the building had collapsed they would remain. They did not remain and must therefore have been destroyed. How?
They obviously didn`t melt as was claimed.

So what other explaination can you provide?

Also how many skyscrapers have you seen collapse perfectly in on themselves? It was perfect. Watch it.
That there is a life, we should all be counting our lucky stars we are here or our grains of sand, and look at how many of them they are :)
Rad Nance said:
That there is a life, we should all be counting our lucky stars we are here or our grains of sand, and look at how many of them they are :)

Every species has a defence mechanism, that 6th sense for survival. The social instinct smells tyranny round the corner.... :mad: ;)
Azrael23 said:
How do you explain the complete destruction of the supporting beams which were the buildings feature?
If the building had collapsed they would remain. They did not remain and must therefore have been destroyed. How?
They obviously didn`t melt as was claimed.

So what other explaination can you provide?

Also how many skyscrapers have you seen collapse perfectly in on themselves? It was perfect. Watch it.

I hate to be rude, but you're an exceedingly tedious lunatic. Go away.
Azrael23 said:
How do you explain the complete destruction of the supporting beams which were the buildings feature?
If the building had collapsed they would remain. They did not remain and must therefore have been destroyed. How?
They obviously didn`t melt as was claimed.

So what other explaination can you provide?

Also how many skyscrapers have you seen collapse perfectly in on themselves? It was perfect. Watch it.
He's obviously right, which is why so many physicists and engineers agree with him. The scientific journals are full of it.
Donna Ferentes said:
He's obviously right, which is why so many physicists and engineers agree with him. The scientific journals are full of it.
link please... :)
kyser_soze said:
Fair play - read the rest of it tho and you'll see what I'm talking about.

I might do that now that i'm awake and refreshed after defeating real.

Rereading, i'd like to point out that i in no way believe or accept things just coz they 'fit my world view'. I hear a lot of this bandied about on urban, and i have nothing to do with that thank you. I question everything i hear. At times i check myself accepting something that i want to hear, but i see it and check it.

I had to point that out, coz it's vaguely insulting to my efforts to write down what I myself think, not what i want to think or what others want me to think.
Azrael23 said:
How do you explain the complete destruction of the supporting beams which were the buildings feature?
Yawn. Zzzz.

Anyway, about these faked Moon pictures.

Which ones, please?
Jazzz said:
Well, there weren't any such links on any previous occasion :)
I've posted up endless links to credible, peer reviewed research on the subject, whereas you've produced the usual pile of laughable fruitloop shit written by unqualified idiots that you - bizarrely - believe every word of.

But in line with our oft-stated policy on endlessly repeated 9/11 threads we will not be having another discussion on the topic.

I suggest you use the search function.

End of.
I'm sorry but I'm not letting you get away with that. You haven't linked to ANY peer-reviewed work concerning the collapse of the WTC. You have simply linked to things like popular mechanics (a magazine article) and NIST (government institution) or simply articles by the odd engineer.

Not one of those has been in a scientific journal and peer-reviewed. Also it's very fair to say that in none of those was the question of whether the towers may have collapsed due to explosives considered - they simply assume the collapse was due to fire and impact.

The only link that addresses that question that's been made is of course the Steve Jones paper, which is indeed 'peer-reviewed' (a term which you so often bandy but I fancy do not actually understand). Which concluded that the towers were demolished.

Anyway, that dealt with, back on with the thread, which is good-natured.
editor said:
I've posted up endless links to credible, peer reviewed research on the subject, whereas you've produced the usual pile of laughable fruitloop shit written by unqualified idiots that you - bizarrely - believe every word of.

But in line with our oft-stated policy on endlessly repeated 9/11 threads we will not be having another discussion on the topic.

I suggest you use the search function.

End of.

Your really quite rude. :)

and errr I think you`ll find the twin towers and WTC7 were demolished. Larry silverstein admitted that "we made the decision to pull..." He admitted that WTC7 was demolished, so why are we told that WTC7 was destroyed by fire?
Azrael23 said:
Your really quite rude. :)
He's just being friendly really. :)

and errr I think you`ll find the twin towers and WTC7 were demolished. Larry silverstein admitted that "we made the decision to pull..." He admitted that WTC7 was demolished, so why are we told that WTC7 was destroyed by fire?
That one has come up before, official line is that he was saying the firefighters should be 'pulled' from the building.
equationgirl said:
And how many people actually ever even considered the possibility of an aircraft, never mind a passenger plane, flying into a building?

Actually equationgirl, plenty. They even made a movie where planes were hijacked and on their way to smash into the twin towers. But the heroes of the day were on the ground and managed to override the planes' flying direction by using remote control... (made by fox movies)

And then there was all the intelligence that said it would happen. And then there was the empire state building that had a plane fly into it.

And then there's just the plain common sense that huge big fuck-off buildings are easy targets for mad pilot practice... y'know, like playing out a real video game!
fela fan said:
Actually equationgirl, plenty. They even made a movie where planes were hijacked and on their way to smash into the twin towers. But the heroes of the day were on the ground and managed to override the planes' flying direction by using remote control... (made by fox movies)

And then there was all the intelligence that said it would happen. And then there was the empire state building that had a plane fly into it.

And then there's just the plain common sense that huge big fuck-off buildings are easy targets for mad pilot practice... y'know, like playing out a real video game!

And the fact the military were running a drill at exactly the same time as 9/11 happened for the exact situation....that did happen.

But thats a coincedence right?

We`re all in this together my cynical friends.
And i'll reiterate my absolute top conspiracy theory:

the one told to us by american government about what happend on september 11, 2001. It's got everything, including the magic flying passport, and last minute how-to-fly a jumbo manuals in hire cars. The main suspect was also a business partner with the family of the US president. Also the hijackers all came from a nation with friendly ties to the US. But the US then go kick fuck out of afghanistand and iraq.

And then there was what officials called 'intelligence fatigue' where they said that they'd been told too much about al q'uaida's plans to fly into the buildings and/or attack new york, and hence didn't know what to believe any more.

And the wonderful coincidence that the thick twat running the country should be reading a kids book at the moment of the attacks.

A novellist writing all of this would be rejected by all publishers for being too far-fetched i reckon.
And please notice my moderator friends, this conspiracy theory i talk of is not the usual 'guff' about 911. I'm not talking about any steel, explosions, burning fuel, whatever, i'm questioning the events as told to us by the top US brass.

I think you should agree, it's all a bit of a story all in all! I wonder if anyone has listed all the coincidences in this theory presented to us by those that run the US.

Why, i might even do the research myself... ;)

[question, how many coincidences do there have to be before we think it can't be coincidence any more? One or two should be acceptable, but what about ten? 20? 30?]
Azrael23 said:
And the fact the military were running a drill at exactly the same time as 9/11 happened for the exact situation....that did happen.

But thats a coincedence right?

We`re all in this together my cynical friends.
Oh and one of those drills involved the hijacking of passenger jets on the same routes as the actual hijackers did, and another drill involved the crashing of a jet into the Pentagon! All on the day of 9-11 itself. I mean, fancy that!
Azrael23 said:
and errr I think you`ll find the twin towers and WTC7 were demolished. Larry silverstein admitted that "we made the decision to pull..." He admitted that WTC7 was demolished, so why are we told that WTC7 was destroyed by fire?
Right. That's it.

This thread is closed.

We're not going through this same shit all over again for the zillioneth time.

If you can't stop yourself repeating the same bollocks in never ending cycles, you'll have to find another site to do it on.

And I strongly advise against you starting another thread on the same subject. The mods have made their position very clear on threads that endlessly repeat themselves.
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