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9/11 a conspiracy?

Jazzz said:
The flight manifests have not been released. We are told who the passengers were - that is not the same thing. The Jersey Girls appreciate the difference.
Why do you keep trying to associate yourself with them when you have absolutely no evidence that they believe in any of the bonkers tosh you believe in?

Anyone would think you're selfishly and tastelessly trying to exploit their campaign just to further your near religious belief in invisibly installed invisible explosives, sci-fi drones and miraculously disappearing planes.

The Jersey Girls have nothing to do with you. Just because you share one thing in common, that doesn't give you the right to suggest that they're somehow fighting right by your side on all your other lunatic beliefs.
editor as ever you completely fail to grasp the point - The Jersey Girls have not committed themselves to any theory about 9/11. You have no evidence that they believe the official theory.

And that, dear editor, is the theory on trial here. That's why they are asking all those questions.

That is why I support the Jersey Girls.

That is why the Jersey Girls have expressed support for conspiracy theorists.

We're all trying to get to the bottom of it.

Except you.
editor said:
Not loaded at all - talking about cooperative research you said:Specifically, which parts of the linked article make the 'official version' an "impossibility" please?

Compare this question with your previous one:

"Which part of the Co-operative research site proves that the 'official story' of 9/11 was "impossible"?"

You have now dropped the word 'proves'. Which makes it a very different question. Hence i can now offer a different answer.

And quite rightly you have put the word impossibility in inverted commas, recognising that i did not say it was impossible. I used qualifying language, something a journo should be able to pick up on.

As for which bits, let's just say the WHOLE DAMN WEBSITE makes believing the official version very very difficult, and to all intents and purposes, impossible. The only way we can avoid making the leap from 'very very difficult' to 'impossible' is to accept literally the most staggering levels of incompetence that is humanly possible to display.

Not even the americans can do that. And when one considers that they are the prime hegemony of the day, the biggest and most impregnable empire of history...

well, what more can i say.
Love the royal 'we' Jazzz, as if the widows of 9/11 victims really consider some bedroom conspiracy fan as someone sharing their grief, experience and expectations.

Haev you told them yet that you were quick to shout 'Huntley was innocent,' that you used to buy extra pure Pentawater and your pet immunization theories. I'm sure they'd be overjoying to have someone with your credibility and standing latching onto their coat-tails...

tarannau said:
Love the royal 'we' Jazzz, as if the widows of 9/11 victims really consider some bedroom conspiracy fan as someone sharing their grief, experience and expectations.

Haev you told them yet that you were quick to shout 'Huntley was innocent,' that you used to buy extra pure Pentawater and your pet immunization theories. I'm sure they'd be overjoying to have someone with your credibility and standing latching onto their coat-tails...

do you have anything to say about 9/11, or are you just turning up for personal attacks?
Do you have any personal involvement with 9-11, or are you just rubber-necking and grandstanding to satisy your own perverse conspiracy obsession?
fela fan said:
Compare this question with your previous one:

"Which part of the Co-operative research site proves that the 'official story' of 9/11 was "impossible"?"

You have now dropped the word 'proves'. Which makes it a very different question. Hence i can now offer a different answer.

And quite rightly you have put the word impossibility in inverted commas, recognising that i did not say it was impossible. I used qualifying language, something a journo should be able to pick up on.

As for which bits, let's just say the WHOLE DAMN WEBSITE makes believing the official version very very difficult, and to all intents and purposes, impossible. The only way we can avoid making the leap from 'very very difficult' to 'impossible' is to accept literally the most staggering levels of incompetence that is humanly possible to display.

Not even the americans can do that. And when one considers that they are the prime hegemony of the day, the biggest and most impregnable empire of history...

well, what more can i say.
Wow. What a wriggle.

You stated that there is material on that site that made it impossible for you "to accept the comedy story put out by the USG as to what happened."

So I'll ask again. Specifically, which material, please?
the royal we

tarannau said:
Love the royal 'we' Jazzz, as if the widows of 9/11 victims really consider some bedroom conspiracy fan as someone sharing their grief, experience and expectations.

"We've been over this many times before Fela, although you seem unable to grasp the distinction..."

