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Ex-Italian President: Intel Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job

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Backatcha Bandit said:
If the 'people who don't agree with me' are the sort of cunt that posts 'free republic' links, yeah, I'll 'froth and rant'.

And call them a cunt. :)
Ladies and Gentlemen. Allow me to introduce you to 100% Total Pwnage.

*drum roll

I give you a post from Backatcha Bandit where he links to free republic. Yes, that's right. The Lord Master of Hypocrisy and now a self declared 'cunt' did indeed link to that very site, right here:


But wait! There's more! He's linked to them not once, but twice!


Beyond LOL. Welcome to the PwnageDome, Backatcha!

:D :D :D
Crispy said:
I'm not saying you believed it - but it's a reaction you should have expected.
So each and every link posted by anyone could be interpreted as being a full endorsement of the credibility of the source in your opinion, even when there's a clear disclaimer attached to the post?

That's a mighty interesting way of looking at things.
editor said:
So each and every link posted by anyone could be interpreted as being a full endorsement of the credibility of the source in your opinion, even when there's a clear disclaimer attached to the post?

That's a mighty interesting way of looking at things.
It's the way I see you interpret things sometimes. Even sites like prisonplanet can have interesting smidgens of useful information on them.

I'm as skeptical as you when it comes to these conspiracy theory threads. I just think your aggressivly adversarial tactics don't help to calm things down.
Crispy said:
It's the way I see you interpret things sometimes. Even sites like prisonplanet can have interesting smidgens of useful information on them.
Indeed they can. But when they're being presented as proof of some wild fuckwit theory or another, they they deserve all the disdain they get.

See the difference?
Crispy said:
I'm as skeptical as you when it comes to these conspiracy theory threads. I just think your aggressivly adversarial tactics don't help to calm things down.
I don't think your 'wrong-end-of-the-stick' contribution in this thread has helped 'calm' things down much either, to be honest.
Crispy said:
Hasn't helped calm you down, that's for sure!
Compared to Backacha Bandit - who has been busy churning out a page-long abusive post and calling so many people 'cunts' he sounds like a Tourettes sufferer on speed - I am an island of absolute calmness, thanks.

Mind you, I'm expecting another explosion when he comes back to find he's self-pwned himself so spectacularly.

*runs to shelter.
Now that you've purged DrRingDing from these pages, I'd feel I should perhaps to take the opportunity to voice my opinion that 'BadgerKitten' and all her posts, to me at least, embody the truly myopic, naive, and frankly *stupid* worldview that I have come to associate with this forum.

I cannot begin to describe the utter disdain with which I view the attention-seeking moronicism so amply displayed by this worthless, vapid bint. It's as if the loathing I feel for such vidifeltch as 'Stars in Their Eyes' and the like has been amplified and multiplied then inflated into one gargantuan cunt-bubble of a 'look at me' entity which then exploded onto my screen, leaving it dripping with it's foul, fetid devil-jism.

Oh, surprise, surprise, a conspiraloon indulging himself in a frenzy of venomous personal attacks, yawn, how untypical. Well, as it is fairly clear from the FAQs that this is not a CT-indulgent board, why bother? Why not go and play somewhere else on the internet where you can foam on about the New World Order to your heart's content? But that wouldn't be as much fun and play to your martyr complex, would it? :rolleyes:
Am I the only person who assumed that Ed's linking to Freeper was at at laest half jokingly done, and somewhat in response to the OP and most other stuff about 9/11, in that it was a dodgy site, a dodgy story and akin to Kazz, B or whomever else linking to Prisonplanet and the rest? Have people lost ALL sense of humour about this?

While I'm at it... It never ceases to amaze me how vehement the Hopkin-esque trials anyone questioning the lies surrounding 9/11 or similar events are subjected to are on this board.

In 'meatspace', and elsewhere on the internet, people seem to split into two broad camps:

Those that hold the opinion that there is something deeply suspicious about the whole affair that suggests at least complicity by members of the 'Ruling Elite', if not outright culpability, and;

Those who say things like 'What do you mean, three buildings collapsed?'... etc. indicating no awareness of actual events.

I'm only going to address this part of your post of invective...

What a load of bollocks, quite frankly. There are many of us who don't fall into either camp, who accept that there is the possibility of US involvement, but that until someone provides actual evidence of this, or of a deliberate decision to ignore intel for the wider aim of allowing wars to be started.

Given what is known about the decision to invade Iraq, this would have happened irrespective of 9/11 - GWB and co were going to do it anyway; there is documentary evidence that it was seen within the administration as something that was 'inevitable', and given that 9/11 was only ever used as an adjunct to the spurious claim that Saddam helped finance it, as opposed to the acres of bullshit on WMD, that there is even a link between the two. Why invade Afghanistan? It's not resource rich, it's prooving to be as long-term a commitment for the US & NATO as Iraq, and doesn't have the oil factor going for it (yes I know there's a pipeline, which could have beenb routed through far more stable and friendly Caucasian states, it didn't have to go via Afghanistan).

Did part of the global elite get involved - yes. The Saudi's, who had been giving funding and suport to Al-Q for nearly a decade by this point. Don't see a huge amount written about their involvement in it all tho, do we?

