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Noam Chomsky: 9-11: Institutional Analysis vs. Conspiracy Theory

in the book, 'thanks for the memories' by Brice Taylor, Hope is alleged to be a man who 'owns' mind-controlled slaves (such as were created with project MKultra) and participates in their brain-washing. He was a 'slave-controller' who allegedly loaned out his slaves to presidents, world leaders and other influential figures (including british royalty), according to Brice, who herself claims to have been 'owned' and abused by Hope.

I don't know myself what Icke says about Bob Hope, but clearly he is not the only one with 'unusual' allegations about him.

What conclusions can we draw from this, comrades?

Namely this, a conclusion which by the way is compatible with the highest principles of Ingsoc - that David Icke is not the only fruit-the-loop looney tunes out there.
snouty warthog said:
Icke's work is about the gameplan of what he calls the illuminati. these are powerful and influential world figures, and a few of them happen to be Jewish, especially the bankers. talking about them doesn't make him anti-semitic.
I agree that his main agenda is the Illuminati (of any religion). I also think he is anti-semitic. The two are not mutually exclusive. Oh and he is anti-saurian, I don't like the way he assumes all of our lizard overlords are bad. What about the ones that are trying to change the system for the better from within? Why does he lump them all together as one homogenous identically-thinking group? Sounds pretty racist to me.
slaar said:
Why on earth does this make the slightest difference?
Good grief - no, why on earth would it matter when complaining if one is from the supposedly aggrieved party or not? It's neither here nor there, clearly. :rolleyes:
axon said:
I agree that his main agenda is the Illuminati (of any religion). I also think he is anti-semitic. The two are not mutually exclusive. Oh and he is anti-saurian, I don't like the way he assumes all of our lizard overlords are bad. What about the ones that are trying to change the system for the better from within? Why does he lump them all together as one homogenous identically-thinking group? Sounds pretty racist to me.

'Species-ist' surely?
If you are trying to persuade me that Icke is not a foaming fruitbat, I'm afraid you are going to have to try harder, Jazzz, as his foaming fruitbat books/utterances/beliefs (which include the bizarre belief that alien reptiles control the world and a disproprtionate number of powerful reptiles are from powerful Jewish families, or pretend to be Jewish) make his foaming fruit-battery all too obvious.

Was he any cop as a goalie?
axon said:
Oh and he is anti-saurian, I don't like the way he assumes all of our lizard overlords are bad. What about the ones that are trying to change the system for the better from within? Why does he lump them all together as one homogenous identically-thinking group? Sounds pretty racist to me.

Would you trust a lizard to oversee your country? What if what is good for lizards is not the best solution for humans.

I have to admit that I've lost track of this thread, never having heard of this Ickey guy, and not being interested in lizards [I prefer dogs as pets].
Shouldn't you at least change the topic, as any Chomsky relevance disappeared pages ago??
Badger Kitten said:
If you are trying to persuade me that Icke is not a foaming fruitbat, I'm afraid you are going to have to try harder, Jazzz, as his foaming fruitbat books/utterances/beliefs (which include the bizarre belief that alien reptiles control the world and a disproprtionate number of powerful reptiles are from powerful Jewish families, or pretend to be Jewish) make his foaming fruit-battery all too obvious.

Was he any cop as a goalie?
I'm not trying to persuade anyone on this thread that Icke is not a foaming fruitbat, least of all you bk. My duty on this thread is to insist that he is no anti-semitic foaming fruitbat. ;)

he played for Coventry City, so I suppose top flight for a while
Jazzz said:
Good grief - no, why on earth would it matter when complaining if one is from the supposedly aggrieved party or not? It's neither here nor there, clearly. :roll eyes:
I ran a reasonably successful anti-racist football comic.

I didn't need to be a victim of racism to put it together, neither did it made any difference to the message.

You're just clutching at straws.
Jazzz said:
Yes well that's what can happen when you discover you have no argument.

Yes Jazzz, you have no argument. You are in fact denying what is right in front of your eyes. What I can say to a man who outright denies the words right in front of him? I could call you mad, blind, stupid or even dishonest. But what good would that do?
snouty warthog said:
I think u've got yr figures wrong, axon. I don't think he's anti-semitic (I wouldn't be reading him if I thought that was his stance) nor raverdrew, nor jazzz. by yr calculations, therefore, there are 300 other posters in this thread who think he *is* anti-semitic.