So, you have a go at someone else for the exact same thing you do yourself.

What a fucking shock.
editor said:
Wow. What a wriggle.

You stated that there is material on that site that made it impossible for you "to accept the comedy story put out by the USG as to what happened."

So I'll ask again. Specifically, which material, please?

For the nth time you are misrepresenting me. Totally unsurprising.

I did not state that.

And in any case, i'll answer again: THE WHOLE DAMN LOT OF IT makes it very very difficult to believe, but really i should say impossible.

Do you get it now?? What is so hard about the bloody english language for you to understand?
fela fan said:
For the nth time you are misrepresenting me. Totally unsurprising.

I did not state that.

And in any case, i'll answer again: THE WHOLE DAMN LOT OF IT makes it very very difficult to believe, but really i should say impossible.
So, you're going for the long wriggle option today, yes?

I'll try again. Specifically, which statements on that site make it "very hard" and/or "impossible" for you to believe the 'official' version of events?

It's a straightforward question but you seem incapable of comprehending simple English.
fela fan said:
"We've been over this many times before Fela, although you seem unable to grasp the distinction..."

So, you have a go at someone else for the exact same thing you do yourself.

What a fucking shock.

What a non-sequitur Fela. What's that got to do with the price of fish?

I criticise you for being incapable, or choosing not to acknowledge, that you don't have to be 'for' or 'against' the official theory in full. I question Jazzz's need for involvement in the case, suggesting that it's vaguely insulting to consider himself part of the same group (note his use of the royal 'we') when the Jersey Girls have suffered genuine heartache and tragedy. This is just another conspiracy for the obsessed Jazzz to get his teeth into, with the victims' wishes largely ignored - no doubts the the parents of Huntley's victims, or David Kelly's family, loved Jazzz speculating wildly about their departed ones.

They aren't the same thing, are they? No matter how much you want to have a snide little pop at me.
editor said:
So, you're going for the long wriggle option today, yes?

I'll try again. Specifically, which statements on that site make it "very hard" and/or "impossible" for you to believe the 'official' version of events?

It's a straightforward question but you seem incapable of comprehending simple English.

It's a laugh. No editor, the comprehension problems are all yours. I've already answered you twice, and shall now do so for a third time:


Bloody hell, is that so difficult to understand? What the hell is wrong with you boy?
tarannau said:
What a non-sequitur Fela. What's that got to do with the price of fish?

I criticise you for being incapable, or choosing not to acknowledge, that you don't have to be 'for' or 'against' the official theory in full. I question Jazzz's need for involvement in the case, suggesting that it's vaguely insulting to consider himself part of the same group (note his use of the royal 'we') when the Jersey Girls have suffered genuine heartache and tragedy. This is just another conspiracy for the obsessed Jazzz to get his teeth into, with the victims' wishes largely ignored - no doubts the the parents of Huntley's victims, or David Kelly's family, loved Jazzz speculating wildly about their departed ones.

They aren't the same thing, are they? No matter how much you want to have a snide little pop at me.

Amazing. No, you had a pop at jazzz for using he 'royal we', and i quoted you from a recent post using the 'royal we'.

It makes you a blatant hypocrite. And don't flatter yourself that i want to have a pop at you. Yer a nobody, just like everybody on this forum. I just don't give a fucking hoot.
So that's another pile of evasive, sloppy detail-free bullshit then Fela. Do us the courtesy of properly quoting and referencing your sources.

You should know better - you're an academic after all.

fela fan said:

Bloody hell, is that so difficult to understand? What the hell is wrong with you boy?
This is like arguing with a child.

"What's wrong with your dinner?"

"I don't like it"

"Which bits don't you like"

"None of it. It's all horrible"

"But surely it can't all be horrible?"

"Don't care. I don't like it"

If you want to be taken seriously, trying assembling a grown up argument.
editor said:
If you want to be taken seriously, trying assembling a grown up argument.
Are you going to give it a try then? Because all I ever hear you do is fire off whiny questions!
fela fan said:
Amazing. No, you had a pop at jazzz for using he 'royal we', and i quoted you from a recent post using the 'royal we'.