The last point is the astonishing reasoning behind saying 'The USG MUST be invovled'...what, because despite the USG pissing the whole world off (a comment usually made by those positing 9/11 truths), it's utterly inconceivable that anyone other than the US could actually pull something like this off?

So there are many places inbetween being a frothy truther and not giving a toss about it - usually occupied by those of us who actually want to know what happned rather than only ever look at the words that confirm to an already made up mind...
Christ, that's really quite unpleasant and personal. Surprised he's still here.

Still BK, console yourself that you could have been a hero to these CT types had you queried the 'official' report. A single change of statement casting doubt abd you could have been deluged by conspiracy fans eveywhere, feted as a rebel against the system. How dare you not profit from events by acting like Alex Jones or Rodriquez and making a bigger name for yourself. Damn you eh.
tarannau said:
Christ, that's really quite unpleasant and personal. Surprised he's still here.

Shit, I only just saw that one. Have a day's break, bb - that was WAY over the line.

PS: What kyser said.
Cyril Sneer said:
What in particular was he banned for?
worthless, vapid bint
gargantuan cunt-bubble
foul, fetid devil-jism


I've had it up to here *taps eyebrows* with the abuse that goes on on these boards and I intend to stop turning a blind eye.

PS: I'm not going to go backdating everything. But I'm going to be more vigilant from now on.
Backatcha Bandit said:
Jesus fucking Christ on a moped.

or you're so thick that you really shouldn;'t be allowed to participate in debates.

The second, it seems.

Urban is, on average, slightly more intelligent after this banning.
It seems that only kyser and I understood the actual point that editor was making regarding the freeper post.
kyser_soze said:
Why invade Afghanistan? It's not resource rich, it's prooving to be as long-term a commitment for the US & NATO as Iraq, and doesn't have the oil factor going for it (yes I know there's a pipeline, which could have beenb routed through far more stable and friendly Caucasian states, it didn't have to go via Afghanistan).

Which other direction could it have gone though? I'm not an oil expert, but just looking at a map called, 'The Oil and Gas Fields of Central Asia' from the book 'the New Great Game', the oil in south eastern Turkmenistan, which is the one unocal was interested in, could go a number of ways.

1. Through Afganistan and pakistan to the Indian Ocean
2. Through Iran to the Persian Gulf
3. Through Russia and then Georgia to the Black Sea.
4. Across the Caspian sea, to Baku. Which would be rather more expensive in transportatiom terms.

Anyway, I'm rushing this, but these are my initial thoughts on that one. I'll dig out a map later so it makes more sense.
Crispy said:
I've had it up to here *taps eyebrows* with the abuse that goes on on these boards and I intend to stop turning a blind eye.

PS: I'm not going to go backdating everything. But I'm going to be more vigilant from now on.

Will that apply to the mods too?
Backatcha Bandit said:
That's original. If you wish to insult me, at least have the decency to try and think of a word or phrase that you haven't *just learned* from reading my post. If you can't manage that, at least punctuate your pathetic rhetorical question properly.
Oh you did use the word! Sorry, didn't bother to read your rant, skimed some bits and must have plucked that out.

Your hypocritical temper tantrum because the ed took the piss is deeply unimpressive, but by all means, carry on. You are only making yourself look silly.

kyser said:
Am I the only person who assumed that Ed's linking to Freeper was at at laest half jokingly done, and somewhat in response to the OP and most other stuff about 9/11, in that it was a dodgy site, a dodgy story and akin to Kazz, B or whomever else linking to Prisonplanet and the rest? Have people lost ALL sense of humour about this?
Me three, does that mean we're part of a clique now? :)
Cyril Sneer said:
Will that apply to the mods too?
That would be nice. Tricky though, who polices the police? etc.

Oh, and Snap! IP addresses and times of day match very well. Auf wiedersehen, Herr Doctor.
If ever I see a Mod using a gender-reductive phrases like 'vapid bint' and 'cunt-bubble' to someone who had the temerity to report, I assume accurately, on their direct experiences of the 7/7 bombings, then I'll be the first to complain Cyril.
I cant be going over the same old conspiracy theory bollocks, but that was a vicious, misogynist and throughly undeserved attack on BK.
Belushi said:
I cant be going over the same old conspiracy theory bollocks, but that was a vicious, misogynist and throughly undeserved attack on BK.

What are you, some sort of state agent :mad:
So Jazzz would you mind taking a minute from castigating BK for not taking a fucking lunatic seriously, and get on with answering what I wrote in post 281?

PS. I won't be letting this lie.
EddyBlack said:
Which other direction could it have gone though? I'm not an oil expert, but just looking at a map called, 'The Oil and Gas Fields of Central Asia' from the book 'the New Great Game', the oil in south eastern Turkmenistan, which is the one unocal was interested in, could go a number of ways.

1. Through Afganistan and pakistan to the Indian Ocean
2. Through Iran to the Persian Gulf
3. Through Russia and then Georgia to the Black Sea.
4. Across the Caspian sea, to Baku. Which would be rather more expensive in transportatiom terms.

Anyway, I'm rushing this, but these are my initial thoughts on that one. I'll dig out a map later so it makes more sense.

Similar maps of existing and mooted pipelines can be found in "Taliban: Islam, Oil and the New Great Game in Asia" and "Jihad: The Rise of Militant Islam in Central Asia", both by Ahmed Rashid, as well as in Michael Klare's "Blood and Oil".
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