Icke's work is about the gameplan of what he calls the illuminati. these are powerful and influential world figures, and a few of them happen to be Jewish, especially the bankers. talking about them doesn't make him anti-semitic.

ZAMB said:
Would you trust a lizard to oversee your country? What if what is good for lizards is not the best solution for humans.

And by simply swapping words as below, reveals the concept of a homogenous group that are responsible for all the world's ills. The way Icke seems to operate is comparable with conspiraloons who treat "The Government" as one single, focussed entity with superhuman powers, and anti-semites who treat the Jews as a powerful homogenous group all working together against the rest of the world.
axon said:
Would you trust a Jew to oversee your country? What if what is good for Jews is not the best solution for gentiles.
Of course it's all nonsense.

ZAMB said:
Shouldn't you at least change the topic, as any Chomsky relevance disappeared pages ago??
Who the fuck is Chomsky? :D
editor said:
I ran a reasonably successful anti-racist football comic.

I didn't need to be a victim of racism to put it together, neither did it made any difference to the message.

You're just clutching at straws.
I'm sure your comic was a fine project. But are you really saying it wouldn't have mattered what a black person's opinion of the issue was?
Blagsta said:
tsk. Capitals, oh dear, blagsta should know not to shout like that

:rolleyes: :(
Jazzz said:
But are you really saying it wouldn't have mattered what a black person's opinion of the issue was?
I've no idea why you're being so deliberately thick here, but you definitely don't need to be black to recognise racism, just like you don't need to be Jewish to spot an anti-Semite.
Well in this case I see a fair few people who have totally got it wrong. And as the only person who appears to be a member of the supposedly aggrieved party I think that's ironic.

In the case of your comic, had you found the only black people you knew were telling you you had got it wrong, I'm sure you might have thought a little before lecturing them.
axon said:
As an anti-semite might say if he momentarily got confused between lizards and Jews. (Not claiming Zamb is anti-semite btw)

I really reallly object to someone changing my words and then posting it as a quote. Surely there is a rule about this sort of trickery here????

Post 611
Trickery? I made it blatantly obvious that I had changed your words, but if it agrieves you I apologise.
Whoa - axon that is really, really not on, it is not at all obvious that you had changed his words, I certainly couldn't tell. In fact it wouldn't be on anyway to change someone's words under the title 'originally posted by' no matter how obvious. You must delete the quote.
Jazzz said:
Well in this case I see a fair few people who have totally got it wrong. And as the only person who appears to be a member of the supposedly aggrieved party I think that's ironic.
Ah. So you feel empowered to respond on the behalf of all Jews everywhere, and they al think the same as you, yes?
Jazzz said:
In the case of your comic, had you found the only black people you knew were telling you you had got it wrong, I'm sure you might have thought a little before lecturing them.
What the fuck are you on about now? Who was I "lecturing?" Who was telling me I "got it wrong"?

What the flying fuck are you gibbering on about? Are you on the Icke pills or something?

:confused: x off the scale.
Steady on editor. I don't speak for all Jews everywhere, no; that appears to be the duty of others on this thread. ;)

As I said, I'm sure your comic was a fine project. I merely pose the hypothetical situation that you might have thought twice about lecturing a black person had you disagreed over the issue (which I am quite sure would not have come about)
Jazzz said:
Whoa - axon that is really, really not on, it is not at all obvious that you had changed his words, I certainly couldn't tell.
Yes, but you can't tell that Icke is anti-semitic so you're probably not the best judge.
If zamb or the editor wants me to change it I will.
Jazzz said:
I merely pose the hypothetical situation that you might have thought twice about lecturing a black person had you disagreed over the issue (which I am quite sure would not have come about)
You 'merely posed' a stupid, off topic and irrelevant point.
axon said:
Yes, but you can't tell that Icke is anti-semitic so you're probably not the best judge.
If zamb or the editor wants me to change it I will.
I'd actually make a bloody good moderator ;) :p
Oh do give it a rest. You've been even more tedious than editor on the last few pages, and that's saying something. :rolleyes: :p
Jazzz said:
Oh do give it a rest. You've been even more tedious than editor on the last few pages, and that's saying something. :rolleyes: :p
*No one's* as tedious as you with your time-wasting, research free wild allegations, Jazzz.

If you were in charge of a website, it would be closed down on grounds of common decency.
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