It makes you a blatant hypocrite. And don't flatter yourself that i want to have a pop at you. Yer a nobody, just like everybody on this forum. I just don't give a fucking hoot.

Erm, what a fantastically pedantic post, and yet so wonderfully arse about tit as well. You've got to love the written comprehension skills of these academics haven't you?

Still, let me try and explain this very simply to you. When I've said 'We've been over this many times before Fela' I was referring to you and I and threads on this very board. When Jazzz talks about 'we' he's linking himself and his conspiracy-obsessed cohorts with the Jersey Girls and other 9/11 survivors, which I do find distasteful. Big fucking difference wouldn't you say?

So you can't take your desperately forced allegations of 'hypocrisy' and shovel them where the sun don't shine. I've rarely seen such a pathetic and inefffective attempt at points scoring to be honest...

Jazzz said:
Are you going to give it a try then? Because all I ever hear you do is fire off whiny questions!
They'll be the same "whiny questions" asked in direct response to your wild, evidence-free claims and the same "whiny questions" that you then run a mile from answering, yes?

If you're unwilling and unable to argue and back up your bonkers stories, perhaps you should stick to those lunatic websites where conspiracy obsessed nutcases trade ever madder stories to an ever diminishing audience.
tarannau said:
When Jazzz talks about 'we' he's linking himself and his conspiracy-obsessed cohorts with the Jersey Girls and other 9/11 survivors, which I do find distasteful. Big fucking difference wouldn't you say?

Oh how touching that you get offended on their behalf!

You see this isn't about me 'using' the Jersey Girls - they're leading the show, along with guys like William Rodriguez. Of course, if you are taking your cue from the recent BBC documentary, you won't be aware of this.

Why not watch ? I bet you haven't even seen it! You had better watch it though if you want to start telling me what the Jersey Girls are up to.

Here's their blurb

In 9/11: PRESS FOR TRUTH, five of the most prominent members of the Family Steering Committee, including three of the Jersey Girls (recently in the news after Ann Coulter's attacks), tell their story for the first time, providing the most powerful argument yet for why 9/11 still needs investigation.

Adapting Paul Thompson's definitive Complete 9/11 Timeline (published by HarperCollins as The Terror Timeline), the filmmakers stitch together rare, overlooked news clips, buried stories, and government press conferences, revealing a patternof official lies, deception, and spin.

perhaps you should also read some of the comments from their myspace associates. Do they find the 9/11 Truth Movement distasteful? Doesn't seem to be the case, funnily enough they seem to be leading it.

Wake up for god's sake! :rolleyes:
Jazzz said:
perhaps you should also read some of the comments from their myspace associates. Do they find the 9/11 Truth Movement distasteful? Doesn't seem to be the case, funnily enough they seem to be leading it.

Wake up for god's sake! :rolleyes:
You're now reduced to quoting MySpace as a source?!!!! OMG! LOL!

And just look at the important people lending their support: Mullets&MonsterTrucks, Oh:Em:Gee [Christ™], We®®e (X-Istence) and Santa.

You've gone beyond embarrassing now.
editor said:
This is like arguing with a child.

If you want to be taken seriously, trying assembling a grown up argument.

That's the trouble if you act like a child editor, you tend to get a similar reaction.

I don't want to be taken seriously, i don't care how i'm taken. It's irrelevant. I'm just here to put forward blindingly brilliant arguments, or nonsense. Which it is, or anything in between, will depend on the dear reader of course.

Now if you grow up yourself and show some manners towards those you don't agree with, then you just might get a similar reaction. Try it out, you might learn something new.
fela fan said:
Now if you grow up yourself and show some manners towards those you don't agree with, then you just might get a similar reaction. Try it out, you might learn something new.
This coming from the hypocritical buffoon who hurled the following abuse my way:
The most weaseling twisting eel on these threads.
Yep. I'm sure feeling the heat from your blindingly brilliant arguments today.
Hurled it eh? And was that from a year ago? And what was the context?

If that's the best you can do on finding abuse i've 'hurled' at you, and you know it is, and furthermore it took another poster to find it, then i think we can satisfactorily conclude that fela fan indeed is a rather polite debater on the whole.

Would you not agree old boy?
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