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Boston Air Traffic Controller Says 9/11 An Inside Job

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I have just tried to listen to that audio interview. I lasted for 17 of the 30 minutes and finally became bored of that man rambling on and interrupting himself with the word 'okay' at regular intervals. It seems that the person whom it is claimed was an air-traffic controller believes that 9/11 was an inside job.

He talks interminably about how the radar system works and about the protocols in place for dealing with hi-jackings and other emergencies. It seems he just likes the sound of his own voice.

To me this audio clip is not itself evidence. It could be made up, with an actor doing the talking. It might be a real air traffic controller however but he offers no evidence just his personal belief from early in the proceedings it was an inside job. It might be of course but this is not evidence.
AFAIK, most historians of the third reich now think Van Der Lubbe actually did set the Reichstag ablaze.

From what I've heard of hom, VDL sounds like a good lad who was trying to do his bit, but chose the wrong method.
Azrael23, get some help. Seriously.

You're showing all the signs of psychotic paranoia and I speak as someone who's been there.

A course of olanzapine or quetiapine might help you get a bit of a grip on reality rather than repeatedly making an arse of yourself on here.

Go see your GP.
Azrael23 said:
Yes because the government, especially the US one...never lies...:rolleyes:

It was an inside job. Follow the money, type General Mahmoud Ahmed into google.

The "Criminalization of the State", is when war criminals legitimately occupy positions of authority, which enable them to decide "who are the criminals", when in fact they are the criminals.

Its the Nazis all over again and 9/11 was the reichstag fire.

Godwin's Law!

We win!

Hocus Eye. said:
I have just tried to listen to that audio interview. I lasted for 17 of the 30 minutes and finally became bored of that man rambling on and interrupting himself with the word 'okay' at regular intervals. It seems that the person whom it is claimed was an air-traffic controller believes that 9/11 was an inside job.

He talks interminably about how the radar system works and about the protocols in place for dealing with hi-jackings and other emergencies. It seems he just likes the sound of his own voice.

To me this audio clip is not itself evidence. It could be made up, with an actor doing the talking. It might be a real air traffic controller however but he offers no evidence just his personal belief from early in the proceedings it was an inside job. It might be of course but this is not evidence.
So he doesn't say that he saw it happen then?
Someone ban this dipshit again for his own sanity - at least on his other place forum he's surrounded by similarly mentally ill bullshitters...
pk said:
Someone ban this dipshit again for his own sanity - at least on his other place forum he's surrounded by similarly mentally ill bullshitters...

No, he's like a pet to some of us :cool:
Damn it Azrael & Jazz, I would have never believed you before saying that you are both loonspuds..

But hey this time you have tipped the scales..


Where do I sign up..
Bob_the_lost said:
So he doesn't say that he saw it happen then?

No he was at work that day in Boston looking at the radar screen. That is if he really was an air traffic controller from Boston.
OK I'm opening a book on what time this gets binned.:cool:

We'll bet in rollies, snout (Half oz's) and hob-knobs. In our future prison planet long after the 2pacolyps and subsequent fall of the state these will be the only form of currency accepted by the Truth Elders.

Hail Eris:cool:

Odds on the time of banning given discreetly by PM:D
Monkeygrinder's Organ said:
Anyone else see the baby pandas in the paper the other day? How cute are they?


I think this thread should be renamed 'the Panda Thread'.

Pandas are :cool:

Azreal posting more conspiracy stuff with no independent sources is not.
What would really piss the CT nuts off is if we all just post.. "Wow! That's amazing and I see what you mean." :)
Hocus Eye. said:
I lasted for 17 of the 30 minutes and finally became bored of that man rambling on and interrupting himself with the word 'okay' at regular intervals.


but this is not evidence.
Respect! You managed 2 mins and 32 seconds more than me! :D

More "I know what shuld have happened and if it didn't then it must mean that it was an inside job" / "Stands to reason, dunnit" evidence-free bollocks.
Azrael23 said:
I`ll shut up when

A) its all over

B) They`re prising the megaphone from my cold dead hand.

C) I get locked up and tortured

D) When you get perma-banned for posting up irrelevant personal information about another poster yet again.
Jazzz said:
oh hi garf, how's it going? :)
fine chap but really this stuff isn't revolutionary or new now ...

one day i really hope you end up beign right not that i can see what that'll achive but seriously ... we are all talked out on this one...
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